04 July 2011, 16:30
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SeaRider SR4
Make: Avon
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Posts: 28
Attention all AVON-pro's; What kind of RIB I got here...?
I'm currently working on one of these, but I don't know much about it. I can't anything on the boat which provides me any info about brand, weight, engine size etc. I'm almost sure it's an Avon, but does anybody know which type and from what year?
More importantly; are the tubes made of Hypalon or some kind of PVC material?
Some distinctive features:
- It appears it had a orange cloth stretched at the front of the boat, more commonly seen on some inflatables. (this cloth was obviously cut by some retard)
- The end of both tubes are pointy, and the air-valves are sunken in the tubes.
- The stainless frame at the transom appears to a later add-on, but the boat allows for a construction of that shape.
- Pretty deep-V hull design for this size of RIB (in my opinion)
Some pictures below which hopefully will explain a lot more:
"Only the dead have seen the end of boating.."
05 July 2011, 11:56
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SeaRider SR4
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55HP Yam
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 28
Any takers.....?
"Only the dead have seen the end of boating.."
06 July 2011, 05:18
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definitely looks like an avon to me. They stopped using the covered bow late 80's (i think) Based on this, the tubes should be hypalon. Look on the underside of the orange flap of whats left of the bow dodger, if it is black on the underside it is most likely hypalon. I know this holds true for older zodiacs, but not sure about avon. The valves look like avons as well, but i've never seen them sunken in like that. Also, it looks like solas tape on the tube? maybe the boat was used as a lifeboat on a cruise ship or ferry.
06 July 2011, 09:53
Country: UK - England
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looks like an Avon Searider to me, probably the 5.4m version.
Flooding hull appears to have been blocked, and transom looks odd, so maybe it is a replacement.
The blocks on the deck at the stern that the a-frame bolts to should have stainless bars going direct to the transom for strength and support. I'm not sure the current set-up is really sufficient.
Normally max engine size is 90hp, but some were apparently rated to 115.
Do a search on here for loads of info on Seariders. If it is indeed a searider, it will be hypalon.
06 July 2011, 10:53
Country: UK - England
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I agree that it's quite possibly a SeaRider.
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06 July 2011, 11:25
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I'm no expert (as you know), but I don't think it is a 5.4m Sea Rider. If you look at the attached photo of the transom / hull of a 5.4m Sea Rider you will see that the "V" shape of the SR is deeper (IMHO) and the inner chines appear more pronounced and there is a larger "flat" area where the tubes meet the hull. Sorry that doesn't help much with your question - I'll have a look around the Dry Stack and see if I can find a RIB with a similar profile and if so I'll post a pic. Good Luck
06 July 2011, 11:41
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The tubes and cut off bow dodger do look very Avon and searider like, but I agree the hull shape looks wrong.
The shallower 'V', small Chines, and shape where the tubes meet the hull reminds me of a Flatacraft, but I'm not sure past that.
Question is of course, does it matter what it is?
Apart from insuring it of course.
07 July 2011, 23:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Enfield/Switzerland
Boat name: Zonneschijn II/Vixen
Make: Shakespeare/Avon
Length: 7m +
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Originally Posted by Dry Run
I'm no expert (as you know), but I don't think it is a 5.4m Sea Rider. If you look at the attached photo of the transom / hull of a 5.4m Sea Rider you will see that the "V" shape of the SR is deeper (IMHO) and the inner chines appear more pronounced and there is a larger "flat" area where the tubes meet the hull. Sorry that doesn't help much with your question - I'll have a look around the Dry Stack and see if I can find a RIB with a similar profile and if so I'll post a pic. Good Luck
you're right... now i see that pic, add it to the wrong transom, maybe it's not a SR.
08 July 2011, 19:34
Country: Finland
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Little of the original topic but there is one odd detail on the picture "Dry Run" attached. The port side lowest chine is not symmetrical(it does not follow a straight line, but kind of bends close to the transom). On mine it is doing the same, i taught it was only a badly done repair
but maybe it is a feature in the hull. Anyone knows something about this?
fun on a boat is inversely proportional to size...sort of anyway
08 July 2011, 20:54
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
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How long is the RIB, if its around the 4m mark its definately a 4m Avon Searider.
08 July 2011, 21:55
Country: UK - England
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I thought searider - but wouldn't the orange cloth suggest a deluxe - and if so, it has a different transom, and shape to the rear deck from mine... (c.f. attached)
09 July 2011, 07:44
Country: UK - England
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Nice Pic Chewy - and it's good to see that you're not using your recycling bins as test tanks for your outboard(s)!
Buggers these SR's as I think they're all a bit different. Chewy's is flat accross the top of the transom, MadMariner's has a small cut out for the engine and the one I photo'd has a much bigger cut out????? CRAZY!!
10 July 2011, 00:28
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I'm 99% sure it's an early SR4 Deluxe (I can see the ridge on the floor under where the spraydeck was that the early Deluxe had)that's had a console and a-frame fitted and the flooding hull blocked off (see the gelcoat discolouration on the bow where the holes are filled). It's missing the transom support bars-it'll need some as that a-frame will do nothing much to help.
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11 July 2011, 10:37
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SeaRider SR4
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55HP Yam
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 28
Thanks for all of your thinking and help, I really appreciate it! I'm almost sure it's an Avon know, the brand 'Flatacraft' isn't common around here in Holland, while Avon's definitely are.
So I think we got it; it's an dismembered Avon SR4 Deluxe! From all the above mentioned features, plus the fact that the hypalon tubes are getting pretty thin and worn, this could well be a late '80ties model. The hull is still pretty mind though.
I measured it up, and from tip to toe it's around 4.00~4.20 metres. The currently mounted '80ties model 50 horses will push it to ~40 mph, not measured, just estimated. For a RHIB this size and age, that's as much as you would expect it too I think?
About the transom, that has definitely been subjected to a lot of DIY. I've raised the cut in which the engine is mounted by about two inches, 'cause the engine was mounted way to low, spraying water inside the boat when at planing speeds. Haven't tested it yet, but I expect it to be much better, since the anti-ventilation plate is now almost in-line with the hull.
"Only the dead have seen the end of boating.."
11 July 2011, 15:10
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Make: SR5.4
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Originally Posted by TheMadMariner
Thanks for all of your thinking and help, I really appreciate it! I'm almost sure it's an Avon know, the brand 'Flatacraft' isn't common around here in Holland, while Avon's definitely are.
So I think we got it; it's an dismembered Avon SR4 Deluxe! From all the above mentioned features, plus the fact that the hypalon tubes are getting pretty thin and worn, this could well be a late '80ties model. The hull is still pretty mind though.
I measured it up, and from tip to toe it's around 4.00~4.20 metres. The currently mounted '80ties model 50 horses will push it to ~40 mph, not measured, just estimated. For a RHIB this size and age, that's as much as you would expect it too I think?
About the transom, that has definitely been subjected to a lot of DIY. I've raised the cut in which the engine is mounted by about two inches, 'cause the engine was mounted way to low, spraying water inside the boat when at planing speeds. Haven't tested it yet, but I expect it to be much better, since the anti-ventilation plate is now almost in-line with the hull.
Mine-90's Mariner- saw 44mph at one point using a 14p prop.
You REALLY need those transom supports putting back.
It's definitely NOT a flatacraft
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11 July 2011, 17:49
Country: UK - England
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