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Old 09 May 2015, 18:08   #21
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East coaster then

You get around though, and I laughed, in a good way, when I saw how you got your ob from the back of the motor. Ingenious sir.

And Fender, you did reply.....
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Old 09 May 2015, 18:13   #22
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Do you want to be in the times you might need help for any reason
And also able to Help others for the same reasons then the answer is yes you need it all your talking a few hundred quid!WHATS YOUR LIFE WORTH?
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Old 09 May 2015, 18:15   #23
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Originally Posted by Fender View Post
The funny thing is people actually take the time to reply and debate with the OP
Ach..I dont know.. I know some of the area Robert will be boating in..a wee hand held VHF..would probably be useless in some of the sea lochs up there ? I couldnt get any reception in mine in a lot of that area..and hardly a boat to be seen.

Again there are remote areas where there will be no other boats to see his light at night . hell..half the folk up there probably dont have MOTs on there cars if its anything like when I lived there..its like he is a different world

More likely to die of alcohol poisoning that getting chopped up by a prop too

Not that I agree with his views..but I understand the local area..its not like the Solent or anything..but I appreciate you can drown in any water..including the stuff in whisky

I would say Robert is a rebel more than a troll..
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Old 09 May 2015, 18:20   #24
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Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g View Post
Do you want to be in the times you might need help for any reason
And also able to Help others for the same reasons then the answer is yes you need it all your talking a few hundred quid!WHATS YOUR LIFE WORTH?
Pretty much , zilch.

Out of your list, the 'help others' is all I'd bother over .
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Old 09 May 2015, 18:23   #25
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
Ach..I dont know.. I know some of the area Robert will be boating in..a wee hand held VHF..would probably be useless in some of the sea lochs up there ? I couldnt get any reception in mine in a lot of that area..and hardly a boat to be seen.

Again there are remote areas where there will be no other boats to see his light at night . hell..half the folk up there probably dont have MOTs on there cars if its anything like when I lived there..its like he is a different world

More likely to die of alcohol poisoning that getting chopped up by a prop too

Not that I agree with his views..but I understand the local area..its not like the Solent or anything..but I appreciate you can drown in any water..including the stuff in whisky

I would say Robert is a rebel more than a troll..
Up here 'normal' not 'rebel' , hell I'm rebelling against the norm I suppose by asking over insurance

Cars, however, I admit, are more 'dodgy'.
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Old 09 May 2015, 18:46   #26
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I think risk assess your day you might not have good radio reception but with out one you have none.
Get a PLB set up for land & sea
I was up loch etive on ERR last weekend there were people about at the top of the loch if your seen help will come.
I carry two radios,PLB,two strobes,flares &a back up engine plus nav lights &a search light.
A survival pack water,high energy bars and two means of making a brew.
Fully comp insurance.
OMO but,if your not not going to take every possible effort to protect your self & others on the water you shouldn't be there.
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Old 09 May 2015, 19:00   #27
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about where and how you use your boat. By the way I've been on and around the water all my life too and after nearly fifty years I've learned to respect it.

When I was young I took risks and in every situation I scraped through I vowed to be better prepared and more cautious.

Back to where you do your boating. I learned power boats in a 13 foot dory with a 25 hp engine, in an estuary, below planing speeds long before safety kit was even thought about. My dad insured the boat but that was it! If my boating was like that now I wouldn't bother with as much kit as I do but we go offshore and I want to know I'm protecting myself, those on board and the rescuers who may have to come for me.

Last summer we had a problem with the ignition barrel and got stuck about four miles offshore. When the RNLI arrived I have never seen the eyes move so quickly around the boat assessing how prepared we were, how well dressed, what kit we had etc. They complimented me on how I'd prepared and handled the situation and I was flattered.

Good luck to you but please don't put other's at risk.
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Old 09 May 2015, 19:05   #28
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Originally Posted by robert hates h2o View Post
Pretty much , zilch.

Out of your list, the 'help others' is all I'd bother over .
Well the advice is there take or leave ,your life might be worth zilch but the people that risk their lives looking for folk like you value theirs.
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Old 09 May 2015, 19:21   #29
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Robert, in reply to your OP, you require nav. lights if you boat at night. Nothing else is a legal requirement. Given that no one on here is likely to emulate you, I can't imagine why they're getting so worked up about your boating habits? I mean, it's just between you and the water you hate!
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Old 09 May 2015, 20:04   #30
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I'm from the Isle of Lewis, more remote than even yourself!
Even if you don't carry a VHF for your own good, if there are other boats in the area in distress you'll at least be able to hear them and help them. For the sake of around a hundred quid you could end up saving lives.

As for lights, I don't have any on my boat (I don't have a battery. Or go out at night...) mostly because I couldn't see where I was going - no harbour lights or anything around here. If I was planning to go out at night I'd probably stick a couple lights on the top of the cowling on a stick of some sort. Be seen be safe.

To be honest, not many folk up here insure their boats, unless it's commercial use.

Even on my thundercat I carry a grab bag with a couple bottles of water, a compass and a drogue anchor, as well as an anchor with chain and rope in case the engine stops and I'm drifting towards the rocks.
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Old 09 May 2015, 21:28   #31
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Lol roflhat, I was in Stornoway about a month ago, stuck by the nw gales , used to stay there about 15 years ago up near tiumpan head , but everything was 'shut'.
Intend to cross by rib late this year for the craic

Cheers for the replies folks , informative.

Willk, I'll probably not bother. What can they do? Take away my commercial endorsement which I don't intend to use again ?

Any vhf I wouldn't hear in the rib as I don't stop to dive/fish, so mobile is more reliable/safer.

Jeff & portholme, I have no interest in involving the rnli no matter the situation. Ever.
For the record, it was the first charity I donated to, and only do 3 now, but not a chance in H that I would contact them. That is part of my risk assessment.
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Old 09 May 2015, 21:45   #32
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It's my understanding that most of the stuff is 'suggested' for leisure vessels except for having a radar reflector (this is a must but only if you have an A frame?). Personally I always have my handheld VHF with me as well as various other items already mentioned in this thread.
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Old 09 May 2015, 22:08   #33
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Ah, that's interesting Sam. No a frame no need ?
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Old 09 May 2015, 22:18   #34
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I think the actual way its written is that if you have a place to put one you need to have one and the only place on smaller boats is usually the A frame so if you don't have an A frame or any space anywhere else, which standard SR4's don't have, then you don't actually need one. I'd double check in Solas V though it will tell you the requirements for vessels under 10m and you also need to comply with local bye-laws.
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Old 10 May 2015, 07:19   #35
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To be honest mate I'm not sure why you made this thread if you're not going to listen to advice from anyone. Every single post on it is giving you suggestions which will benefit both your own safety and the safety of others. Seems to me you just want to stir things up and start aguments.
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Old 10 May 2015, 08:35   #36
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Originally Posted by robert hates h2o View Post
Jeff & portholme, I have no interest in involving the rnli no matter the situation. Ever.
For the record, it was the first charity I donated to, and only do 3 now, but not a chance in H that I would contact them. That is part of my risk assessment.
You don't get it Robert. Every one who's respond has no intention of getting the RNLI involved but when it happened to me and I ended up with an auxiliary circuit working and no power to the engine, with my wife and two of my kids on board I had no choice.

What did I do afterwards? Immediate donation, shared my birthday cake with the crew (but that's another story), assessed what I'd failed at, including; immediate diagnosis of the engine issue which was unknown at the time and turned out to be a failed ignition barrel, just about the only thing I'd not rewired and lack of auxiliary which I then bought, the very next day.

I take it that you come with a different mindset so my final words are please don't ask for advice only to throw it back in others faces. It makes you look unintelligent and arrogant.
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Old 10 May 2015, 09:04   #37
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Originally Posted by robert hates h2o View Post
Cheers for the replies folks , informative.

Willk, I'll probably not bother. What can they do? Take away my commercial endorsement which I don't intend to use again ?
I rather thought that you wouldn't bother. Which kind of begs the question why an experienced boatman (commercially endorsed no less) would start this thread having been previously cautioned by Admin about similar posting patterns. I'm going to close this thread down now as neither you nor the respondents are getting any benefit from it. I do hope that you continue to visit and enjoy RIBnet, but if you want to extol the joy of precaution free boating - you just might be happier out on the new boat.
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