So i got this 17f(?m) avon recently and i have decided to change it to a center console. I am going to be using it for fishing and i diddnt like the setup it had.
this is my first time with this big of a project but i am pretty confident in my skills to complete it, i just might ask a lot of questions along the way

this is what it looked like originally. behind the seats there was a box that was originally to hold scuba tanks and behind that there was only like 2 -3ft of room.
gutting went rather well, only hiccup we had was when we were pulling the bow cover ( i know theres a word for it i just cant think of it) in some places, pieces of the hylphalon coating peeled off with it.
what is the best way to go about repairing that?
also what is the best way to clean off that glue residue?
Then we got the gas tank out, it was a lot bigger then i thought it was, 39 gallons and im still not sure if im going to keep it or replace it with some smaller portable ones.
its pretty much completely gutted as of now, tomorrow im going to get ready to remove the old paint and get ready for new paint.
sneak peak of what it should look like with the new console