29 April 2011, 23:11
Country: UK - England
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Beginner seeking advice - what type of rib to get?
Hi guys,
I'm interested in getting some kind of rib or sib and was hoping to get some advice.
I've only got quite a small car (the seats fold down in the back though), and I was hoping to get something that could fit into the car boot and yet will be good enough to take out not far off shore but far enough to do some fishing.
I can't really go for the trailer option as I don't have room to store it, hence asking about boats that could fit into my car. Or maybe on a roof rack alternatively.
The boat would be used for taking out 2 or 3 people max at a time. I'd only want to go out in quite calm conditions, and not too far out either.
If anyone could recommend a type of rib/sib, and engine size, etc, that would be a great help, and if you know if such a boat exists that could be reasonably easily taken apart...
30 April 2011, 00:48
Country: UK - England
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Boot of car use is difficult weight wise as well as size wise. A small boat with engine etc can easily weigh too much to comfortably use without a trailer. Easiest is air deck, so best general feeling is to go for either a bombard aerotec or a honwave 380. Depending on budget you could go smaller, but with a noticeable decrease in comfort. A ten hp engine would likely be easily manhandled and strong enough to get you safely to nearby fishing spots. Fifteen would be excellent performance wise and not too bad weight wise.
Originally Posted by glenbelt7
Hi guys,
I'm interested in getting some kind of rib or sib and was hoping to get some advice.
I've only got quite a small car (the seats fold down in the back though), and I was hoping to get something that could fit into the car boot and yet will be good enough to take out not far off shore but far enough to do some fishing.
I can't really go for the trailer option as I don't have room to store it, hence asking about boats that could fit into my car. Or maybe on a roof rack alternatively.
The boat would be used for taking out 2 or 3 people max at a time. I'd only want to go out in quite calm conditions, and not too far out either.
If anyone could recommend a type of rib/sib, and engine size, etc, that would be a great help, and if you know if such a boat exists that could be reasonably easily taken apart...
30 April 2011, 09:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Cornwall & Dorset
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 13
Thanks Rik. Is air deck a type of a boat? And do you think something like a bombard aerotec could be transported inside a car?
30 April 2011, 10:14
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I'd look at whether there is any way you can have something small on a trailer and store it somewhere.
Boats that "just pop into the back of the car" sound neat and convenient, but IMHO aren't. I've got my 5.8m Vipermax on a trailer and a little cheapo 3.2m no-name SIB that bought for a couple of hundred quid to fit the aux engine from the Vmax on, and I can tell you it's ten times quicker and easier to launch the RIB off the trailer than build and launch the wee one, there is so much farting around inflating the boat, assembling floorboards, fitting engine on etc etc and then the reverse when you finish. A dive bottle and and air floor would certainly make life easier and quicker but you're still stuffing a wet/sandy boat into the back of a car.
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
Sent from my Computer, using a keyboard and mouse
30 April 2011, 13:10
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
I'd look at whether there is any way you can have something small on a trailer and store it somewhere.
Boats that "just pop into the back of the car" sound neat and convenient, but IMHO aren't. I've got my 5.8m Vipermax on a trailer and a little cheapo 3.2m no-name SIB that bought for a couple of hundred quid to fit the aux engine from the Vmax on, and I can tell you it's ten times quicker and easier to launch the RIB off the trailer than build and launch the wee one, there is so much farting around inflating the boat, assembling floorboards, fitting engine on etc etc and then the reverse when you finish. A dive bottle and and air floor would certainly make life easier and quicker but you're still stuffing a wet/sandy boat into the back of a car.
Got to agree with this, I used to have a 3.2 Sib with an 8hp and although when i was out there is was great fun it really was a huge amount of effort using out of the boot of a car and soon became fed up. It was fine if your going to out for a while but useless for a quick blast round on a summers eve after work.
Best idea if you cant have a trailer for it get some wheels for the back of it and an air pump too save hours of foot pumping.
30 April 2011, 13:50
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Yep, I'll add my vote to the 'don't do it' camp. I had a Quicksilver 4.2 and a 25 Mercury, admittedly both on the larger size for what you are looking for, but it was an incredible faff. I eventually bought a trailer, and launching wheels, both of which helped a lot.
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30 April 2011, 21:27
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Hi glenbelt7, welcome to RIBnet :wave
If you want something to go on a roofrack, how about a Bombard AX500 or Avon RIB Lite? These are 3.2m RIBS with folding transoms that pack down into a storage bag. They're very easy to set up and pack away, and with a 10hp they're pretty quick with a couple of people on board.
What sort of budget have you got?
01 May 2011, 16:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 13
Thanks for the advice guys.
One of the reasons I was put off from having a trailer is that I've got no storage space - I'm a student in Cornwall and we don't have space on the driveway for it, I was going to try and see if there is any other storage available but not sure if it'll be quite expensive.
As I'm a student I don't think I'd be able to take it out that much, probably just a couple of times a month, so the hassle of taking the boat apart and putting it together probably wouldn't bother me so much. Something I could fit in a car or on a roof rack would appeal a lot more to me really...
Budget I'm not completely sure but could probably stretch to around 3 or 4k, obviously prefer not to spend loads. Do you think ebays the best place to look for ribs in general, or are there other places I should look?
01 May 2011, 17:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Herne Bay
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Originally Posted by glenbelt7
Do you think ebays the best place to look for ribs in general, or are there other places I should look?
There are a number of very light weight SIBS that you can easily lift onto a roof rack single handed and even the heavier ones are ok with two of you.
In terms of places to search i would try ebay but always try and look at it before you buy.
Also you can try the following sites.
You will also have a large number of marine dealerships that should be able to let you know if someone is selling anything and have local adds in their windows.
01 May 2011, 17:59
Country: UK - England
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 13
Thanks actions.
Right now I think I'll have to look at the lightweight SIBS then, as it could be transported on my car roof. Would these still be good enough to use in the open sea? I'm guessing they won't be as sturdy/strong.
Does anyone know if storage of the boat/trailer elsewhere would be a good idea, or is it generally pretty expensive?
01 May 2011, 18:08
Country: UK - England
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My Bombard Sib takes 10 mins to be completely ready with wheels/engine on and be ready.
With the correct pump, (Bravo type stylee) its a complete doddle, no storage/launch fees.
thats why im selling it, just to easy
01 May 2011, 18:12
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Originally Posted by matt h
My Bombard Sib takes 10 mins to be completely ready with wheels/engine on and be ready.
With the correct pump, (Bravo type stylee) its a complete doddle, no storage/launch fees.
thats why im selling it, just to easy 
I want your engine, bow bag and seat.........
But I'll settle for the engine...
Got mine now - a good clean and engine & off I go ..
01 May 2011, 18:20
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 653
Originally Posted by glenbelt7
Thanks actions.
Right now I think I'll have to look at the lightweight SIBS then, as it could be transported on my car roof. Would these still be good enough to use in the open sea? I'm guessing they won't be as sturdy/strong.
Does anyone know if storage of the boat/trailer elsewhere would be a good idea, or is it generally pretty expensive?
I used my SIB in the open sea, not sheltered and it was fine, but used only really on calm days or with a little chop, but not much. I'm sure some of the other guys on here will tell you what the limits are, but of course will vary on the size of the boat and engine. Of course you have to be aware of the power of your engine against fast running tides etc.
01 May 2011, 19:45
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Originally Posted by glenbelt7
Does anyone know if storage of the boat/trailer elsewhere would be a good idea, or is it generally pretty expensive?
There are plenty of options, and you can easily spend thousands per annum doing this; however if you shop around you might get lucky. A lot of places have special dinghy rates.
E.g. a 4m boat at Linnhe Marine on the west coast would cost £260/yr - outdoors, not very secure (although in reality remote enough not to be a problem); the same boat outdoors on a "public" marina on the Firth of Forth would be £170 pa outdoors or £383.40 for indoors. Whilst a local boatyard will store it inside for 216.24 pa -( paid monthly when all the others are annual).
I'd expect it to be more expensive in your part of the world, but I don't know for sure. Bear in mind that these costs include unlimited use of their slipways - which typically are £5-10 per day, so if you always want to launch from the same place this can be quite economical.
01 May 2011, 22:48
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by matt h
My Bombard Sib takes 10 mins to be completely ready with wheels/engine on and be ready.
With the correct pump, (Bravo type stylee) its a complete doddle, no storage/launch fees.
thats why im selling it, just to easy 
Do you transport it inside a vehicle or on a roof rack? Also, do you mind me asking how much you're selling/you've sold it for?
Thanks for all of the other replies, they're all really helpful. I'm going to try and find out how much it would cost to store it on a trailer somewhere around here, and then take it from there. At the moment I'm leaning more towards a SIB that can be used on a roof rack.
When using a roof rack, do you usually keep the SIB inflated at all times - so even after you've taken it out for the day do you take it home and store it somewhere inflated, or just deflate and pack away after use?
02 May 2011, 09:42
Country: UK - Scotland
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The other roof rack option is to get one of these contraptions that allows the likes of Lasers & Toppers to be "roofed" single handed. I had mine on a trailer, so can't reccomend one as a user, but there are from memory two or three variants out there.
Basically consist of sliding bars that you pull out sidewas, and once at full out, tyou place o nthe ground, and ""roll" the boat off. That would be about a million times easier with a SIB, as you don't need to worry about trashing a fibreglass hull if you drop it.
I'd second the launch wheels / trolley idea tho' - even a "lightweight" 10Hp will seem like you are carrying the QE2's engine if you are more than about 20m from the water! (Outboards are a bog awkward shape to carry)
02 May 2011, 14:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 13
Ah that sounds handy, any idea how much that might cost?
I've had a quote for the price of boat storage, which was around £50 a month, which may be a bit too expensive for me. So I'm edging towards the roof rack option still...
When using one with a roof rack is it usually completely inflated before loading onto the rack, then when you return you deflate it again and store it inside somewhere?
02 May 2011, 18:59
Country: UK - England
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This is another aerotec i had some time ago.. shows the launching wheels in a bit more detail.... anyway put it on the roof? not sure i would take that route,if you were tempted to leave it inflated. imagine the bow hanging over the windscreen and the wind getting in...yeeeha
Just deflate it using a decent pump, roll it up and stick it in the boot, it really takes minutes only.
My mate and i timed it, 8 mins from being seaworthy to all packed up in the car!! it was entertaining!!
03 May 2011, 08:24
Country: UK - Scotland
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Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by matt h
This is another aerotec i had some time ago.. shows the launching wheels in a bit more detail.... anyway put it on the roof? not sure i would take that route,if you were tempted to leave it inflated. imagine the bow hanging over the windscreen and the wind getting in...yeeeha
If it;s strapped down properly it's no problem. Probably better than a laser - as the Sib has a cavity to direct the air through to the back, and is a lot shorter, so more likely to "hug" the roof. IF you want ovehang, try a laser! The important thing is to make sure the bow is lashed to your front towing eye!
Having said that, 8 mins is not bad. It takes me 10mins single handed from "afloat" to "drive" with a swing beam roller trailer.....
03 May 2011, 10:23
Country: UK - England
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 13
Thanks again guys thats a great help. Does the boat that you've pictured have a hard floor, or is the whole thing able to roll up? Were you able to take that out on the open sea pretty much, or mainly just stick close to the shore on sheltered bays? And what sort of engine did you use?  Apologies for all the questions!
So if I want to look for a boat that is going to fit into my car boot (my preferred option) or onto a roof rack, am I going to be looking for "SIBs"? And can anyone recommend any models, or even better, any that they've seen available for sale somewhere?
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