19 June 2009, 17:32
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big fish
Take it easy ....but, take it all the way.
19 June 2009, 17:37
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Originally Posted by Ezgoing
 half ton fish with an 80lb line
19 June 2009, 17:46
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What do Basking Sharks actually taste like though?
19 June 2009, 19:08
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seems sad they couldnt release it. no need for trophy pictures on the dock.
i know some fish die when you bring them up from the deep because of their swim bladders, but i don't think thats the case with sharks.
19 June 2009, 19:47
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Originally Posted by Lewy
seems sad they couldnt release it. no need for trophy pictures on the dock.
i know some fish die when you bring them up from the deep because of their swim bladders, but i don't think thats the case with sharks.
Aye,.. lets ban all fishing now too ? Maybe he did eat some of it ? or fed it to his dogs ? whats wrong with that ? .... the last 'big' game hunt I went on,.. I got a mackerel .. I kept it  and I hate to say it , but I ate it  .. cos I was getting hungry if I didnt
19 June 2009, 19:56
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
.... the last 'big' game hunt I went on,.. I got a mackerel .. I kept it  and I hate to say it , but I ate it  .. cos I was getting hungry if I didnt 
19 June 2009, 20:03
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Originally Posted by neilda
What do Basking Sharks actually taste like though?

19 June 2009, 20:20
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I've never had a problem with fishing and eating what you've caught, done it myself lots of times.
But in my very humble opinion this Tosser has crossed a line, and killed a magnificent animal, just because he could. You can't tell me he ate it.
I put him in the same league as the morons that enjoyed shooting all the Lions and Tigers in Africa, and all the others that still enjoy shooting things because they are too stupid to enjoy themselves any other way.
19 June 2009, 20:35
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Originally Posted by Nasher
I've never had a problem with fishing and eating what you've caught, done it myself lots of times.
But in my very humble opinion this Tosser has crossed a line, and killed a magnificent animal, just because he could. You can't tell me he ate it.
I put him in the same league as the morons that enjoyed shooting all the Lions and Tigers in Africa, and all the others that still enjoy shooting things because they are too stupid to enjoy themselves any other way.
like... he knew he was going to get a half ton shark when he put his line in the water  ... maybe youd better stop fishing for anything to be on the safe side  just incase that was the only shark we have left ..
19 June 2009, 20:44
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What do Basking Sharks actually taste like though?
this one is not a basker though is it.
19 June 2009, 21:32
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What is worse is the way they get the fins for shark fin soup - just cut the fins off and let the shark swim away to die!!!
19 June 2009, 22:20
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Originally Posted by wavelength
this one is not a basker though is it.
This, I know.....
There was quite a thread some days back about the baskers.
You had to be there.
I'm here all week.
19 June 2009, 22:25
Country: UK - England
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i'd like to have seen the boat that hauled that fish aboard
i love fishing as much as anyone, in fact thats what i'll be doing this weekend.
but to me, like nasher said, to kill that magnificent fish is like shooting a tiger or a lion.
maybe i should give that fisherman some credit, what he did was amazing with the tackle he was using. but i would still preferred to see that one returned. its not like it was a common mackerel!
19 June 2009, 22:41
Country: UK - Scotland
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I dont think he really believed he was going to kill anything major.. It just so happened.. he got this monster on his line and took it all the way.
Now .. can we get real, and stop being so PC.. ffs ..
I'm sure he's not got a mission to rid the world of sharks, he was fishing allbeit for sport,.... but by god,.... if any of you PC brigade saw what gets thrown back dead.. by decisions from euro MP's which you have/have not voted for.. but got anyway .. perhaps you might be a little more motivated in the right direction to keep our fish stocks alive  .. as I am
19 June 2009, 22:58
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You lot are getting grumpy, so I thought this might cheer you up a bit:
I did a spot of diving off the Leah C, a roomy but still only 23ft long GRP open boat. Adrian was quite the pioneer fisherman, a man of letters and a "real world" conservationist. He still kept that one - damn near half a ton of tuna. I asked him how he got it in the boat.... After some banter he told me. They screwed the engine hatch off, tied it over the stern and after considerable rope work, hauled him in.
Not much elbow room on the return trip though!
20 June 2009, 08:46
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20 June 2009, 21:55
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Hmm all seems a bit strange to me, like someone else said how did they manage to catch a half tonne shark if he was fishing for pollack?
Also how did they get it aboard/back to shore.
This is the boat:
21 June 2009, 00:41
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Originally Posted by chewy
Easy if you're using a whole mackerel for bait and a heavy wire trace in case of conger-or possibly fishng for bluefin tuna which isn't unknown off South West Ireland. I'd be buggered if I'd try and get close enough to unhook something that big with that many teeth and cutting the line isn't really an option unless you're close enough to risk losing an arm as it'll eventually get caught on something and kill the shark anyway.
I don't agree with killing it but they may have had no choice.
They towed it in.
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21 June 2009, 09:17
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The procedure for recording a fishes weight for the purpose of entering the record books meens that the fish has to weighed ashore and thus the Shark had to die. I just hope that the shark is used to produce many meals.
I'm a fisherman and love the sport, but I only catch what I need or friends want to eat. All the rest go back or I pack up early.
This has all gone very PC as 20 years ago this guy would have been a hero and would have made it to mainstream TV.
Personnally I have no objections to this Shark being caught by rod and line, I'd love to catch a record fish. But I beleive that more and more Sea fish are being returned alive to fight another day. Bass fisherman quite often have their own personal limit (above that of the legal requirments) that anything below this gets returned. I have caught Tope (small shark) I have never taken any of these home and all swam away to live another day when released.
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21 June 2009, 09:30
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Slightly OT but relevant to the fishing side, friend of mine has a little 5m Alu dory with a 8hp outboard which he uses for leisure trips including fishing close in. He has been stopped 3 times in as many months by fisheries protection, twice he was given advice including a chart with minimum sizes, and once was boarded and searched, he would not take undersize Bass (which seemed their main concern) but the penalties were pointed out to him i.e. a £1000 fine and/or seizure of boat. Just check what your catching, I'm sure some folk aren't aware of what is and isn't 'legal' catch.
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