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Old 07 January 2007, 21:07   #1
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Best security for RIBs

What is the best way to secure your rib from being nicked and indeed ensuring no one nicks the engine.?

I have just bought a 5.25 on a trailer with a 90 outboard on the back and am currently looking for indoor storage somewhere in Gloucestershire however until I find somewhere suitable I can store the RIB at a friends farm however it would be outdoors (with a full cover)

What works?

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Old 07 January 2007, 21:27   #2
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Sad to say but you can't stop anything being stolen if some one really wants it. You probably already know this.
On my RIB I have Three wheel locks on two wheels. A chain through one of the wheels. A built in hitchlock, I try and always leave a car in front of it on the drive and because I'm a shift worker somebody is around most of the time. My greatest worry is some scrote knifing it whilst its at the house.

When I'm using it. I worry about coming back to no trailer and when its moored up I don't go too far from it and keep taking a walk back to it if its out of site. My mate has a Krooklock for his steering wheel on the boat. Only person I know who does it but its a good idea.

My next security item is going to be CCTV. Thats become quite cheap now. Other than that I pray and make sure I meet the minimum requirements of my insurance. (Fingers crossed)
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Old 07 January 2007, 21:35   #3
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Originally Posted by Biggles View Post
and make sure I meet the minimum requirements of my insurance
Apart from the general hassle of a mishap, that's the most important one. Check your policy carefully to make sure you comply. May include
- hitch lock
- trailer wheel clamp (SAS type thing)
- chain securing trailer frame to secure ground anchor
- engine lock (eg bolt lock or locking bar)
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Old 07 January 2007, 21:58   #4
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Datatag and /or alphadot it and make sure the datatag warning stickers are really obvious.

It'll be hot forever if a thief steals it-and they know it so are less likely to touch it. It's fairly easy to get around most security if you know how-but it's useless them stealing something they can't sell.
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Old 07 January 2007, 22:16   #5
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BTW, If it's on a farm temporarily then put it somewhere with a tractor that's too muddy for them to tow it out with a 4x4 and a bit of rope.
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Old 08 January 2007, 19:32   #6
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Best Security for Rib

Big Dog!
Take it easy ....but, take it all the way.
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Old 08 January 2007, 20:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Ezgoing View Post
Big Dog!
Offer me another few £'s and i'll throw in the german sheppard Chris She comes with her own life jacket
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Old 08 January 2007, 20:21   #8
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Deal Martin! you can have my Goofy Labrador in return
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:12   #9
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Take the wheels off the trailer?

What thief brings wheel's with them when going to rob a boat?
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:27   #10
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Originally Posted by alt View Post
Take the wheels off the trailer?

What thief brings wheel's with them when going to rob a boat?
One that's cased it first.

I'm not saying it's not got merits though-it'd deter a casual thief.
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:35   #11
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used to take the wheels of mine when it was at the boatyard during the winter months, I also used to put wheel lock nuts on all the wheel stud threads as a guy had lost his boat even with the wheels removed, this way they needed to replace the main hub and regrease it and then put it all back together normally in the dark, hopefully a task they cant be bothered to do
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:46   #12
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Originally Posted by ribit View Post
used to take the wheels of mine when it was at the boatyard during the winter months, I also used to put wheel lock nuts on all the wheel stud threads as a guy had lost his boat even with the wheels removed, this way they needed to replace the main hub and regrease it and then put it all back together normally in the dark, hopefully a task they cant be bothered to do
Couldn't you just remove the locknuts with a big vicegrips though?
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:50   #13
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A few years ago when my boat was at the boatyard over the winter months, it was sat next to a boat of a simular size with a v6 150 merc like mine, however I pushed my boat's stern against the yard wall, the guy next door left his boat with about 3ft to spare, at the start of the following season I asked him if he had done a deal on a new engine he said no some fu....r stole it from the back of the boat during the winter months with some kinda crane and lifted it over the boat or so the police thought
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Old 08 January 2007, 21:55   #14
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the easy way was to knock the studs out but to do this you still had to take the hubs off, my idea was any extra work puts the buggers off and therefore they go and pick an easier target
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Old 08 January 2007, 23:03   #15
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Originally Posted by ribit View Post
the easy way was to knock the studs out but to do this you still had to take the hubs off, my idea was any extra work puts the buggers off and therefore they go and pick an easier target
I'd agree with that. Wheels removed, big chain to an anchor in the ground will deter your ordinary criminal. Unless you have something special, they will probably just move on
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Old 08 January 2007, 23:51   #16
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I've been thinking about this for a bit as I don't want someone to take my boat either and I got thinking. What would I do if I wanted to steal a boat and what would put me off it? Think as though you're a thief and you'll get most of the answers.

So, let's go and steal a boat.

1) First I've got to find one.

2) The first thing I'd do is case the area-maybe days in advance. I'd look for a way out with the boat in tow. If there's too many obstacles,it's in plain view of the owner or security or the 4x4 won't get there I won't bother with it.What I want is an easy in,easy out situation with something I can sell. What I don't want is to spend ages there,attract attention or not be able to sell what I'm planning to steal.

3) I'd turn up in a stolen 4x4 or one with false plates. CCTV is useless unless someone's monitoring it live. All I need to keep my face hidden is a balaclava. If I'm seen by anyone on site I'll have to leave rather fast anyway.

4) If feasable I'll hide the 4x4 close by and walk to the boat with the tools to remove the security. I'd get it ready to couple up and run-as long as I could get there without being seen. I want to be able to run easily if detected too-I'd rather leave empty handed and not get caught.

5) With a few simple tools that are easily available and some easy techniques I can get around any security on the trailer with minimum noise and fuss-and within a minute(I've already cased the OBVIOUS security and brought the right tools and equipment). If I bugger up the boat or trailer it's not mine anyway...

6) I'll walk up to the boat and give it a good hard shake to see if an alarm goes off.If it does I leave. If not, I'll get the 4x4 opening any accesses/gates etc in advance. I then couple up and run. I'll do all this as quietly as possible.

7) Once I'm off the premises with the boat in tow and round a couple of corners I've got away with it.

Right. What's going to put me off or stop me?

1)I can't steal what I can't see. Don't leave it in plain view of lots of passers by or an access road if possible.

2)Make access difficult. Access that can't be made without a tractor will put most thieves right off.Barking dogs would be a good put-off but we don't all have that luxury. Locked gates are good-even farm gates. It all takes time to open up and if it's too much hassle a thief will move elsewhere.CCTV on access will help at this point-just not if you want to catch them...

3)PIR lights will alert someone to the presence of the tow vehicle. As long as the site LOOKS like there's someone there that might see them then a PIR light will scare off a thief.

4)If possible put your boat somewhere where anyone stealing it will have to pass somewhere with an inhabitant.

5)Apart from the security you need for your insurance, make any other security either too hard to disable or very hard to see. If you're using a padlock use one like this:-

Or one like these:-

The enclosed clasp is a bastard to get to with boltcutters and the padlock is usually the weak link in the chain-so shift the attention elsewhere.
Use stainless chain if possible. It's harder to get through with easily portable 'tools' that don't make a hell of a noise than ANY hardened security chain (if you know how then hardened security chain is embarrassingly easy to remove) and it takes significantly longer to get through it with an oxy-acetylene porta-pak.
A ground anchor with chain to the centre of the trailer axle will be all but invisible. It won't do your trailer much good but better that the whole lot isn't nicked. Another 'hassle' factor for the thief-once he's hitched up he wants to leave. If you're lucky it'll rip his towbar off...

6) An alarm that 'chirps' to let people know it's armed along with a tight fitted cover would scare me off. It'd be a lot of hassle to remove or slash a tight cover,get aboard a boat,boltcrop any padlocks on hatches,find the battery and disconnect it without setting the alarm off.It's not like it's in a public carpark where people will ignore an alarm-it's in storage or at your home. One with it's own backup battery would be even better. Obstructions to hitching up would put me off too-for example if I had to turn the boat through 90 degrees or manoevre it around a bit by hand to hitch up.

7)A tracker or mobile pager alarm would be good here. Any GSM pager alarm can be tracked on the web to tell you where the boat is. You can even get them that use an old mobile phone for under £40 now. Then you can go and visit the thieves

Does that lot make sense?
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Old 09 January 2007, 00:09   #17
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
7)A tracker or mobile pager alarm would be good here. Any GSM pager alarm can be tracked on the web to tell you where the boat is. You can even get them that use an old mobile phone for under £40 now. Then you can go and visit the thieves

Does that lot make sense?
BRILLIANT idea! I don't own a RIB anymore, have a sports cruiser now, sooooo sooo many places to hide one of these guy's, that'd never be spotted!

Some wise words above, great post!
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Old 09 January 2007, 07:55   #18
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B4 removing the wheels I would check your insurance policy as most will state you have to have a wheel lock fitted & if you have no wheels fitted then a wheel lock ant much good!
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Old 09 January 2007, 07:55   #19
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Originally Posted by alt View Post
Some wise words above, great post!
Absolutely, good post Matt. Do a cut and paste plus a quick edit and flog the article to Rib International, got to be worth £200
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
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Old 09 January 2007, 12:59   #20
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Google for JSB Hublock - about to order one for my boat (sorry, not a rib :-( ) for use over winter storage - lots of threads in Caravan forums etc about how 3 or 4 hours with an acetylene torch won't get it off - apparently it melts the hub first !

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