04 February 2012, 18:49
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Baby evinrude wing
Chaps, I've just bought a mint, used slightly but mint, Evinrude, two cylinder, 4hp two stroke wing for my SR4.
It's metallic navy and has a vertical clamshell engine cover. Under the cover it looks like the internals of a swiss watch ( albeit painted black). But a 4hp twin?
How cool is that? It weighs less than a swiss watch btw.
Haven't used it yet as it's just had a service.........and it is absolutely tiny. Reaches down to just below the transom when mounted alongside.
Does anybody know of this little gem? I've had the fuel connect changed over to a Mariner to run off the same tanks as the main.
It wasn't on the shopping list but came up and had to be bought.
Any information would be great.........esp if there is a unique premix ratio for it. I'll use 50:1 as a default.
04 February 2012, 18:53
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If its a really old one then I would run 25:1. I found an old Johnson in multiple uncles loft of 1970 vintage and it was 25:1.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
04 February 2012, 19:00
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Chris, haven't got a snapshot of it but the clamshell cover and mintiness leads me to the early 80's rather than the early 90's.
Your ratio advice negates my fuel connect coolness dammit, however if the SR is resigned to it's baby wing then some oil could be added to the tank as a "get me back" or indeed "get me there" if POR has been shot.
I had a suspicion that something this twee would have an special premix ratio.
04 February 2012, 19:09
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Originally Posted by mister p
Chris, haven't got a snapshot of it but the clamshell cover and mintiness leads me to the early 80's rather than the early 90's.
Your ratio advice negates my fuel connect coolness dammit, however if the SR is resigned to it's baby wing then some oil could be added to the tank as a "get me back" or indeed "get me there" if POR has been shot.
I had a suspicion that something this twee would have an special premix ratio.
Whats the serial number? You can look up the age here if it's 80s/90s.
How Determine the Age of an Evinrude Boat Motor by Its Model Number | eHow.com
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04 February 2012, 19:15
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Thanks Nos but I'm not getting a ? so thought I'd throw it open.
On another note.......buses come in two's?
Two sub 5hp Evinrude posts side by side!
How cool is that?
04 February 2012, 19:21
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by mister p
Thanks Nos but I'm not getting a ? so thought I'd throw it open.
On another note.......buses come in two's?
Two sub 5hp Evinrude posts side by side!
How cool is that?
I suspect they are the same block too.
If it's a plastic clamshell I think it makes it 90s.
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04 February 2012, 19:30
Country: UK - England
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Ally covers, makes it 80's then. 25:1 won't kill it........might foul the plugs a bit but will be WOT so shouldn't foul too much.
You see, being a twin I reckon it's designed for WOT, that's why I thought it would be an ideal wing for a 4M RIB.
04 February 2012, 19:35
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
Boat name: Dominator
Make: SR5.4
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 13,070
Originally Posted by mister p
Ally covers, makes it 80's then. 25:1 won't kill it........might foul the plugs a bit but will be WOT so shouldn't foul too much.
You see, being a twin I reckon it's designed for WOT, that's why I thought it would be an ideal wing for a 4M RIB.
Get a pic mate-if it's a clamshell and ally covers, it might be 1960s.
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