any contacts in Avon (wales)???, want to get some rubbing strake replaces on the nose of a 5.4, !! has anyone done this before and how much ££££ would be realistic?? thanks chaps
I have done a similar thing. Avon won't deal with you direct. You have to find an Avon dealer they will then give you a price.
I presume yours has at least the tripple rubber straking. It does work out expensive to replicate what Avon do. Therefore you might want to look at some other alternatives. Henshaws sell rubbing strake and if you speak to them nicely they will send out test strips so you can see what you like.
If you have done a good job of cleaning the old strake off consider going for a single strake. It cuts down on the cost considerably. Last year it cost me £200 to put a single rubbing strake on a 4 meter Searider.
Also it needs to be done when its nice and warm and it needs two of you at least to do it.