Originally Posted by Poly
Swimming after being unexpectedly dumped in the water with foul weather kit and (I assume) life jackets on is very difficult. I've always favoured "don't try and swim to the boat or the shore".
Been following this on another forum. There was a shelving beach about 50m to the left of the camera behind the "swimmers" - thats where they'd have washed up onto and the shallows are the reason the yacht couldn't assist. The helm was one of the MOBs so the crew had to take the yacht in.
Only 2 of the 4 in the water had lifejackets on

so they paired up. That makes swimming an even more difficult prospect.
I hope (i) I never have to deal with an incident like that; (ii) if I do there isn't anyone filming it for the internet rescue enthusiasts to critique!
Interestingly the yachty forums aren't anything like as critical of the recovery as one here. They were much more interested in Lifelines, LifeJackets, Decisions to enter, use or not of a headsail etc...