well after a two year absence (moves/divorce etc) I decided its finally time to get the boat back moving.
Having moved to the Wirral I sought out somewhere to get the boat back shipshape before I got going again. My choice was limited to two really MES at Queensferry who didn't reply or Midway at Nantwich who seemed ever so keen to do my work.
Im pretty convinced they font have an outgoing phone line at Midway as for some reason they don't like calling you back. When you ring up to check they are never available or will call you back or some other excuse.
Time taken is another issue 9 weeks to service 40HP Yam and replace steering Helm and cables! Not so much of an issue as i was too busy to take boat out, but they didn't know that!
But to sum them up as useless please enjoy my tale of woe re my VHF which was showing low signal on transmit!
ME: "when is my radio and boat going to be ready"
Them" Ah don't know, its got a fault"
ME: "OK, whats wrong with it?"
Them: "don't know - been meaning to ring you for a while about this" (the engineer had been on holiday for at least 2 weeks)
ME: "If its not worth investigating further can you fit me another? Here are my requirements/budget"
Them: "Yes, ill have a look on Monday, Ill ring you back then"
Monday comes - guess what <drum roll>: No call
Me: "you were going to call me, I've emailed you some suitable radios I've found on the web"
Them: "Our supplier doesn't do them, you need to spend more".
ME: "why don't you just source one and get it next dayed up?"
Them: "well if YOU want to get it we'll fit it. It will take us 2 hrs at £40 per hour!!!!"
ME: "B**%%X, it'll take me half an hour the wiring is already in place!!!!!"
THEM: "Oh and your service and fitting of helm and steering wires took 8hrs at £40 ph". It seems they include delivery time in the costs now!
I won't print my response to that!
So my fellow rib netters the lesson for today is
1) Do as the bible rib net suggests and take your boat somewhere reputable who know what they are doing and actually give a toss.
2. Avoid Midway Boats like the plague. They promise much but deliver little and their communications and customer focus are non existent.
</Rant> and hopefully out of Conwy on Wednesday.
welcome back to the money pit that is boating!