28 October 2009, 13:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
BIBOA - mmmm hope joining was'nt a mistake
Hi All
I've just joined BIBOA - as I think it's good to support organisations representing RIB owners - now my only concern is the website seems really out of date - no new gallery pictures since 2008, no new diary events up for next year - which is only two months away, a forum that seems to have tumbleweed blowing through it and newsletters dated 2005 - although I hope that this is due to members receiving snail mail versions as part of the mebership charge
Anyway for £65 now starting to feel a little nervous - also the RIBs I can see all look rather big and shinny with large HP's - have a horrible feeling I may have just joined a rather elite RIB club - bugger
Reassurance please - or would I have been better off organising my own adventures here on Ribnet for others to join in with and spending my £65 on treating you all to a pint
If there are any BIBOA members at Ribnet - would be great to hear how you are finding it and advance apologies if I have offended in my first impressions
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
28 October 2009, 13:23
Country: UK - Wales
Town: N Wales Chester
Boat name: Mr Smith
Make: Humber
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 5,238
buying me a pint would certainly have been better
Can't say it sounds too promising to be honest with you.
I have found this forum excellent. Many help with any problems/questions and have also organised cruises. There was an Isle of man cruise organised for the TT with great effort from many, including marina launches, hotels, fuelling, two support boats with medics etc. It fell at the last with a force 8 ish over the week end but still about 10 boats went to play around! There had been at least 20 hoping to go. It is undoubtedly getting organised for this coming year.
Another recent cruise was organised down south for the Searider brethren, though others obviously went along to take the Michael out of them!
Another appears to be being organised for Pembrokshire. Check out the threads.
Welcome and don't worry, I'm sure many will welcome you here without the large subscription.....though you may still need to buy a few beers!
28 October 2009, 13:24
Country: UK - Wales
Town: N Wales Chester
Boat name: Mr Smith
Make: Humber
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 5,238
Oh yes, it is thee who is involved in the pembrokshire one. DOH
28 October 2009, 13:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837
Many BIBOA members are to be found on RIBnet.
Both are very much active and alive in different ways.
Unfortunatly, you are correct, BIBOA is generaly for the bigger boys toys and they prefer paper newsletters... as opposed to techno-RIBnet (which is free) where the small RIBS often seam to meet up for events geared more at the ability of a sub 5m boat.
Don't let the size thing put you off, i joined in some BIOBA stuff in my wee 18ft boat in the late 90's as did others in even smaller boats, Daniel II springs to mind with a 4.7m Tornado at the time i beleive.
They are a friendly enough bunch
28 October 2009, 13:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
Paul, Daniel - many thanks
Will keep on with the Pembrokeshire idea - and it's reassuring to hear that BIBOA is very much alive just less techie
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
28 October 2009, 13:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Norfolk/Suffolk Borders
Make: no boat
Length: no boat
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 885
Jean , if you use the search tool
you will find that this discussion has been held at least twice before. I'm a RIBnet Supporter and A BIBOA Member , and I think that they are two slightly different things . On all the BIBOA cruises I've been on , I always been made to feel very welcome ( once as crew , but mostly using my own rib ). Next years cruises are always a bit late in getting posted , but if you use this years as a guide , you probably won't be too far out . I strongly recommend the Scottish Cruise for some really magical trips. I'm sure Louise will be along shortly to reassure .
pic 1 Byron Danton Tavern ( Sanda ) - " lonliest Island pub in GB "
pic 2 View from the Old Forge Pub ( Inverie ) " lonliest mainland pub in GB "
The cruises are normally worth going on just for the " vittals " .
28 October 2009, 13:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
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Posts: 11,642
KY - there are certainly a number of active members of RIBnet who are involved with BIBOA. Richard B and Louise are two of the most obvious ones - although they spend a bit less time here since acquiring children!
There was a thread about a year ago, which was quite "lively" about the topic of BIBOA. I was probably one of those not particularly enthused for a number of reasons, including the "big shiny boat" phenomenon you have spotted. However I don't think you have wasted £65 - and you seem like the sort of person who is keen to get out there, meet people and get involved so that should ensure that you get something back. You'll be in a better position next year to make a decision on whether you got value for money when its time to renew your subscription. You'll also by then be in a much better position to decide if its the sort of organisation you think could be encouraged to better serve the interests of smaller boaters by rolling up your sleeves and getting invovled... Your also at the right end of the country to get maximum return.
Like all organisations like this it relies heavily on volunteers looking after the website etc - and for all sort of reasons that can fall by the wayside.
28 October 2009, 13:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
Should have conducted a search first - but I can see the threads you chaps are referring to - Polwart I think that's sage advice - give it a year and see how it goes.
Very happy to get my hands dirty - as you say it's only as good as the volunteer time put into it
Louise and Richard B - if I can help with the website or us "smaller" members  do let me know
Thanks again
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
28 October 2009, 14:24
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6,299
Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Very happy to get my hands dirty - as you say it's only as good as the volunteer time put into it
Where does the £65 go, if the organisation is so reliant on volunteer input?
28 October 2009, 15:32
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
I think Richard B and louise are involved give em a PM.
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
28 October 2009, 15:44
exspyrd trayd membir
Country: Ireland
Town: inn wiliks hed
Make: Redbay 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: Twin Etec 90hp
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 962
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I think Richard B and louise are involved give em a PM.
yorr rite yew nobbur.
heers sum cloos
Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck
I'm sure Louise will be along shortly to reassure .
Originally Posted by Polwart
Richard B and Louise are two of the most obvious ones
Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Louise and Richard B - if I can help with the website
Originally Posted by Polwart
and for all sort of reasons that can fall by the wayside.
yus. de swingin sceen inn readinng iz probubly too blaim
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
28 October 2009, 20:51
Country: UK - England
Boat name: SOLD
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 794
I have been a member for many years
but yes its a club for 7.5 mts plus ribs any one who disagrees
needs to show me photos of a cruise (Solent area) where there are a number of sub 6.5 mt ribs togeather on a organised cruise
Its a racing club first and foremost
the do,s are if you want to get from A to B no messing about at speed doing cross channel stuff etc then this is it
the no,s are how many cruises are there where the bigger boats do not leave
the smaller boats,its not a good feeling seeing the quick boats shoot ahead
its not a picnic at Alum bay club
its horses for coures.
28 October 2009, 21:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
I think that's a bit of a shame really Roy - I'm not a picnic person but when joining a club it would be nice to feel I can enjoy the membership as much as anyone else - it certainly wasn't clear on joining that it was a racing club first and foremost or indeed non inclusive
I'll have to think if I wish to remain a member based on your do's and don't s as I'm sub 6m not fussed about racing from A to B and keen to be inclusive in my hobby
No problem with horses for courses but perhaps it should have been clearer the type of horse power you need
Thanks for the insight though much appreciated
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
28 October 2009, 21:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 55, Volvo 200
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,217
Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Hi All
I've just joined BIBOA - as I think it's good to support organisations representing RIB owners - now my only concern is the website seems really out of date - no new gallery pictures since 2008, no new diary events up for next year - which is only two months away, a forum that seems to have tumbleweed blowing through it and newsletters dated 2005 - although I hope that this is due to members receiving snail mail versions as part of the mebership charge
Anyway for £65 now starting to feel a little nervous - also the RIBs I can see all look rather big and shinny with large HP's - have a horrible feeling I may have just joined a rather elite RIB club - bugger
Reassurance please - or would I have been better off organising my own adventures here on Ribnet for others to join in with and spending my £65 on treating you all to a pint
If there are any BIBOA members at Ribnet - would be great to hear how you are finding it and advance apologies if I have offended in my first impressions
You mean the Scorpion owners club?
28 October 2009, 21:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Horsham
Boat name: Knot a RIB
Make: Avon Typhoon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 25hp
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 868
So I seem to be learning Chewy - perhaps not so much Scorpion but bigger than my wonderful Searider
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
28 October 2009, 22:27
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6,299
Will you be asking for a refund?
You could put it towards a down payment on a new Scorpion.
28 October 2009, 22:35
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 5,090
28 October 2009, 22:37
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 5,090
28 October 2009, 22:39
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 5,090
AH no admins active now .. shakes trouser leg .. post away chaps
.. damn ones come back .....as you were .. look busy ..
28 October 2009, 22:42
Country: UK - Wales
Town: West Wales
Make: Vipermax 5.8, SR4.7
Length: 5m +
Engine: 150 Opti, F50EFi
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6,299
Post deleted 'cos Bigmuz led me up the wrong path.........
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