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Old 04 July 2020, 22:30   #21
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Originally Posted by beamishken View Post
Tying off to the painter is the best option, it saves ropes running over tubes and also allows the bow to rise easier over any rollers as its tied off nice and low. Tying over the tubes pulls the bow down and makes it easier for the boat to get swamped
It's ONLY way to go in ANY type Sea or Running Tide
...Never put the Anchor line over the Tubes unless you have a roller guide or run groove for it....and then ONLY in the most benign sheltered calmest of anchorages and only for short periods.
When you have to anchor in open Sea ...especially in an emergency and/or Rough Sea conditions.
An extra shorter length of rope attached to the painter (simple loop knot works and takes seconds) left slack and tied to the Fore Cleat on deck ....(whilst the main Anchor line is attached directly to your Bow eye) will aid you no end in recovering the Anchor Rope for haul in!
This is goes for practically all Water craft,but RIB's extenuated overhang because of the Tubes makes it all the more important ..especially if you have a Bigger RIB...High Shear Bow...and if any size Sea/Swell is running saves 100% you having to lean over the Bow to grab the Painter/Anchor line by hand!.....not somewhere you want to be in Rough Conditons! is very easy to over balance and get thrown from your own Rising and Pitching Boat without it!!
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Old 04 July 2020, 23:18   #22
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Originally Posted by Maximus View Post
It's ONLY way to go in ANY type Sea or Running Tide
...Never put the Anchor line over the Tubes unless you have a roller guide or run groove for it....and then ONLY in the most benign sheltered calmest of anchorages and only for short periods.
When you have to anchor in open Sea ...especially in an emergency and/or Rough Sea conditions.
An extra shorter length of rope attached to the painter (simple loop knot works and takes seconds) left slack and tied to the Fore Cleat on deck ....(whilst the main Anchor line is attached directly to your Bow eye) will aid you no end in recovering the Anchor Rope for haul in!
This is goes for practically all Water craft,but RIB's extenuated overhang because of the Tubes makes it all the more important ..especially if you have a Bigger RIB...High Shear Bow...and if any size Sea/Swell is running saves 100% you having to lean over the Bow to grab the Painter/Anchor line by hand!.....not somewhere you want to be in Rough Conditons! is very easy to over balance and get thrown from your own Rising and Pitching Boat without it!!
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Old 05 July 2020, 02:32   #23
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Use a float near the end of the line!
I have a clip at the end of my anchor line which attaches to the obvious place, which is the bow handle. I shorten it by looping the line at a shorter length and joing that to the clip in the bow handle.
About a meter from the end of the line ,I have a float, so, you can abandon the anchor line and still retrieve it.
This way, you can mark an area, if doing a search, or retrieve the anchor if snagged, at a later time.
When I was in the Manukau Volunteer Coastguard here in Auckland NZ, we were searching at night and tried to do an aircraft style square pattern a base leg, followed by a down wind leg, then crosswind leg, the final approach.
With the wind and tide, we bumped into the float after the first two legs.......
We were under way, at slow speed and shutting the engine off , whistling and listening, search lights, but tried to do each step consistently for accuracy.
Wind and tide can be tricky stuff at night.
This was in the late 90s when "cutter boats" that is members own boats could be used in a search, and we got free gas if the job had Police numbers.
I had a4.2 Zodiac Futura with no gps, and hand held spot light running off the plug in a 50 Yamaha.
We got a live one!
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Old 05 July 2020, 09:00   #24
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Originally Posted by Uh Oh View Post
Links not working mate. I should be able to find it though. Thank you

Forget that. It is working. Much appreciated.
My painter has a large stainless clip attached via an eye that's been woven into the rope.

A good knot such as a figure of 8 in the painter then clip with a carried crab would do it.
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Old 05 July 2020, 10:30   #25
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Originally Posted by treerat View Post
My painter has a large stainless clip attached via an eye that's been woven into the rope.

A good knot such as a figure of 8 in the painter then clip with a carried crab would do it.
Thank you
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Old 05 July 2020, 14:19   #26
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OI see you have a relatively small RIB by your profile...and a shallow V low shear ?..which will make things somewhat easier for you.
If do you use a float/Bouy .... And I used to ...when I had an Orkney Longliner Hard Boat.and used to anchor at Sea lot more frequently for uptideing.It has to be quite large and bulky in the very strong Tides/currents I often encounterd (and still do) in my area of the Bristol Chanell it has to be secured when not in use ....and stored above deck taking up valuable deck space!....for its relatively infrequent use...and my method wasn't worth it.
...A Deep V RIB as explained sits much higher in the water than displacement craft and you still have to lean over the Bow to grab the Anchor line attached to the Bow Haul in or use a Boat hook ..again more litter to be carried.
A big difference Is of course.. Decent RIB will cope easily with conditions you wouldn't consider in most other Craft especially Fishing Boats of the same or similar size...and the rougher it is the more fraught simple operations moving about on deck become...
Another big plus for me is I can do it all single handed ie. Pull my self up onto the Anchor with no need to power up...although it is a good idea to start the engine and stick her neutral before you haul anchor on your own
I'm often solo.
Having used both methods believe me mine wins out when it's Knarley.... If only because you can brace yourself against the Tubes and not have to lean halfway out of the Boat....takes up no room and is easily rigged.
The system works with offshore Mooring on Bouys too including the very large heavy Metal Yaughting types found in places like the Scillies
When I also use a shortish Mooring Strop with a Large SS Clip that again can be tied (looped) directly to the painter which can then be deployed/played out at any length deemed suitable.....
Never put Rope to Metal or you might wake up to find you're Painter worn through and your Pride and Joy gone!
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