Very high tides at the moment - low pressure and a big storm coming in - so they say!!!
Just been down to put some extra ropes on the boat. The swell in the harbour was scary and yet the winds are only 35mph at the moment. One of the old hands at the harbour said he lost a trawle there a few years ago as the swell was so bad - gulp.........
With all the talk of bilge pumps it's just as well I checked - mine had stopped pumping. The cause was the inline fuse holder that was corroded to hell.
Better give Fairweather a ring - my rib is in their marina (well it was yesterday, anyway )
There was quite a high spring yesterday but this looks about 1.5 metres higher - I was parked in the carpark through the gates in Pete's 2nd photo!!
Pete L
Was checking our compound this afternoon in Cardiff Bay, and went to check the wind quage on the end of the quay, was gusting at least 60 knots in Cardiff Bay this afternoon, and was probably nearer 70+ but the guage only reads up to 60 :o