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Old 05 October 2003, 07:59   #1
Country: UK - England
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Are Narwhals really that bad?

Having recently started looking for a secondhand 5-6M rib, I was looking at some of the discussions about Narwhal, and wondered whether anyone had any good feedback? or should they be avoided?

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Old 05 October 2003, 10:50   #2
Country: UK - England
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Hi Malcolm

Not sure of this will help, but I had a 4 metre Narwhal for a while and it was excellent.

She rode quite high in the water, and took some getting used to after an Avon Searider 4 metre, but once I had become used to the different handling characteristics I found she could cope with most things, and we had some great times in her.

Whilst in Cherbourg we came across a couple of larger Narwhals, about 5.5 - 6 metre if I recall right, and they seemed to be handing the conditions as well as we were.

Hope this helps

Carpe pm
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Old 06 October 2003, 07:02   #3
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Mine was incorrectly manufactured and was faulty after a few months but if it is second hand, I guess that any problems would have appeared by now.
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Old 06 October 2003, 07:12   #4
Country: UK - England
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There will always be problems with any type you buy - look at the problems Charles had with his Scorpion - but these are thankfully quite rare.

The Narwhal I had was second hand when I bought it - 3 years old - and is still going strong 2 years later.

As you rightly say thouhg, if the RIB is second hand a good check over and sea trial will highlight any major problems
Carpe pm
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Old 06 October 2003, 08:18   #5
Country: UK - Scotland
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I gotta agree with Graeme here. I currently have a Narwhal 4m with a 40hp 2-stroke on the blunt end, and prior to that had a 4m Avon Searider with a similar powerplant. At first the Narwhal felt skittish compared to the Avon, but she handles very well and I have never felt 'unsafe' when out in her, even in biggish waves. On my Avon, the seating was a side by side jobbie, you sat down inside the boat with your backside about six inches above the deck. On my Narwhal, its a 2 man jockey console, so your backside is a good bit higher, giving you, as the driver, a higher centre of gravity. This feels soooooooo different, and coupled with a difference in hull design gives a 'different' ride, not neccesarily a 'worse' one. Different cars feel differently on the road, you gotta expect different boats to do the same.
Me - I love my wee Narwhal and anybody else who has tried her has liked her too!

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Old 06 October 2003, 15:51   #6
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I have a 1994 5.2m Narwhal and am completly satisfied with it. The less utilitarian look and added advantage of an anchor locker sold it for me.

There is a thread going back a few months in which it was discussed if you do a search - from the little info I have seen there was a change in the company as the two owners split and there appears to have been a decrease in quality since.

So as with many thinks maybe the older ones are better. I think as with most RIB's it probably depends how it has been looked after. As they have hypatext tubes they may be more susseptable to UV so stored under cover would be a bonus.

I have found the ride good if a little wet sometimes (no windscreen).

Malcolm if you want any more info give me shout, or if your ever in the Cardiff area give me a shout and we can try and sort out a spin.


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Old 09 October 2003, 21:02   #7
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for the feedback, particularly the offer to go out for a try. I am still looking around for the first boat. It is not as straight forward as I first thought

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Old 09 October 2003, 21:31   #8
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The bow tube on my old Narwhal came apart from the hull in spectacular fashion probably around 3metres back on the stbd side, and about 1metre on the port hand side. I had the family on board at the time, and we very nearly got very very wet - thankfully my glue job from the previous winter held, and the tube didn't come off right back to the transom. As it was, we had to pile everyone to the back of the boat, and trim the engine right up to keep the water from gushing in.

On a positive note though, it planed very easily, and I maxed out at around 33knots with the 75 Tohatsu bolted to the back. In rougher conditions it got a bit wet, and anyone sitting on the bow locker really felt every ripple

I had a 5m model of early 1990 era, but some of the newer ones I've seen seem to have deeper 'v' hulls at the back end, which would make the general ride a lot smoother, almost like my current Humber which softly goes through just about all waves.

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Old 11 October 2003, 16:42   #9
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sorry for changing the subjuct quite a lot but i think i have to perfect first rib for you. Its a vailiant v-490 in briliant condition.

Bigger boat on the way forces sale, check it out at www.boatsandoutboards.com/view/F22021.
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