09 May 2015, 13:40
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Basic "needs"....?
4mtr SR
I have already aired my views on kill cords and life jackets, so ain't going there again
However , reading the forum there is so much more I want to ask about that seems the norm, but what I want to know is what is 'needed'.
I know my pier requires it to tie up against (though possibly not in rough weather) but for something worth a grand, is it worth it?
It's a rib , ie would bounce off most things, so public liability aspect seems daft.
Also, for something like what I have, what would be a ballpark figure?
VHF radio
I have a license, but I also have a phone that gets 2g minimum over the area I go. Added to I have the numbers of the boats in the area, creelers and trawlers (well most of them).
Navigation lights
Most of the stuff I do will be in daylight, although a fair bit in the past was done in the dark. In the winter after work I would go between 2 large rocks using a house light on the shore and a candle in a bedroom window for my fixes, but zero boats in the area.
I don't have/intend to have an A frame so with a 4 metre, do I legally require them?
Flares etc
See lights.
This might seem basic basic stuff, but my encounters using the above have been via work, so for 'pleasure' I am unsure.
I do get 'advisable to have' (like a small hp back up) but my requirement is to know what is 'needed' for a 4 metre.
Cheers if you don't think this is daft. ..
09 May 2015, 14:01
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I think you need to grow up and start accepting some responsibility. I saw your previous threads and your seem to want to be provocative. Either that or you just don't care about other people.
09 May 2015, 14:03
Country: UK - Scotland
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I was reading recently about the ancient monks who went to the Garvellachs in the 6th century ..to pray and meditate. They encountered some of the most dangerous waters around the west coast of Scotland to get there.. they went in home made coracles.
The people on St Kilda used to go to the sea stacks to collect the sea birds and eggs that formed their staple diet.
The vikings raped and pillaged the ancient world without so much as a map.
I guess that in truth.. what is needed most is a confident and experienced skipper.. and one who is not afraid to die following their beliefs.
Some did indead die..but many survived.
If you have those qualities.. and dont involve others .. you dont need anything else ..well except perhaps insurace..cos if you damage my SIB..I will sure sue you
09 May 2015, 14:25
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Originally Posted by Portholme
I think you need to grow up and start accepting some responsibility. I saw your previous threads and your seem to want to be provocative. Either that or you just don't care about other people.
I'm sorry if you see it that way, but I grew up using boats, not looking at legislation .
Hence, a bit of surprise looking at the forum, seeing all the stuff on the op.
Plotters etc I can get because dive ribs need them and they are not "needed", plus I know where I am going day or pitch black.
'But' , as I am now 'sole' owner of a rib, and only know the regs for what I've been involved in work wise, I am asking.
It ain't a troll as I am not asking/wanting to debate the merits of the questions, see my op, I just want to know yes/no re legality.
09 May 2015, 14:29
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard
I was reading recently about the ancient monks who went to the Garvellachs in the 6th century ..to pray and meditate. They encountered some of the most dangerous waters around the west coast of Scotland to get there.. they went in home made coracles.
The people on St Kilda used to go to the sea stacks to collect the sea birds and eggs that formed their staple diet.
The vikings raped and pillaged the ancient world without so much as a map.
I guess that in truth.. what is needed most is a confident and experienced skipper.. and one who is not afraid to die following their beliefs.
Some did indead die..but many survived.
If you have those qualities.. and dont involve others .. you dont need anything else ..well except perhaps insurace..cos if you damage my SIB..I will sure sue you 
Part of my not learning to swim and not liking lj's
I've enjoyed your sib threads my man, very comprehensive, informative and entertaining!
And only a wee bit sooth o' me.
09 May 2015, 14:40
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Originally Posted by robert hates h2o
It ain't a troll as I am not asking/wanting to debate the merits of the questions, see my op, I just want to know yes/no re legality.
None of them are legal requirements, although may be subject to local byelaws.
You should be aware of the IRPCS (collision regs) and SOLAS V.
09 May 2015, 14:57
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Thank you Mr k. The solas one makes me look at the radar thing (I know it says 'if possible, and the distress stuff I am aware of) , but the first will take longer to peruse.
I know I could've spent an afternoon googling it, but I thought I would just ask. I have never been a wafi, so that side of learning escaped me, and the size of the craft I thought may have exempted me from a lot.
Ie I am skint pre prawn season, and boat will now be beached until august , so I am looking to get it 'right' before I take the rest of the year off
09 May 2015, 15:33
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I'm going to trust you aren't trolling and are genuinely putting across a naive stance. As JK says pretty much none is legal requirement.
Originally Posted by robert hates h2o
More than 1 type of insurance. Comprehensive like with a car will cover you if you damage your boat. But there will be an excess. Only you can balance the economics for yourself. But you know the risk is the value of your boat.
Second aspect is theft. Something you gave less control of but will know your risks. Although if its a risk you can spot expect insurance not to cover it.
Third is third party. OK so you are a hardy boatman. You think you will never cause an accident. But let's say I'm out on my £10k Rib and come towards you and you 'force' me to run aground. I decide the sue you for the damage. Having insurance will take the concern away of where the £10k comes from but also where the money for the lawyers comes from.
Now imagine someone dies or is maimed by that disabled kill cord. You are into millions. Same if you make me crash my gin palace.
Also, for something like what I have, what would be a ballpark figure?
Plenty online quotes. Third party for £60 would be a guess...
09 May 2015, 15:44
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Is your mobile water proof? Is it a smart phone? Does it work with wet fingers in a dry bag?
RNLI can position home using DF on VHF they can't on mobile
If you call your mate 2 miles away for help I don't hear the call but could be 500 yards away.
You have the ticket. The licence is free. So get the set. With 25W you could significantly increase range and with push of the red button have given the crucial details in 6 seconds. Your 112/999 phone call won't even have you talking to an operator by then. Certainly not one who knows what a Long/Lat is.
09 May 2015, 15:47
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If you are out after dark you must legally comply.
Yip there are no other boats. Except mine that has no lights on coz I thought there would be no other boats and so didn't bother either.
09 May 2015, 15:53
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Search the forum. Discussed almost as much as kill cords.
No legal requirement for leisure.
Many on here are starting to say no need for rockets as they have redundant electronics instead. They would have VHF + PLB generally as well as phones etc.
You may still want means to tell the chopper or RNLI where you are. Laser flare can do that. Cue SPR...
09 May 2015, 16:00
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Originally Posted by robert hates h2o
In the winter after work I would go between 2 large rocks using a house light on the shore and a candle in a bedroom window for my fixes,
. ..
And there's me wasted hundreds of my hard earned on a plotter........
Where exactly are you dude?
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
09 May 2015, 16:12
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I'd say they're all good things to have. Just taking into account your own safety and the safety of others, against the cost of putting some basic safety equipment on your boat I would say it's a worthwhile investment.
Maybe you don't need some of them, but I'd rather have them than not have them if a situation arrises.
Like if you go out in a boat on a sunny day with lots of layers on and it suddenly gets wet and cold, they're suddenly justified. You can take layers off, but you can't put extra layers on if you don't have them.
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.  Don't become just another statistic
09 May 2015, 16:22
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by A1an
And there's me wasted hundreds of my hard earned on a plotter........
Where exactly are you dude?
 , in a World of my own , ie near Ullapool.
Thanks folks, esp shiney shoe.
For about a ton, I think insurance is a goer. Lights, I am surprised about, and as I don't want an A frame, may be harder to justify.
Vhf.. Makes sense, but does that mean you fall under regulations about upkeep inspection etc ?
Flares... Good. Dangerous things and I don't attend enough football matches to justify them
09 May 2015, 16:32
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I have up till now done all my boating on Loch Lomond,I have now bought a newer and better RIB, I have fitted navigation lights,have handheld VHF radio,auto inflate life jackets,safety lanyards,fully comp insurance have bought dry suit and underlayer suit. Anyone advise me what else I should have for sea use in coastal waters I.e Sib weekend,the rib is a 3.3 mtr with a 20hp Tohatsu four stroke with remotes on centre 2 seat console.
09 May 2015, 17:16
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Lights. While an A frame is clearly the best way there are other ways. They don't make the lights easy to see but tick the legal compliance box. Red and green on side of console. While on a pole either mounted to transom or console. Can be made to only be attached when needed.
VHF... I don't think anyone on here has ever been asked for paperwork in the UK! You need the radio plus two bits of paper. The operator certificate which once you get it lasts forever. And the licence for the set. Apply online. Free. No inspection etc.
09 May 2015, 17:30
Country: UK - Scotland
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Cheers shiney shoe.
Vhf may be advisable then, though lights probably not. Still don't see the point. Lol. "See the point", " you kill me", I may very well do.... Talking to yourself is worrying
The vhf thing was in last job I had to inspect charge every day, it was double checked weekly and the MCA did it whenever, hence asking.
Lights , well, nah. Not justifiable
09 May 2015, 17:31
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Double post.
09 May 2015, 17:39
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The funny thing is people actually take the time to reply and debate with the OP
09 May 2015, 17:56
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: The Gurnard
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Posts: 1,671
Originally Posted by robert hates h2o
And only a wee bit sooth o' me.
Naw. I know your toon quite well.. originally I was about level with you.. I came from that run doon coo toon to the east of you ..Dingwall ..before becoming a sassanach in Burns country.. then a nobody in the centre belt
I had a mate used to go to Stornoway far the prawn peeling too ..but he lost the plot and ran away with a local lass and I never saw him after that.
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