18 April 2003, 11:11
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Back onto the topic of boat cleaning / care
Right remembering the recent topic on boat cleaning I would like to ask if anyone has had any personal experience with these 2 that I found in the Compass catolouge:
Restores faded colours, removes oxidation and chalk deposits, seals the surface and prevents weathering and further fading. 473 mls
High performance formula suitable for vinyl and hypalon, both cleaning and protecting from dirt and UV. 473 mls
Are they any good? Worth it?
Thank You
18 April 2003, 11:28
Country: UK - England
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boat cleaner
They're both rubbish. if you really want to get your tubes clean you'll firstly need to wash them with soap and water to get the general dirt off, then use toluene based thinners, available from Bostik or appollo (easily found on the internet) or go to polymarine. This will bring them up as good as they're ever going to get, lastly we use a product from 3m called marine conditioner and protector for inflatables. .... The very best of finishes
bostik thinners product code M501
3M product code 09023E
18 April 2003, 11:37
Country: UK - England
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Hull cleaner
As for the hull it's best to use a cutting compound available from any good chandlery, try to find farecla if you can, this is by far the best avilable. Be prepared to do a bit of wet and dry sanding if the hull needs it, 1000 or 1200 grit and then use the cutting compound this should bring it up a peach.
18 April 2003, 18:38
Country: UK - England
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Ribraff. thanks for the advice I bet the Toulene based thinners smell good.
Agree with you about Farecla but I believe sadly that they are moving out of the marine market. This might be an evil ploy by my local chandler to sell me an inferior product, however
18 April 2003, 18:45
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I think so as we have no problem with supply from our stockist Scott bader. We've used international rubbing compound too but they only do a fine one which is not too good to use after wet and drying.
18 April 2003, 21:08
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Make: BWM
Length: 5.75
Engine: Mariner 125
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Posts: 199
thank you ribraff, i didnt think it would be that easy!!
but at least once i have all the components i can spend some quality looking after my boat as oppossed to it looking after me
but thanx for the pointers i shall report back to let you know how it has gone
19 April 2003, 13:20
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I along with a chemist friend of mine have spent a long time testing and developing cleaners for the rib market, the best product we have found for cleaning and restoring is Rib Revive and the best polish and protector is a 3M product, they are both available from available at The Rib Service Centre in Saxon Wharf telephone 023 8033 5333 they can send all product out for next day delivery. For more information go to pristinemarine.co.uk
It is most important you do not use caustic based cleaning products or silicon based polishes as this will cause long lasting damage. If anybody has any questions on cleaning ribs don’t hesitate to give me a call on 07979 723697
19 April 2003, 13:40
Country: UK - England
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You are all way off the mark.
Clean the boat at the start of the year with hot sugar soap, then two coats of a very special sealer that is only available to people who grease my palms (or get me drunk) and you wont have to clean your boat all year!!! You can leave it in the sun and th etubes will keep their colour, get it covered with seagull poo, oil, petrol and grease and it will cost you less than a tenner!
Ask JK, Rubber Jonny, Mike Garside they use it.  Alan P
19 April 2003, 13:53
Country: Greece
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I always cleaned inflatables with (ONLY) Fairy Washing up liquid in warm water. Then polish them with Alrmorall.
This treatment lasts all summer season (4/5 months).
It costs nothing (or next to nothing), the rubber looks shiny and all grease and dirt etc come off.
However, each one of us has his own method (which presumably works). I will never change the washing up liquid and armorall method though it worked for me for the last 25 years
20 April 2003, 21:57
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I can back up Alan P's outrageous sounding claims. He has the product for looking after your tubes -- anyone who saw the six year old tubes on Phoenix will have no doubt that it works.
Sadly, I was sworn to secrecy when Alan shared the secret with me, so you'll all have to buy him beer
Hey Manos! Have you really been ribbing for 25 years?
20 April 2003, 22:09
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Make: BWM
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Posts: 199
Originally posted by Alan Priddy
You are all way off the mark.
Clean the boat at the start of the year with hot sugar soap, then two coats of a very special sealer that is only available to people who grease my palms (or get me drunk) and you wont have to clean your boat all year!!! You can leave it in the sun and th etubes will keep their colour, get it covered with seagull poo, oil, petrol and grease and it will cost you less than a tenner!
Ask JK, Rubber Jonny, Mike Garside they use it. Alan P
good sir i mean not to patronise, but if the product is so good why is it not common knowledge?
so if i send you my credit card and let you have a good night out would that count towards being in on the secret
Or how about you take a weeks holiday, pop over to jersey (sunny i haste to add) and i'll show you the sights
20 April 2003, 22:29
Country: UK - England
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I used to get quite good results form a product called Jasper, unfortunately he seems to be quite volatile in hot weather and is proving to be none too cost effective lately.
So I guess the drinks are on me AL
20 April 2003, 22:53
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Originally posted by THEWAVEHUMPER
I used to get quite good results form a product called Jasper, unfortunately he seems to be quite volatile in hot weather and is proving to be none too cost effective lately.
Is that the same product that's tricky to get out of bed, er i mean the cupboard?
Come on AP, share with us. Reminds me of something one of the lads at air cadets did once, couldn't be arsed constantly polishing his shoes, so he got one of relatives to half inch some aircraft polish. One coat of that on your shoes and they were like mirrors, couldnt scratch it either, and we tried, had about 20 of us scraping keys on em and they were still perfect. He got a bollocking of the CO for it though, however, shortly after he said "I'll let you off if you can get enough for the whole squadron, we've got an inspection next month."
20 April 2003, 23:11
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
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Posts: 888
Do you like Heinecken Export Alan
21 April 2003, 00:07
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Cum on AP. Yer under pressure now. Ya gotta cave in. I'll pay a tenner if it's that good.
21 April 2003, 06:04
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Morning Alan, so how many sea miles did we need to buy for Spirits round the world trip to learn the secret ?
A pm with the secret will be fine by me.
21 April 2003, 09:55
Country: UK - England
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Actually I found the Thinners and 3M wax to be right on the mark , i reiterate earlier comments of 'if it works, don't fix it'. Stick to your secret potions but don't tell me i'm off the mark please, i do this for a living.
21 April 2003, 13:14
Country: UK - England
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Ok. To prove that I am not a money grabbing bastard and that my interest in boats is only for pleasure and in no way financialy motivated I will share with you all my little secret. But before I do, it is important to understand that I have been in boats (of all types) for over 40 years and there is an amazing amount of "reinventing the wheel syndrome " going around. As much as science is making huge in roads into all sorts of things it is very rare that anything "New " comes onto the market. It may be in a new fancy package or received thousands of pounds worth of publisity but when it has been looked at with a carefull eye it usually has been around for years. Stepped hulls are a typical example having been around for nearly 100 years, the same goes for surface piercing and most sailing catarmarans. They just get bigger and are built of new materials, the design and concept remains the same.
Anyway, time to reveal all. "Quarry tile sealer" Available from your local hardwear shop. Put on with a soft rag with one wipe, dont try and polish it!!, wait for it to dry (one hour) and lay another coat over the top, again, DO NOT POLISH IT.
When it is dry only the sealer will scatch, not the tube. I suspect that someone will tell me I do not know what I am talking about but, hey, their loss.
Alan P
21 April 2003, 13:42
Country: UK - England
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You are all way off the mark
Far be it from me to tell you it does'nt work
21 April 2003, 13:44
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
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JK I started with SIBs and inflatables when I was 15/16 with a ZODIAC CADET 3.3mtrs and 9.9 Johnson (still got the boat and the engine!!!), now I'm 45 so is a bit more than 25 years with boats and staff.
PS However, I started with boats in general at the age of 7 with sailing dingies my father being a VERY sailing enthusiast!! and by the age of 10/11 I was sailing (with the help of my father of course) a 27 ft Seawich. Needless to mention that I used the dingy of the sailing yacht with a 4bhp (I think) SEAGUL with gears (forward/reverse)!!
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