20 November 2001, 10:12
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Boat Covers
Can anyone reccomend makers of bespoke covers?I am looking for an overall cover and console/ seating covers for the summer.
20 November 2001, 20:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
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Having just thrown away my second professionally made cover I have gone down the DIY route. Professionally made are very nice but at £500 a go, expensive although each lasted about 5 years. Watch the colour though. Dark colours are bad news in the summer as the boat and tubes heat up underneath, not good for petrol in the fuel tanks as it goes off dead quick. So the DIY route is via:
cost for 7 x 4m was £46. Needle and thread from Chandlers and a day sat on the garage floor. It fits exactly is waterproof and being the h/weight material hopefully will last a few years.
21 November 2001, 09:25
Country: UK - England
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Thanks;I have placed an order;
It amazes me that the supposed specialist provider failed to get bacg tome after4 telephone calls
02 December 2001, 11:02
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for this most usefu linformation.
Which grade of tarpaulin did you choose?
Also, have you made a pull through to fit the shape of the baot, or just cut it roughly to shape etc?
Any info you can give me would be most welcome
Carpe pm
02 December 2001, 21:15
Country: UK - N Ireland
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I've made loads of home-made covers and the handiest thing for a rib is heavy (6-7mm) bungy cord sewn into the cover right round the edge. You can then just stretch the cover over and it stays on almost without any tiedowns because of the curve in of the tubes (except at 60mph+!). You also dont have to be too accurate with your shaping of the cover as the elastic will gather the cover in round the tubes & boobs.
[what does everyone else call the pointy bits at the back of a rib?]
03 December 2001, 20:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
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Posts: 4,951
Used the expensive one as it was the only size big enough. Turned out to be a very bright grass green colour, not my first choice but no matter at that price. The material is a heavy plastic and has a thread reinforcement though it every 5mm or so. Used harry black (gaffer tape) to shape the cover and make the folds before sewing the inside so it fits the curves. One fold at each side of the console and a couple at the bow did the trick.
Couldn't work out what to do at the stern. If the cover touches the OBM it will take the paint off in time as the cover moves with the wind. So cut it short and under the engine. Used the firms hole reinforcing things but could do with a second pack. (10 in a pack, neat and easy to use). The material was cut so it folds under the tubes to the hull join and ran a rope through the holes.
Regards Pete
03 December 2001, 20:46
Country: USA
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Posts: 244
Did you experiment to see if you could heat weld the seams?...fold a seam and place some paper over the seam and heat with a clothing iron...we use to make inflatable sculptures with heavy PVC plastic sheeting...you could actually make a inflatable storage shelter, and inflate it with a old vacuum cleaner. Just a thought.
03 December 2001, 21:04
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
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I have an off cut, so could be an experiment taking palce tomorrow, lets get the maufactures comments on this, wait out for more.
03 December 2001, 21:40
Country: USA
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Posts: 244
another idea...
another quick idea for working with large plastic is two sided carpet tape...fold , tape, pop a grommet in and a couple stiches on the ends...
08 December 2001, 18:22
Country: USA
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Posts: 244
Did you ever do a test with a heat weld?...
08 December 2001, 21:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
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Posts: 4,951
Didnt try the heat weld in the end, opted for evostick to glue two loops each sid eof the console to stop it lifting and reinforced the seams there as well, hope to take a pic tomorrow if its nice.
21 December 2001, 20:04
Country: UK - England
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Any udea where you can get good bungy cord from - at a fair price of course?
Carpe pm
22 December 2001, 07:41
Country: UK - N Ireland
Town: Bangor
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Posts: 188
The big B&Qs sell it next to ropes etc. - or any yacht chandler.
22 December 2001, 08:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Worcestershire
Boat name: Not Yet Named
Make: Avon SR 4
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40 HP Yamaha Autolub
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 600
Thanks Alan
Carpe pm
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