16 July 2010, 11:32
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
avon 560 adventure as 1st rib?
as some may know i've been looking for my first rib.
i've put a deposit on a mint avon adventure 560 with mariner 100hp 4 stroke and due for a test "drive" next weekend. it has every extra they make on it and really is a smart rig imo (not knowing much about ribs)
someone made a comment in another thread ( http://www.rib.net/forum/showpost.ph...1&postcount=20) and i gather they are not too impressed with it and was wondering why this maybe the case?
fyi the boat will not be used on the river clyde and loch lomond which are both sheltered heavily compared to a lot of other places.
any info on the package or reasons not to buy this would be listened to?
i should also say 5.6 is about the max size i can go with where it will be kept.
16 July 2010, 11:35
Country: UK - England
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I think what DHD was getting at is there is better handling RIBs for the money. Whilst this doesn't affect you with where you want to use it, it may limit your market when you come to sell.
16 July 2010, 11:47
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
thanks for that.
i have no doubt there maybe better handling ribs but finding them is tricky as most will know. if i could afford a new one then fair enough i guess. it would have been better for me as a newbie to the forum/ribs for a more indepth explanation from a senior member than implying it maybe better to have the rib stolen :-(. maybe one for people to remember to help attract other new users to a great site.
i've been looking for quite a while now for something with 4 single jockey seats atleast, 4 stroke engine and ofcourse within budget (12k) and they are thin on the ground.
16 July 2010, 11:57
Country: UK - England
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i can understand your predicament, all i can do is give you info of what i thought of mine, b------s
enclosed are some pics of mine,
the first thing i really noticed was how bad it was in the rough, I mean 2 foot waves threw it all over the place, the hull was very thin, coupled with the outhill fixtures and fitting which in my opinion were also made of paper, the seats i chose were so soft, you could (scuse the pun) bottom out. it was an awfull boat, very noisy, slappy, and not at all a capable rough water rib, you could almost hear every droplet of water to hit the hull, it was terrible. Engine was superb tho, 45 knots if you dared.
overall i would not want to take it wavejumping as i could not trust it, it was not what i was looking for.so i sold it with 8 hours on it!!
Also i found the rubbing strake just peeled off, for a new boat!!!
what is your upper budget???
16 July 2010, 12:03
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
excellent pics there!
again thanks for the info, can i ask what RIB's you had before this?
the reason i ask is i'm used to a 1980 cabin cruiser for pottering around in and i can guarantee that ANYTHING i buy will handle better. 2 ft waves would be a luxury!
i'm trying my best to weigh up a few facts and it's difficult to do-
1. never been on a rib in my life
2. these things are hard to find if you want something decent
3. even if i helmed a crap rib it would be infinetely better than what i've had for the last 15 years so i'd still think it was the business. so as you can imagine it's very difficult to decipher the weed from the chav.
i can't believe that a well know manufacturer would make a rib that is so poor though? surely some owners love them? i have looked on google etc and the comments are thin on the ground. i did see some comments which say they are poor and some which people love it so again i'm guessing. some owners seem happy but i fully understand it is hard for people to critise what they own and again need to try and factor that in!
the joy of life eh...hehe.
16 July 2010, 12:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 55, Volvo 200
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,217
You'll find that someone who has just spent a shed load of money on a new RIB will be reluctant to admit its pants.
Get a Searider.
16 July 2010, 12:15
Country: UK - England
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Its Ribnet that discussions like this take off, and there are many people on here that really know what they are talking about, and have a look at the boats they own
Ive had many different boat over the years and each craft serves a different purpose.
Without knowing your particular situation i would probally be looking at Osprey Vipermax (ps osprey ribs have a superb 6.5 for sale) bit bigger i know,
Ribcraft. 5.3 /5.5
Humber destroyer (quality is much better so ive heard)
Solent ribs
delta (bit commercial)
XS ribs
etc etc
All the above will and can take British waters and do the job.
There are many others but i guessing out of budget like shearwater, capelli,
stick me neck out here.
ones to avoid,
Valiant ,Zodiac,seapro, gemini, monarch,
16 July 2010, 12:19
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
can i ask what RIB's you had before this?
This guy has had more ribs that my local chinese takeaway, if he says there shit, take his word for it!
16 July 2010, 12:20
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
chewy/matt- thanks again lads.
6.5 is way too big mate for my driveway mores the pity.
16 July 2010, 12:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
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Engine: Yamaha
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whats your budget?? there are a few brilliant boat builders that will try to accommodate you on here for sure.
16 July 2010, 12:32
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12k ready to go. i've been looking for months to no avail yet.
the last one i bought turned out to have a rotten deck/bad transom (porters 6m) so i never went ahead with the purchase obviously.
want 4 jockey seats at back and doesn't matter up front tbh.
16 July 2010, 12:41
Country: UK - England
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so really it will be advertised for around 13k or poss more, as this thread is on you will get people looking to sell their boats so expect the PM;S to come through,
alteritively check out Boats and outboards (when it loads up)
Apollo Duck
Boatshop 24.co.uk
good luck,
16 July 2010, 12:44
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
thats the idea matt, i did put a wanted add up but got very little back on here not too long ago. i can't force people to sell their pride and joy i guess! lol.
if i don't have anything before next week when i test this i'll have a hard job turning down this 560 as i like the look of it.
16 July 2010, 12:56
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
thats the idea matt, i did put a wanted add up but got very little back on here not too long ago. i can't force people to sell their pride and joy i guess! lol.
if i don't have anything before next week when i test this i'll have a hard job turning down this 560 as i like the look of it.
Here's something to add to the mix!
16 July 2010, 13:18
Country: Ireland
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I would be of the opinion that some of the Valiants were not good. I have a DR 490 and am quite happy. I suspect that the valiant PT range is very good.
16 July 2010, 22:53
Country: UK - England
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Xk59D. I`ve got 2 boats. A 16 yr old slightly tired old Osprey with a suzuki dt 140 and a well looked after 9 yr old adventure 560 with a merc 125 on. When i first tried out the 560 it was a calm day and the smoothness of the merc really impressed me. The hull was also very quick to plane.
Ive since took the 560 out in the rough stuff and the truth is she`s just not up to it.
If your just gonna mess about in sheltered water, estuaries, lakes etc then ok.
But i can tell you there is no comparison between an adventure and an Osprey. Even a 16 year old one!
Be patient. Don`t be fooled by the adventures good looks.
Oh and btw the reason they get on the plane so quick is because the hull is extremely lightweight (paper thin)
For Sale 2002 Avon adventure 560 mercury 125 1xfurono gps, 1xgarmin gps, 1x gamin fishfinder vhf. Recently reupholstered. Good trailer.
Also For Sale old Osprey but i`m keeping it quiet in the hope that the avon goes first
16 July 2010, 23:13
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Originally Posted by cjj216
Oh and btw the reason they get on the plane so quick is because the hull is extremely lightweight (paper thin)
..and they have a shallow vee hull.
17 July 2010, 08:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Lancashire
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Posts: 164
DHD your absolutely right. Not so much of an issue on the flat but in rough water an osprey goes where you point it. Not so with the adventure, as i learnt to my disappointment.
Also if your occupants get sea sick you don`t want to anchor for to long in an adventure. They are all over the place.
Hmm.... i`ve learnt alot this season! Should of just come on Ribnet and avoided the learning curve!
17 July 2010, 08:47
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
morning all,
thanks again for the comments.
after reading what has been said i think i'll just go get another cabin cruiser as there is very few ribs around that fit the bill and i can't afford a new one.
the ones i have seen are either butt ugly, bench seats, poor condition or just too expensive and trust me, i have been on every website for last few months know to man kind looking. i know what is out there and this is only the second boat i've seen in a few months that looks the part and fits the bill.
since i'm not going to go jumping waves or be doing cross channel hops etc i'm after the best fun/comfort for my own locality and if that means a poorer rough water boat i can live with that since i don't need it.
i just need something for fair weather use and pottering about in so the question is what is out there i should be looking for?
people keep saying the avon is paper thin, is the hull likely to have problems then being so thin?
is the avon only poor because it's a shallow vee? will a deeper v give less room should i go down that route? i.e is my choice either lots of room or better handling ultimately?
17 July 2010, 09:04
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
i just need something for fair weather use and pottering about in so the question is what is out there i should be looking for?
people keep saying the avon is paper thin, is the hull likely to have problems then being so thin?
is the avon only poor because it's a shallow vee?
No, the Avon is poor because the general build quality is poor as well as the shallow V. I seem to remember cjj216 having problems with his hull crazing or cracking.
Originally Posted by Xk59D
will a deeper v give less room should i go down that route? i.e is my choice either lots of room or better handling ultimately?
No, you can have plenty of room onboard and a deep V-it just means the hull is deeper. It doesn't have to affect the deck width.
The real issue with a shallow V is that it's going to slam like a cheap speedboat.
What exactly is 'the bill' that a boat has to fit?
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