03 December 2008, 17:21
Country: Ireland
Town: Cork
Boat name: Wolf
Make: Humber
Length: 8m +
Engine: DF300
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 32
At Last...Cap'n Sensible has spoken..
give 'em back the fifty...
Seriously where is the love?.....
And there I was looking forward to a bit of fun in 2010.
Maybe stay at home.
03 December 2008, 18:03
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Louise
Thanks for your feedback. None of BIBOA's cruises are organised/targetted for specific sizes of RIB.
except the one in question! (All participants have to be BIBOA members for the event - so it is to all intents and purposes a BIBOA event even if it wasn't their idea in the first place).
We are always looking for people willing to organise cruises so if what is currently on offer doesn't suit, why not join up and organise something yourself?
I predicted to myself you would make such a suggestion. I doubt many people join and then start organising cruises for you straight away though... perhaps I can organise a cruise for small boats and BIBOA can be a partner 
I disagree that our fees are high. I did a quick Google of Sailing Associations and randomly clicked on a few. Some didn't state their fees but those who did were as follows (all for individual adult membership for which BIBOA charges £50): £65, £125, £120, £55.
I think you must be looking at Sailing clubs, who normally have a physical presence etc... try searching for Boat owners association or class association. By way of example: - Cobra and Seawolf association (yachts) £10 pa
- Shetland Owners Association £4 for life!
- Residential Boat owners association £12-21 pa
- Leisure Owners Association (yachts) £10 pa
- National 12 Owners Association (dinghies) £10-17.50 pa
- Guernsey Boat Owners Association £10 pa
- Wayfarer Association (dinghies) £16-20 pa
- Pathfinder powerboat club £30 pa
All these organisations seem far more comparable to what BIBOA offer - they represent the membership, might set some rules for racing, and organise occassional events/cruises/races - rather than being a club with premises and a very regular program of activities.
Regarding our photostock and statement - we are being honest. They are actual photos taken by members during BIBOA events and the smallest main boat owned by a member is 4.5m. I guess we could be dishonest and pretend otherwise but that's not the way we like to operate.
so in that case it is a group of "bigger boat owners" that is not so welcoming for people with diddy boats! Also by "advertising" in this way it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy - if BIBOA felt strongly that it wanted to represent all rib owners it would look at ways of presenting itself as more inclusive.
03 December 2008, 20:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: SMH Rib / War Shot
Make: Ribtec / Scorpion
Length: 4m +
Engine: 100hp Yam/150hp opt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 2,069
I was a member. Left.
Most of the advertised events were longish distance. Too "adventurous" for me. Cruise coordinator has an 8.5m diesel Scorpion which seems to go very well in all weathers.
Was hoping that the revamped website would be a good resource - a bit like this one. Took for ever for it to be updated.
Didn't see value for my membership.
Voted with my feet. No point complaining about it.
I hope things have evolved since I was last a member a couple of years ago.
03 December 2008, 20:32
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 2,100
Originally Posted by Searider
IMost of the advertised events were longish distance. Too "adventurous" for me. Cruise coordinator has an 8.5m diesel Scorpion which seems to go very well in all weathers.
He's probably cruise coordinator because no other bugger wants the task.  Been there done that. (And had a 6.5m RIB at first.) The Cruise Coordinators two favourite cruises btw are ideal for small RIBS - Solent and East Coast Rivers.
Nice to see nothing changes in the ribbing world. You don't have to join BIBOA to go ribbing. The 'club' does offer some benefits and a great way to meet genuine likeminded souls. Even those with Scorpions. But if it's not for you then why make a big deal out of it? And do have some feeling for those (such as Louise) that put a great deal of effort into a club and often get little praise for it.
Back on the topic(ish) of the GBRR..... I can see the benefit in the 7.5m rule in terms of keeping average speeds up (like it or not bigger boats can sustain higher cruising speeds more readily than smaller ones) to get round in the timeframe. The counter argument of course is that RB4 back in 2002 went round Britain in 10 days with 5m RIBs. We were lucky with the weather though!
I haven't read the website in detail, how much is the entry fee? It is a RIB International event after all............
Out of the fog......
03 December 2008, 20:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Reading
Make: None
Length: under 3m
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 2,039
OK, enough is enough. I have a life to lead so this will be my last post on this thread.
Polwart, I've looked at the first four associations and none of them is comparable to BIBOA. You are not comparing like with like. Anyway, it sounds like you are never going to join a club like BIBOA so I can't see any point in continuing the discussion.
Duncan, yes I think you're right that BIBOA is an 'adventurous' club. Short cruises are well catered for here on RIBnet but for those of us who want to sometimes push ourselves a bit further, BIBOA offers the chance to do more extended cruising in company. This is in addition to gentler BIBOA cruises such as the day-long cruises around various parts of the Solent which take place over the Easter weekend. I'm happy to say that the vast majority of our members renew every year, but then no-one (or club) will ever please all the people all of the time.
03 December 2008, 21:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Honda BF50
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8,875
Originally Posted by Louise
OK, enough is enough. I have a life to lead so this will be my last post on this thread.
Polwart, I've looked at the first four associations and none of them is comparable to BIBOA. You are not comparing like with like. Anyway, it sounds like you are never going to join a club like BIBOA so I can't see any point in continuing the discussion.
Duncan, yes I think you're right that BIBOA is an 'adventurous' club. Short cruises are well catered for here on RIBnet but for those of us who want to sometimes push ourselves a bit further, BIBOA offers the chance to do more extended cruising in company. This is in addition to gentler BIBOA cruises such as the day-long cruises around various parts of the Solent which take place over the Easter weekend. I'm happy to say that the vast majority of our members renew every year, but then no-one (or club) will ever please all the people all of the time.
I'm thinking of joining BIBOA as soon as I can get these damn Osprey decals off of my boat.
03 December 2008, 22:15
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Louise
Polwart, I've looked at the first four associations and none of them is comparable to BIBOA. You are not comparing like with like. Anyway, it sounds like you are never going to join a club like BIBOA so I can't see any point in continuing the discussion.
well perhaps BIBOAs marketing is missing me then - cos I can't see a fundamental difference. They represent and organise events for mutual benefit of groups of people with a common interest in a type of boat. I specifically included the pathfinder club as it is obviously very close to what BIBOA seem to me to be. The others were the first owners assocs membership fees that google found for me.
Duncan, yes I think you're right that BIBOA is an 'adventurous' club. Short cruises are well catered for here on RIBnet but for those of us who want to sometimes push ourselves a bit further, BIBOA offers the chance to do more extended cruising in company. This is in addition to gentler BIBOA cruises such as the day-long cruises around various parts of the Solent which take place over the Easter weekend.
I am happy that you agree that many of BIBOA's activities are more suited to bigger offshore boats then  . And bearing that in mind I am sure you will see how "outsiders" would think the same.
03 December 2008, 22:23
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Louise
Anyway, it sounds like you are never going to join a club like BIBOA so I can't see any point in continuing the discussion.
Thats not true. Well if the club "like BIBOA" was about 1/2 the cost, ran cruises local to me more than say once a year and openly welcomed folks with small boats! And I suspect if it was closer to a tenner a year then many more people would join even if they don't participate in the events.
03 December 2008, 22:24
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
I saw the event thread read BIBOA and ignored it, what a fool I was. It's a cracking argument, open, passionate and opinionated. Well done people
As three of the moderators were involved I imagine the temptation to delete an opponents post was ever present
03 December 2008, 22:25
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by Polwart
Thats not true. Well if the club "like BIBOA" was about 1/2 the cost, ran cruises local to me more than say once a year and openly welcomed folks with small boats! And I suspect if it was closer to a tenner a year then many more people would join even if they don't participate in the events.
03 December 2008, 22:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Length: no boat
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 673
Originally Posted by Polwart
Thats not true. Well if the club "like BIBOA" was about 1/2 the cost, ran cruises local to me more than say once a year and openly welcomed folks with small boats! And I suspect if it was closer to a tenner a year then many more people would join even if they don't participate in the events.
Why not organise one and get the backing/support of BIBOA rather than complain that someone else isn't doing it.
Having not been a member for a few years maybe there needs to be a SIB or small RIB committee member to represent their interests. Again it needs someone to step forward!
03 December 2008, 23:10
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by MarkWildey
Why not organise one and get the backing/support of BIBOA rather than complain that someone else isn't doing it.
A cruise or a club?
If you meant a club I can't see BIBOA supporting what would in effect be a competitive club.
If you mean a cruise - then why do it under the BIBOA umbrella? What value does that bring - I can do it via Ribnet without everyone having to fork out 50 quid for membership.
I'm not complaining at all. As I said previously I am providing some feedback which an open minded organisation trying to widen its membership might want to take on board. But if they are quite happy with their membership, and that they are percieved by some as a "big rib" club then I have no objection to that - and they should stop pretending not to be.
Having not been a member for a few years maybe there needs to be a SIB or small RIB committee member to represent their interests. Again it needs someone to step forward!
Yes - i'm not even sure if technically SIBs fall in their remit - although I am sure they would be made welcome. I am guessing they don't have too many committee meetings in Scotland though - so practicality would make you a better volunteer for that role!!!
04 December 2008, 17:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
Boat name: Breawatch
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 150 F/stroke
MMSI: ex directory!!
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Posts: 6,203
Having researched and had correspondence with BIBOA I can only support most whole-heartly everthing that Polwart has raised in relation to this organisation.
05 December 2008, 09:24
Country: Other
Town: In my Cave
Boat name: camalot
Make: Tuppaware
Length: 6m +
Engine: Who needs engines!
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 14
I joined them 5 or 6 years ago. Only had a little boat then, was tld to mail details and they would get me an board a boat on the next cruise........chased them but never had a single reply to mails.
Didnt renew & would give them the time of day.........bloody ignorant!!
05 December 2008, 09:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Edenbridge
Boat name: Scorpion
Make: Scorpion 8.5mtr
Length: 8m +
Engine: 315hp Yanmar Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 696
I joined BIBOA about 15 years ago and the club has been fantastic, joined when we sold our dory and brought a 6mtre Humber. Was introduced to lots of people who had been on ribs for years, alan priddy etc and they spent a lot of time with us showing us how to do things and we gained a hell of a lot of experiance.
Been on Ribs for 15 years now, ran the cruise side of the club a couple of years ago and run about 6 events throughout the year. Not all of them are long distance ie Solent to Dartmouth etc and we have boats from 6 mtres to 10 mtres on the events.
Up to you if you want to join etc but if your interested in Ribs and meeting with like minded people then 50 quid is not exactly a lot of money to depart with.
Julian Lyas
05 December 2008, 10:04
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Julian
Not all of them are long distance ie Solent to Dartmouth etc and we have boats from 6 mtres to 10 mtres on the events.
reinforcing the idea that the club is not really for small (e.g. 4-5m) boats.
Up to you if you want to join etc but if your interested in Ribs and meeting with like minded people then 50 quid is not exactly a lot of money to depart with.
if you are in a big rib you are probably right - what does 50 quid buy you - an hour or maybe two of fuel, a week's storage in the marina/dry stack. But if you are a small ribber boating on a budget - 50 quid is probably a whole weekend's fuel, or 2-3 months+ storage etc. Or 2.5 years of RIBnet supporter status  .... or you can chose to benefit from rib net FOC, and achieve many of the same benefits! ... or 30 months subscription to RIB international... or 18 months membership of the RYA.
05 December 2008, 12:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Edenbridge
Boat name: Scorpion
Make: Scorpion 8.5mtr
Length: 8m +
Engine: 315hp Yanmar Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 696
I think your just looking for an argument to be honest.
As your so against BIBOA Probably better if you dont join.
Julian Lyas
05 December 2008, 12:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4,021
I have just joined, the reason.... I want to go on longer well organised cruises next year now that I have forked out for a larger boat. Previously when I had a smaller boat I did not really feel comfortable going long distance and did not feel I would benefit from joining Biboa.
Now I do.
I can't really see what the problem is, The fact the the clubs membership has become predominantly larger Rib owners is just a sign of the times and the way the Rib market has changed over the last decade.
I don't see this as a bad thing. If there was a large volume of members that joined with smaller boats and became active in organising trips that suited then perhaps that would help the club develop in that area. Its like any club you get as much out of it as you are prepared to put in.
I have always found RIBnet as the best resource for organising shorter day trips or excursions as it seemed more suitable.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
05 December 2008, 13:43
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
Boat name: Grey Ghost
Make: Scorpion
Length: 10m +
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Chris
I have just joined, the reason.... I want to go on longer well organised cruises next year now that I have forked out for a larger boat. Previously when I had a smaller boat I did not really feel comfortable going long distance and did not feel I would benefit from joining Biboa.
Now I do.
I can't really see what the problem is, The fact the the clubs membership has become predominantly larger Rib owners is just a sign of the times and the way the Rib market has changed over the last decade.
I don't see this as a bad thing. If there was a large volume of members that joined with smaller boats and became active in organising trips that suited then perhaps that would help the club develop in that area. Its like any club you get as much out of it as you are prepared to put in.
I have always found RIBnet as the best resource for organising shorter day trips or excursions as it seemed more suitable.
Thats the most sensible post to date re BIBOA and bang on the money, exactly how my last 2 years have gone. Look forward to seeing you on some of the trips next year. You could drag that wave jumping madman along, we can always syphon off some fuel mid channel to keep him flying.
05 December 2008, 14:13
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
Boat name: Grey Ghost
Make: Scorpion
Length: 10m +
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 92
If you PM Louise nicely :-) she maybe able to send you a copy of the 1/4 riblines mag, havent read in full yet (so dont quote me on anything) but looks as if they had a great Scottish cruise this summer, ribs from 10m down to 4m running together.
But please ask nicely chaps.......
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