27 February 2005, 21:32
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Bembridge outboards consoles....ADVICE!
hello again all, i am wondering if anyone has bought a rib kitted out, or consoles andseating from bembridge outboards, based on the isle of wight, they are offering an avon 620 kitted out at a very good price, but when talking to other avon dealers, tey say the quality of the consoles and seating is inferior to outhill which is whyits cheaper. does anyone know how the build and finish quality on the bembridge consoles and seating is? is it anything to be concerned about? also as i prefer suzuki to mercury i am considering buying the boat then the engine separately, to keep costs down, any thoughts? many thanks for all help, jonathan!
27 February 2005, 21:49
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We have met the fibre glasser who makes the seats for Bembridge and was astonished by the very high quality of the ones he makes. Having seen what is rejected for the smallest blemish (that had to be pointed out to me because I couldn't see it) rest assured that Bembridge have very high standards.
Would seem that the other Avon dealers would like you to buy from them although Outhill are very high quality too, perhaps understandable paticularly at this time of year, must be lean times trying to sell ribs to peeps when its snowing
He posts on here as Leeway,
27 February 2005, 22:48
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A few forum members have bought from Bembridge, IIRC.
Questions to ask might include the following:
1. Are fuel tanks under-deck or in the console?
2. Does the package price include hydraulic steering or just cheaper cable NFB steering?
3. Is the console fully watertight (ie fully submersible)?
27 February 2005, 23:26
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I live in Bembridge and have seen their product. No problems - just good value and nice people to deal with!
28 February 2005, 12:24
Country: UK - England
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it would seem there is no problems regarding finnish and quality, how durable are these items? are they of thick enough material, eg no flexing etc? has anyone bought the avon 620 or 560 package from bembridge?
28 February 2005, 18:54
Country: UK - England
Town: Surrey
Boat name: ocean pro 6.3
Make: Humber
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Engine: 140hp suzuki
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Posts: 824
...my zodiac pro 9 man is still for sale, which i need to sell before buying the avon, details are on the boatsandoutboards website! i have pics!
28 February 2005, 20:55
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Avon 620 & 560
Hi Jon
Found these 2 Avons for sale @ Bembridge. I do not know if they fitted them out or not..... anyway may be of some use to you. Anyway I will have pics of my new Avon with Outhill Console's etc, due this week up on RibNet later on this week.....
This is the text from the advert "Great value new rib package,Avon adventure 620 with clipper console two twin saddle jockey seats, rear bench seat, anchor,ropes,compass,auto bilge pump,Mercury fourstroke 90 hp.for full details check our web-site.
28 February 2005, 22:19
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: ocean pro 6.3
Make: Humber
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Posts: 824
yep thanks mate, thats what got me interested in bembridge who can do the package significantly less money that others, the difference being they fit their own consoles hence i dont want to be paying less because their stuff is poor quality! it would be awesome to see your pictures when you have them!
28 February 2005, 22:46
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have been on 2 and seen others with the bembridge layout. Theres another guy on here who has one (cant remember his name). they are good quality seats and the console seems fine and built to a high standard.
the fuel tanks are built into the console and not under deck. pros and cons to this, now theres a thread in its self
steve care is the guy on here
Joint Ribtickler 2005
01 March 2005, 11:49
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Thanks for all the good reports guys, the reason we don't fit under deck fuel tanks is that avons come to us as a bare hull with the deck down so with out cutting the deck up and comprimsing the strength/stability etc it's just not possible. All the tanks we fit are made to fit our consols so you get maximum capacity and they are all ce marked. Thanks again, Jim
01 March 2005, 16:42
Country: UK - England
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hello jim
hello, yeah people certainly have a good rep of your stuff, sounds good, as you can see im doing all my research, which i think is necessary on such a buy,n (unless your bill gates and will buy them all, lol) i think the best thing will be when i view the boat and test it out! can make a decision then!
02 March 2005, 12:17
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Hope you got my email ok regarding bembridge.
But for every one else
Their boats are built to an extremely high quality their console/seats you can not fault and they will help you out in as many ways as possible to get you what you want.
I've had mine coming up to a year now and am most pleased with the service and total package.
02 March 2005, 13:59
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Hi Steve,
Nice to see you back again
Joint Ribtickler 2005
02 March 2005, 14:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 235
Originally Posted by jackeen
Hi Steve,
Nice to see you back again
Thanks Paul
Just waiting to get back out when its a bit warmer now
02 March 2005, 15:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Surrey
Boat name: ocean pro 6.3
Make: Humber
Length: 6m +
Engine: 140hp suzuki
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 824
hello steve, i have not received your email as of yet, sorry, could you send it again? i will send you another with my address in it so you can try again thanks!
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