Originally Posted by Poly
I was always lead to believe that premix fuel had a short shelf life - not idea for something sitting largely unused. I was also taught that it was very important to run premix carbs dry to stop them gumming up. If you start the aux every time to check it is working - you are going to have to run it for about 10 mins to clear the carbs out after each day. Less of an issue if it is getting used on a tender too.
Its even more important to drain the carb of a 4 stroke especialy with modern fuels or it gums up the tiny orifices in the carbs
So if its harmfull for a 2 stroke its even more so for a 4 stroke
A few ltrs of pre mixed fuel in the main tank wont hurt even an injected engine
Alternatively the oil could be stored in measured doses to be added as required when needed