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Old 10 September 2012, 14:54   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Northamptonshire
Boat name: Seaslut
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55hp Suzuki
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 6
Avon SR4

Hi, Im looking for some advice on some repairs adjustments I want to make to My Avon Searider 4metre
I believe the boat to be 1986 as they are the last two numbers on serial plate, can anyone confirm if this is correct.
The outboard is a Yamaha 40hp Long Shaft Electric Start Power Trim and Tilt about 2004 I believe.
The transom has I believe been cut down by about 2inches and when I used the boat 4 up with adults last week I had quite a bit of water coming over transom when on the plane.
The flloding hull has been sealed both the holes in the bow and the stern so it doesnt take on any water. The engine anti cavitation plate is just about level with flat bottom of hull with engine trimmed all the way in.
I was wondering if You SR4 experts would advise I build transom back up to original height to stop wash whilst on plane splashing over and into stern of boat?
Being its a 1986 Hull I think the Gel Coat is Tangerine Orange looking at Whispers restoration posts, where can I get this from to repair scratches in hull.
I have ordered Hypalon Glue and Solvent from Rib Store to re stick some Hypalon back there are two strips coming away from Hull underside and a couple of wear patches on underside of tubes that are just begginning to lift, I also want to replace rubbing strake all round with new black strake as mine is broken in a couple of areas and de bonding on lower edge in a couple of places.
My apologies for such a long post and so many questions but any help tips would be greatly appreciated.
Even with the splashing problem and 4 adults on board the Searider performed faultlessly around Tenby for 3 days last week the Yamaha is a great motor and seems to suit the boat very well.
I cleaned tubes with a proper Hypalon cleaner after my away days and was amazed at how well the Hypalon came up looks like new bright grey all the old stains and oxidisation came off with a little scrubbing with RIB cleaner and microfibre clothes I used the Staybrite boat cleaner and was very pleased after a couple of hours really looked good, I will post some pictures of the outfit asap.
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Old 10 September 2012, 16:05   #2
Country: USA
Town: Oakland CA
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Originally Posted by pokeyminger View Post
The transom has I believe been cut down by about 2inches and when I used the boat 4 up with adults last week I had quite a bit of water coming over transom when on the plane.
The engine anti cavitation plate is just about level with flat bottom of hull with engine trimmed all the way in.
I was wondering if You SR4 experts would advise I build transom back up to original height to stop wash whilst on plane splashing over and into stern of boat?
Ventilation plate "about even"? Does that mean even, slightly above, or slightly below the level of the hull?

If it's slightly below, I'd guess you might be able to rebuild the transom at least somewhat, and raise the motor height to get the ventilation plate a tad above the hull (though I'm also not familiar with the hull's general characteristics. More on experimentation below.) If it is already slightly above, then you are likely stuck with it there (do a search for "splashing off the [lower unit] [motor] [leg]" and you may find some ideas to mitigate the water.)

Best bet would be to raise the motor by a bolt hole or two and see how high you can go before prop ventilation becomes a problem. That will give you a rough idea of where you can go.


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Old 10 September 2012, 16:30   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Northamptonshire
Boat name: Seaslut
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55hp Suzuki
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 6
Anti cavitation plate

Thanks for Your reply and having just looked this evening at heit of anti cavitation plate with motor trimmed all the way in it does sit about 1" below the Hull lowest part so I think I will need to build transom height back up to where it was originally, I think someone may have cut transom down in the past to use a short shaft motor, the Yamaha fitted now is definitely Long Shaft and is in my limited knowledge too deep in the water when trimmed right down.
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Old 13 September 2012, 12:27   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Exmoor
Boat name: you malicious bstaad
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 30hp
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 7
Have an SR4 with a 30hp Yam long shaft. Transom is unmodified and all works as it should.
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