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Old 09 June 2014, 10:35   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester
Boat name: Quaaack
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 40 O.B
MMSI: 235093362
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 32
Back to Ribbing - not a good start!

well after a two year absence (moves/divorce etc) I decided its finally time to get the boat back moving.

Having moved to the Wirral I sought out somewhere to get the boat back shipshape before I got going again. My choice was limited to two really MES at Queensferry who didn't reply or Midway at Nantwich who seemed ever so keen to do my work.


Im pretty convinced they font have an outgoing phone line at Midway as for some reason they don't like calling you back. When you ring up to check they are never available or will call you back or some other excuse.

Time taken is another issue 9 weeks to service 40HP Yam and replace steering Helm and cables! Not so much of an issue as i was too busy to take boat out, but they didn't know that!

But to sum them up as useless please enjoy my tale of woe re my VHF which was showing low signal on transmit!

ME: "when is my radio and boat going to be ready"

Them" Ah don't know, its got a fault"

ME: "OK, whats wrong with it?"

Them: "don't know - been meaning to ring you for a while about this" (the engineer had been on holiday for at least 2 weeks)

ME: "If its not worth investigating further can you fit me another? Here are my requirements/budget"

Them: "Yes, ill have a look on Monday, Ill ring you back then"

Monday comes - guess what <drum roll>: No call

Me: "you were going to call me, I've emailed you some suitable radios I've found on the web"

Them: "Our supplier doesn't do them, you need to spend more".

ME: "why don't you just source one and get it next dayed up?"

Them: "well if YOU want to get it we'll fit it. It will take us 2 hrs at £40 per hour!!!!"

ME: "B**%%X, it'll take me half an hour the wiring is already in place!!!!!"

THEM: "Oh and your service and fitting of helm and steering wires took 8hrs at £40 ph". It seems they include delivery time in the costs now!

I won't print my response to that!

So my fellow rib netters the lesson for today is

1) Do as the bible rib net suggests and take your boat somewhere reputable who know what they are doing and actually give a toss.

2. Avoid Midway Boats like the plague. They promise much but deliver little and their communications and customer focus are non existent.

</Rant> and hopefully out of Conwy on Wednesday.

welcome back to the money pit that is boating!
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Old 09 June 2014, 11:46   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Bristol
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 4,299
Sadly,This seems to be disease of modern times. best source of info is the site you have posted on. you will get good referrals on here for your neck of the woods!
Don't get disheartened.
Member of S.A.B.S. West Country Division
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Old 09 June 2014, 12:43   #3
Pikey Dave's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
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Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
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Posts: 12,205
Familiar story. Why o why don't people ask BEFORE spending? Instead of turning up here after the fact with tales of woe.
As it says on all our drawings "if in doubt, ask"

.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4:Don't feed the troll
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Old 09 June 2014, 13:00   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: wiltshire
Boat name: cool running
Make: humber
Length: 7m +
Engine: 250
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 26
Anyone up North or Midlands, needing a good marine engineer call this guy .
I H Marine , He is only a young chap but is a whizz with outboards , He is a registered Honda technician but will service all makes of outboards ,He has just sorted my Honda 225 out , and a doorstep service , he has a unit in hull but will travel and offers a mobile service at home , I spent hours on the phone trying to get my boat booked in for repairs every one too busy or vague on pricing,or could not be bothered returning calls , then through a boater I got hold of this chap , he does a lot of commercial work up and down the east coast , but is doing quite a bit of private work now , worth keeping his number , a lot of folks up here think highly of him , having a good knowledgable guy who is pleasant polite and fair on pricing is like finding hens teeth.
His name is Ian and contact No 07429562014
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Old 09 June 2014, 19:01   #5
Barrowboy's Avatar
Country: Ireland
Town: Galway
Boat name: Top Banana
Make: Scorpion 9m
Length: 9m +
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Originally Posted by LHTEC View Post
well after a two year absence (moves/divorce etc) I decided its finally time to get the boat back moving.

Having moved to the Wirral I sought out somewhere to get the boat back shipshape before I got going again. My choice was limited to two really MES at Queensferry who didn't reply or Midway at Nantwich who seemed ever so keen to do my work.


Im pretty convinced they font have an outgoing phone line at Midway as for some reason they don't like calling you back. When you ring up to check they are never available or will call you back or some other excuse.

Time taken is another issue 9 weeks to service 40HP Yam and replace steering Helm and cables! Not so much of an issue as i was too busy to take boat out, but they didn't know that!

But to sum them up as useless please enjoy my tale of woe re my VHF which was showing low signal on transmit!

ME: "when is my radio and boat going to be ready"

Them" Ah don't know, its got a fault"

ME: "OK, whats wrong with it?"

Them: "don't know - been meaning to ring you for a while about this" (the engineer had been on holiday for at least 2 weeks)

ME: "If its not worth investigating further can you fit me another? Here are my requirements/budget"

Them: "Yes, ill have a look on Monday, Ill ring you back then"

Monday comes - guess what <drum roll>: No call

Me: "you were going to call me, I've emailed you some suitable radios I've found on the web"

Them: "Our supplier doesn't do them, you need to spend more".

ME: "why don't you just source one and get it next dayed up?"

Them: "well if YOU want to get it we'll fit it. It will take us 2 hrs at £40 per hour!!!!"

ME: "B**%%X, it'll take me half an hour the wiring is already in place!!!!!"

THEM: "Oh and your service and fitting of helm and steering wires took 8hrs at £40 ph". It seems they include delivery time in the costs now!

I won't print my response to that!

So my fellow rib netters the lesson for today is

1) Do as the bible rib net suggests and take your boat somewhere reputable who know what they are doing and actually give a toss.

2. Avoid Midway Boats like the plague. They promise much but deliver little and their communications and customer focus are non existent.

</Rant> and hopefully out of Conwy on Wednesday.

welcome back to the money pit that is boating!
As you say, welcome back to the money pit.

Like yourself, I live in the region too and actually used both Midway and MES to source a load of stuff when I refurbed my SR over the winter.

Both companies have done me proud, to be honest, but it's always worth sussing out what an outfit's strengths are before using them.

Mark at MES stocks a load of stuff you'll need if doing your own engine servicing; spark plugs, oil, fuel lines, water pump, gasket, seals, etc all available off the shelf. He also sourced for me two excellent 55 litre black fuel tanks very quickly when no one else seemed able to.

I actually warmed to him even more when he picked up the phone in front of me and beat his distributor over the head to better everyone else's price for a hand-held DSC which was delivered to me the next day, exactly as promised. He's obviously primarily known for his work with Jet Skis but I can't fault his 'can-do' attitude or stock availability.

Steve at Midway boats obtained flocoat and resin at a great price for me, together with two elephant trunk fittings and his mechanic fitted new trailer brakes for me very reasonably and quickly while I waited and had a cup of coffee one morning. He also sourced some genuine yamaha trunking, a bulkhead fitting and an outboard lock within 24 hours, ringing as promised to tell me the stuff had arrived and was available for me to collect.

Compared to Liverpool Marina Chandlery they're absolutely superb. I'm still awaiting a mahogany flag staff ordered in March!
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Old 09 June 2014, 19:44   #6
Country: UK - Wales
Town: abergele
Boat name: all mine
Make: ribtec 3m
Length: 3m +
Engine: tohatsu 9.8 hp 2st
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 292
Mark at MES marine is bloody good, I have spoke to him regarding a few bits and bob's he knows his stuff and has some great mechanics, I took a 1986 mercury 4.5hp to the marine place in beaumaris anglesey, they wouldn't look at it because they dont work on engines over 10 years old, crap crap crap, mark told me take it on a monday picked up thursday run like a dream so bye bye abc, all my service's over the last two years has gone to MES marine
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