17 August 2014, 06:29
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Boat log records
Does anyone use the app Wave Trax to keep records of journeys etc, interested in feedback
17 August 2014, 06:51
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No experience of it Looks quite polished - suspect you could get free bits n bobs that do similar... Certainly some walking and cycling aps that will keep your track and let you share it.
What do you want the log for? Is it a commercial requirement? Either way I suspect it will be more accurate for your track log than a paper log book. BUT if you are required to have a paper log book is there anything that requires its bound etc (i.e. so pages cant be removed / replaced). Anything that needs to be recorded in a log book other than course...?
If its a legal need what happens if iPad forgotten, not charged, ap not started in error.
The WAFI ones I've seen contain more "Notes" than passage info. Ranging from...
Engineering issues, which batteries charging, using etc, fuel tank info etc. Suspect some may be available from NMEA 2000 type data...
Maydays etc (suspect this comes from commercial shipping).. e.g. 14:43 Mayday Received from Yacht Non Such, dis-masted, position X Y, 4 POB. Solent CG Co-ordinating.
15:25 Mayday Cancelled.
Cant see that ever being practical on a Rib, so not sure how you would do that on an ap either.
On ocean crossings some of the WAFIs may record other traffic...
17 August 2014, 07:03
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Overall no legal requirement unless I have missed that!
I do complete skippers log for each use, giving distances, weather, routes but was looking at other options to how I record it. I can see I could use Raymarine / garmin on board products also so that might be best option by adding a separate sd card each time to download
Have just replaced an ageing Garmin Hand held and new one I believe may do most, this works off satellites so better than app I guess .
The app is regularly pushed as a good option so was looking to see if anyone has used it
17 August 2014, 08:06
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Hi, I was not aware of this app, I have a iphone and £8.99, it looks great if it does half what is says it does I will be very happy, do I need it no, do I want it yes but I'm a gadget freak
Thxs for letting me know About this app
17 August 2014, 08:41
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is the app not using GPS too? I'd have thought anything else was too unreliable at sea...
I'd have assumed some of your trips are very routine and others are new places etc. I can see the desire to log the new with photos etc, the routine unless something special happens woud just be another log...?
On the legal side it looks like some commercial vessels do need a log:
https://www.gov.uk/government/upload...163/mgn395.pdf (Presume you don't meet that requirement - as I think this is the stuff that says you need Navtex etc - so perhaps the 300GT limit ...)
Sure there are other requirements for big shipping in terms of signing on and off watches - masters instructions - that kind of stuff... None of which is practical on your RIB no matter if its a paper log or an iPad...
17 August 2014, 09:28
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Yes correct that notice does not apply to our sector. I have logs handwritten but looking to ease that product and also storage of said notes
17 August 2014, 09:31
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Shame (or odd?) that its iPhone only, when there are various waterproof Androids which are more suitable for going on boats! Although there are rumours the iPhone6 will be waterproof (launch expected Sept).
With the obsession everyone here has on fuel economy and revs it would be nice if it tracked engine data like that!
17 August 2014, 09:58
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Poly, on our Raymarine kit I can track engine data, very useful tool and can split screen it to for live info with chart. They tell me I can download all this too if I set it up.
As you say iPhone wave Trax app will work if you keep the pale product dry presently I use an overboard bag
18 August 2014, 20:34
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Does it log where you went or just where you wanted to go...?
18 August 2014, 20:41
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
Does it log where you went or just where you wanted to go...?
Just downloaded it myself it was free so thought why not....
Looks like it does if you are a member
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