Originally Posted by ollyit
Looking forward to seeing the pics when done!! 
Sure I will! Hoping to get her one piece quite soon, since snow is melting, and sea is open again at Helsinki area.
Since it left UK, it has seen a bit abuse... Its been on baltic sea around 200hrs, I replaced the engine with e-tec to reduce fuel consumption. I drove it once to "dirt float" got a bad hit between two chambers, but managed to fix the outer shell, even chambers did let air from one to another. Popped in parts one fill valve, which got stuck to scuba gear. (almost funny to have one of the back chambers totally flat in a bit rough sea. Last hit was hardest: on a bit stormy sea, with 3 man onboard with scuba gear we drove from deep sea over shallow water over "underwater hill", and after that there was no bottom between the waves... And when we finally landed to "atlantis" is just started to pour water from every direction, causing her to jump up from underwater, very fast... and bow part of the tubes just teared off the hull...
But for the wreck hunting with sides can sonar, it is the best boat ever to go, since you can stay low with hull flooded. And Its the boat that can be launched from almost any, even a bit remote locations. And they do are rare here, I know only 2 more? (except defense forces)
We also imported another rib from UK last year. 7,5m HD Cobra. And are actually a bit looking for some dual engined RIB (something with 2x90hp) for work purposes...