BIG Aluminum Rib Project? Thoughts?
I worked on the 1992 America's Cup boats one summer, they had been retrofitted for a tour operation in Nassau. There was a big tender there, "Ranger". Since then the operation has been in and out of different owners hands as well as the tender, where at some point it was retrofitted with solid aluminum tubes and I think for outboards.
It has recently come up for sale again, this time at quite a good price considering the amount of aluminum!?! It seems to be a 14m.
Any thoughts of removing the aluminum tubes and restoring with hypalon tubes and rigging with a few new engines? This would be to complement our business, Harbour Safaris.
Not an easy project for sure, but might be worth it? Thoughts?
How much would a 14m set of hypalon tubes cost, roughly?
Harbour Safaris
Swimming Pigs Excursions & More
Nassau, Bahamas