Originally Posted by Louise
Look at it from the point of view of a relative of RNLI personnel. Was it fair/right for you to go out in such conditions to 'rescue' a boat which the RNLI had decided not to rescue as no human lives were at risk and conditions were so bad? What if (God forbid) you had got into difficulties and needed RNLI assistance? Is it fair that others (lifeboat crew) would put their lives at risk because you decided to chance your arm to make some (quite a lot!) extra cash? Just wondered what everyone thought?
Edit: Just thought - maybe he wasn't best pleased with you 'cos he deliberately tied it up badly as he was going for an insurance job? 
Have you ever seen life boat crew fight to get on the boat? I am 100yds from the lifeboat station.
I think the other reason they did not go out was a/ because it was two windy for the d class b/ if you put a offshore lifeboat next to a cork 1720 in these condition it would do as much damage as hitting the rocks.