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Old 13 January 2002, 21:48   #1
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At last - my own RIB

Hi folks,

After a long search, I have just become the proud owner of my first RIB (details left – alright it’s not the biggest in the world but everyone has to start somewhere!!) and am now looking forward to enjoying the sport as much as the rest of the forum members appear to do.

I did my RYA Powerboat 1, 2 & Advanced last year and now hope to put the teaching into practice. (I've already bought the dry-suit and practiced standing under a cold shower tearing up pound notes!!) However, there are a couple of points I would like advice on:

1. Has anyone have any suggestions as to a minimum tool kit to be carried – I’ve got my own list which looks like it would be enough to repair the QE2 – also any suggestions for storage of said kit?

2. My insurance co. require that the o/b is fitted with a security device – any recommendations/one to avoid?

3. Any ideas as to the possible fuel consumption of a Mariner 60 ELPTO 2T driven (hopefully) reasonably efficiently at about 25kn? I know this is like asking “how long is a piece of string” but a rough idea would suffice until I get down to finding out the hard way.

That’s all for now but I’m sure, like Keith, other questions will arise before too long.

Thanks in advance for any help

Peter(now a very happy bunny) T
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Old 14 January 2002, 06:03   #2
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Congratulations Peter and very best of luck with the new Rib, it sounds great.

"...(alright it’s not the biggest in the world but everyone has to start somewhere!!)"

You know what we chaps say Peter - 'It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it that matters.'

As you know I've got just about the smallest one on RibNet, but I can tell you, I have a trememdous amount of fun with it.

Have you been out in your new boat yet? What have you got planned?


Keith (may your tubes stay forever pumped up) Hart
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Old 14 January 2002, 12:22   #3
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Hi Peter,

Congrats and welcome to the rubbery world of ribbing! The 4.8m Ribcraft is an excellent boat as its RB4 exploits testify!

In terms of tool kit I am somewhat of a minimalist - basic spanners, screwdrivers, pliers, gaffer tape etc etc. Why? Well realistically how much engine/boat repair are you going to be able to do, stopped in a seaway on a small boat? How much technical knowledge do you have? We've got a very sophisiticated optimax fuel injected outboard which basically comes under the heading of "no user servicable parts!" As you are space constrained I think the minimalist approach is doubly important. As far as engine spares are concerned - plugs, wd40, fuses etc. Keep it all in a plastic icecream tub or perhaps a flarebox to be waterproof.

Can't help on antitheft device but there are several on the market.

Fuel consumption - rule on thumb on 2 strokes is 9 gallons per hour per hundred hp at Wide Open Throttle (full throttle). That would give you something in the order of 5gph. Maybe a tad less. So run efficiently at 3/4 throttle perhaps 3gph. Best thing is to suck it and see. If you are running 5 gallon tanks run one dry and see how long it takes. (whilst carrying another of course!)

Finally, join BIBOA. You know it makes sense!

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Old 14 January 2002, 12:56   #4
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Hi Peter,
Finaly got my boat on Saturday, so am in the same situation as you!

As far as tools go, when I have been teaching in Scout boats, I generally have a Gerber multi-tool ( the one with pliers, screwdriver, knife etc on it) as part of my personal kit - usually in bouyancy aid pocket and as part of the boats kit have spare plugs, plug spanner, wd40 and a couple more screwdrivers. Not really worth carring much more as there is not a hell of a lot you can do afloat and the chances are, whatever tools you have aboard wil end up rusty!
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Old 14 January 2002, 14:37   #5
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Hi Peter,

Hope you have as mainy years of fun as I have had. I've owned a 4.8/Mariner 60 for 5 years and its still going well.

Re: Toolkit - Best advice here is try to think of some of the things that may go wrong or come loose! Have the right size spanners for the engine mounts, a-frame, steering arm, spark plugs etc.
I got a cheapish socket set from Argos (thanks to the BP premiercard ) and a couple of adjustables too.
Spare fuses, bulbs are more than useful.
At the end of the day, as already mentioned by others, the list could be endless but a good trial for the on boat toolkit is to try using it when your ashore to do some maintenence etc. You'll soon find out whats worth having and whats not.
Tupperware boxs are probably the cheapest to store things in. Solent plastics, who are usually at Ribex, sell allsorts of waterproof boxes that may be useful..

Re: Security device.. I got mine from Ribcraft, it looks like an extra engine mounting bolt. Give them a ring as I sure they will know as I've forgotten the name of it!!.

Re: Fuel consumption.. From experience, I always work out fuel requires for trips based on 1 litre per Nautical Mile. That leaves a bit of spare in the tank too. Optimum cruising speed is around 18 knots (approx 3500 rpm) assuming you have the standard factor fit prop.

Hope this helps and wish you many happy hours of fun..

Steve Lamacq
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Old 14 January 2002, 15:40   #6
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I too have just recently purchased first RIB, having had range of speedboats / cuddy cabin over the last 10 years.

Despite cold ventured out yesterday for first time & first impressions were excellent, however only pottered around Portsmouth harbour as had 6 year old son on board.

Suggest keep tools to a minimum: Sparkplug spanner, spare prop & tool, something to disconnect battery in a hurry if you havn't got a cut-out switch. Modern multitools are usefull which include a number of useful tools within one.

Far more valuable are : Sea Anchor / Anchor, flares, VHF or mobile with pre stored local coastguard station.

Sea Start looks usefull ?

As you are based in Leatherhead where will you be launching ?
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Old 14 January 2002, 15:40   #7
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Just found engine lock on-line:
Then Marine --> Boat Accessories. Shows the "Fulton Outboard Motor Lock"
Also have a neat fuel line lock to secure onto engine.
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Old 14 January 2002, 16:34   #8
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Hi there again, it's really great to see all you chaps getting your new boats.

I must agree about the engine tools. I purchased a new engine to be sure that it was reliable, of course it's only 15hp. The chap at Caley Marina told me that the most important thing to do is flush it out with fresh water before any lay up and to run it dry of fuel (2 stroke).

I carry one of those multi tool things with pliers, knives etc. and no other tools apart from a plug spanner. I don't honestly think I could do any running repairs so the tool thingy is really incase I get the prop fouled. Gaffer tape is always useful, you can use it to temporarily bodge together all sorts of things in an emergency!

Now for my QUESTION.....

I do not carry an anchor in my little boat. Should I? Bearing in mind that I only go exploring inshore, and it is a small boat (3.4m). I did consider getting a sea anchor, which would be light and easy to stow, after all I am limited for space. As far as I understand the sea anchor is usefull if you have a breakdown as it will stop you from drifting any further.

I have mobile telephone, handheld marine radio and (now - thanks to Santa Claus) a GPS. Should I get a sea anchor?


Keith Hart
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Old 14 January 2002, 16:59   #9
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By inshore do you really mean inshore as in on the sea but close to the land OR inland as in on rivers, lochs etc?
In either case, a sea anchor will reduce the affect of you being driven by the wind, but the current, tide or river flow will still move you.
Whereas a proper "on the bottom" type anchor should hold you completely still.
All depends on what you want to achieve....
For a "proper" anchor, I would suggest a simple folding grapnel anchor with short length of chain and long line. Lengths will actually depend on depths you are planning to use it in, ideally to give the shallowest possible angle down the line to the bottom.
Apologies if I am stating the obvious!
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Old 14 January 2002, 19:57   #10
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Hi Andy,

Believe me, I find NOTHING obvious. Thanks for the comments. I never even considered the fact that a sea anchor would only act against the wind!

By inshore I mean within 2 or 3 miles of land and also the wonderful sea lochs and firths around the Highlands. I don't WANT to have to carry an anchor and a length of chain. But if it is considered a necessary safety aid then I will do so. However it would mean it would have to go into some sort of hard container as I wouldn't want to risk damaging my inflatable deck. This would take up a lot of room in a small boat.

By the way I excelled myself when I was up in the Highlands last week. I went out from portmahomack (with my new gps) and we carried on past Tarbat Lighthouse, that was the furthest I had been in that direction. I could see the buoy that marks the approach to the Dornoch Firth in the distance. There were a couple of lobster boats out in the area so I was feeling quite confident. I heard them chatting on the radio so I knew we could contact them if needed. The sea was fairly flat but it got a bit more lively as we came out past the lee of Tarbat Ness, but nothing to worry about.

The buoy, which had always looked like a tiny dot was beginning to take shape. I carefully made my way over to it and after a short while there we were, going right round the buoy! Wow, it was great, those things are massive up close. I was feeling like a real sailor by then. Afterwards we made out way back closer in to the shore and then back to Portmahomack watching out for seals along the coast.

When we got back in I felt really pleased with myself, I had a great sense of achievement. The way the little inflatable and engine handled gave me a lot of confidence. The engine was as smooth as silk and never missed a beat. The boat was really stable and handled the choppy waves really well. I don't think I would have felt so confident in a conventional boat the same size! (Take note Galadriel!). I also felt a lot better knowing that if the clear skies had taken a turn for the worse I could have navigated back in poor visibility using the gps.

Having had the gps with us I was able to check out all the details of the trip. Max speed 19.7 mph, trip distance 10 miles, average speed 7mph (we spent some time going very slow whilst we were drinking our flask of soup) and a tracklog which we could plot out on the chart when we got back.

Yes, I know that this trip was litterally a drop in the ocean compared to what everyone else on RibNet does, BUT, for ME it was a real adventure. I had 'expanded my envelope', and I had learned a lot about my little boat. My TRUST in the boat certainly grew that day.

When I returned to our cottage I got the chart out. Crikey! We were out (just) into the white bit. I've only ever been into the light blue before. Now when I look at the chart and see that buoy I can say, "I've been round that".

I am now ready for my next adventure, from Hilton of Cadbol into the Moray Firth, round the Kings Reef Buoy (East Cardinal Marker), then through the Sutors and into Cromarty Firth and then landing at Cromarty for a cup of tea in one of the 'Tea Shops'.

One step at a time eh!

These boat things are great, aren't they. Big, small, Rib, inflatable, single engine, twin engine, inboard etc. It really doesn't matter. What counts is going out and doing it. Getting back to the start of this thread, you chaps with your new boats have a lot to look forward to, I feel excited for you. I know that I am counting the weeks untill I am back up in Scotland again.

Welcome to the world of Ribs and inflatable boats fellas, but be WARNED it's damned addictive.


Keith (sore fingers with so much typing) Hart
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Old 14 January 2002, 20:26   #11
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Hillock through transom with key will satisfy most insurers;most boat marts etc. stock them.

An anchor is essential whatever size of boat you have-if you break down it will keep you in the same location unless weather conditions are so bad that it drags.In theory it should keep you off a lee shore and give you some options such as


Mobile - Coastguard/wife /mother

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Old 14 January 2002, 22:37   #12
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Many thanks.......

Many thanks, you guys, for all your very useful comments

Keith – I know what you mean about size but I would not go anywhere without an anchor – if you store it in a soft, strong sailbag it should not cause a problem.

Alan – thanks for info - I’ve just sent my BIBOA Application form off, honest!!!

agr46942 – looks like the old Leatherman is going to of use at last and thanks for the link.

LamacqS – I have spoken to RC and ordered a o/b lock from them – thanks for info on fuel consumption. I do have a 55litre under-deck tank so I suppose a 2-gal plastic tank secured on deck would act as a suitable reserve. I also have a SS prop which I believe from other posts can help with fuel consumption.

Matiboy – I do have h/h & fixed VHF; mobile; anchor and flares but a sea anchor seems like a very good idea. See PM re: launching site.

Peter T
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Old 15 January 2002, 09:14   #13
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Congratulations on your purchase -- I hope your first season goes well!

I would suggest that you got to Halfords or somewhere similar and invest a few pounds in a set of tools to keep on the boat permanently. Otherwise (if you're anything like me) you'll forget to dig out what you want to take from your main tool kit and only realise when you get the boat on the water

This should cover most eventualities:

- small tool box
- screwdriver with variety of changeable bits
- small socket set
- small spanner set
- pliers (regular and long nose)
- side cutters
- plug spanner

It's also worth packing a tin of WD40, some cable ties and a roll of gaffer tape. If this lot won't fix it, then it's broken

Don't buy anything expensive as it will get trashed by salt water, or dropped overboard. Don't got to the other extreme though and buy tools from the pound shop, as they will break when you most need them!

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Old 15 January 2002, 21:01   #14
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As for the fuel usage, we used 6 gph at 26 knots on the Round Scotland trip in 92, the boat was an Osprey Sparrrowhawk (5.2) with Merc 60 hp. We found the 13 Alu prop the correct size when the boat was loaded with two people, 30 gals of fuel, spare 4 hpand full BIBOA kit for racing achieving 5500 revs. The 14 " prop only reached WOT if the boat was empty. The engine was brand new before the start and well run in on completion of the week and about 520 miles.

Oh yes we won class A, then up to 60 hp. The onl problem with the boat and engine was the "air box" bolts coming loose on one leg. Probably because we had used slick 50 in the engine before going and not lock tighted the bolts back in afterwards as we did with all the other bolts on the whole boat.
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Old 16 January 2002, 16:37   #15
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The other vital piece of kit........

is a decent knife! Potlines, mooring lines (in an emergency), towing lines (ditto) and mutinous crewmembers for the use of!
Dive knives are ideal being small and usually coming with a handy holster you can bolt onto the boat somewhere. Ours is on the underside of one of the seat pod cushions. Out of the way but easily accessible!

HTH Alan
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Old 16 January 2002, 18:08   #16
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Two other things worth a mention:
The most common problems with outboards are fuel and prop.
I always carry at least one complete spare means of getting fuel into the engine, i.e. spare fuel in a separate tank with a spare fuel line. Having had so many blockages due to bad fuel or dirt/rubber/wood/anything in the tank it is just such a quick problem solver having a spare tank/line ready for use. It is common to get the primer bulb and/or line blocked with junk!
For longer (or solo) trips I also carry a spare )albeit well beaten) prop, plus any prop-fitting-bits that you might drop overboard - if you snag something you can easily wreck the rubber clutch in the prop. I have also been known to drop a prop overboard when trying to clear alobster pot from the engine!
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Old 25 January 2002, 02:28   #17
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Congradulations on getting your RIB Peter. I'm about to become a new RIBster myself so can understand your enthusiasm.

Regarding your mention of your RIB's size; less is often more. I have owned several glass boats of various sizes and I can tell you that I've never had more fun with any of them than I did with a 16 foot (I'm an American and I haven't got the metric thing down quite yet) Achilles pure inflatable with a 40HP Yamaha and a tiller. Smaller boats can get into places that larger ones can not. When my kids were young we used to take that little boat camping all over New England. My kids waterskied, we took it up freshwater inlets to view moose as well as out to explore islands off of the coast. It gave a punishing ride (soft bottom) but it was lots of fun.

I've been trying to explain to my wife for years that I simply need two boats; one big and one small. She never bought into that theory but she liked the Achilles so she's pretty excited about the rib too.

Best of luck with the new RIB Peter!

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Old 25 January 2002, 06:10   #18
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Phil, I like you already...

Keith (smallest boat on RibNet) Hart
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Old 25 January 2002, 08:21   #19
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I have a 4 metre avon searider with a yamaha 40hp 2 stroke. In addition to a small toolkit I also take a starting rope just in case the electric starting system fails. Its remarkably easy to hand start. It appears to start even with the battery disconnected. What I do not know is if it would still start with the battery shorted out by sea water during a swamping but it would solve any problems such as a float battery/broken strater motor.. I am not sure if a 60hp will have a back up hand starting facility (might be too big) but I would say it is worth checking.
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Old 31 January 2002, 18:10   #20
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You REALLY expressed my personal thoughts with those feelings. I suppose you have a gift in writting. As I was reading your lines it was like I had them written.
Now let me give you a piece of advice. When you listen to your portable VHF tranceiver to some vessels, give a try and tell them a "hello". If they answer to your call THEN you have a proof that they can hear you. Othewise it may be that you can listen to them but they can not listen to you. That may be because you transmit with 5 Watts (maximum*) and a rubber antenna and they transmit with 25 W and most propably with high gain antennas.

(*) The first 2 or 3 press of the PTT (Push to talk) switch you get the highest output, then step by step the Ni - Cd battery looses its power and the output drops.
Michael a.k.a "Bat Falcon"

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