Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Picking up on LizS's question are there any benefits from buying a new Searider as opposed to secondhand - clealry it will be shinny and leak free with a hull warrenty but are there any fundemental design changes??
Not that I'm a towering authority on the subject

, but I don't believe there have been any fundemental changes to the Searider since the 70s. I imagine the console designs may have changed over the years

but probably the only fundemental change between the original and what you can buy new now is the windscreen/drystorage area at the nose (on the SR4), and the porn seats

. Apart from that, the SR4, 4.7 and 5.4 remain unchanged.
The SR670 and 760 are both quite recent additions I believe, thay use the Zodiac Hurricane hull (a very competant one I have heard) but I don't know anything about the 8.4?