"But why do you have to pay to have it lifted out? Surely the marina keeps a spare winch handle (they seem to be standard across several types of trailer, AFAIK)? Or could borrow one? Or even buy a replacement for you? How secure is the trailer storage area? If they reckon it's secure then the least they could do is buy you a replacement winch handle surely? "
Berthon policy is that boats and trailers are parked on hardstanding at owner's risk. They do not have any provision to take my trailer to the slip and collect the boat - despite having a full set of keys deposited with the Dockmaster - even if I could get them a handle.
On Monday, I anyway searched the half dozen trailers at Berthon, but none had the correct handle.
I left Farfetched in the water on Monday - I was about to recover her and had already put the trailer in the water when my son noticed we had no handle.
I rang Berthon Offices Tuesday morning (only the dockmaster was in on Monday) to ask for help and all they could offer was a lift onto the trailer which came out at about £100+Vat.
Given I am in Aylesbury and they are in Lymington, I had the choice of leaving her in water until I managed to get down and recover her - they thought one of the dockmasters would be able to help me with the recovery - but it might be two more weeks or so before I could get down there. As I am paying berthing plus parking on a nightly basis, which is much more than harsdstanding boat on trailer as I had budgeted, it turns out that leaving her in the water for an additional two weeks costs about the same as paying for a lift, and it would mean she might pick up some marine gunge....
I do not think the trailer area is particularly secure. No one seems particularly concerned that my trailer was tampered with.
Admiral posted me a new handle following a call first thing on Tuesday which arrived at my office today - Weds. Could not have been more helpful.
But I was left with no choice but to pay for the lift - and my insurance won't cough up. Great start to 2005.