18 June 2022, 10:48
Country: UK - England
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Body in Southampton Water
I'm afraid the best laid plans end in total shock when calling for help over the boats VHF......Coming from the IoW up Southampton Water Thursday evening, reaching Moorehead bouy, when I spotted a man submerged in the water. Stopped and turned back....dead. Alone and with nobody around, grabbed radio and called MAYDAY, not what was needed, but in my state of shock, really didn't know what or who to call.
Police launch first on the scene, followed by Helicopter and then the Calshot lifeboat.
Have since scanned the papers/internet, but found no mention of incident. Perhaps too early, but wanting to know the outcome, in order to put this sad and sorry tale to bed, with some sort of closure.
18 June 2022, 11:26
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Very sad. I recall, as a child, my father spotting a body in the water as we sailed back to Beaulieu one evening. My understanding is that these poor folk are most commonly jumpers from other coastal parts.
Hope it doesn't sit with you too hard.
18 June 2022, 12:53
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Very sad, and also very traumatic for you I have no doubt.
In the circumstances I don't think a MAYDAY call was wrong - a person in the water you were unable to recover, and it got the quickest response.
It may be the police are trying to identify the person trace and inform relatives before releasing any information.
If it is troubling you, maybe a calll to the police asking about the incident saying you were the person on the scene who called it in might let them give you some info.
All credit to you for keeping good watch in the first place to spot the person, then to investigate, and to alert the authortities, allowing them to recover them.
I hope the stress and shock from such an unexpected event fades soon.
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
18 June 2022, 13:24
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That’s grim news. There was clearly nothing else you could do to improve the situation and a mayday was probably a good as any other option. It was definitely a situation that merited getting the authorities on site quickly.
I hope you’re back out having happier times on your boat soon.
18 June 2022, 13:35
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Originally Posted by ribber
Have since scanned the papers/internet, but found no mention of incident. Perhaps too early, but wanting to know the outcome, in order to put this sad and sorry tale to bed, with some sort of closure.
By pure chance, you were in the right place to do what had to be done. You did a great job under difficult circumstances and made the handover to the agencies involved - never think any different. Somewhere, someone is getting closure because of you. IIWY I'd take that win and draw a line under the matter. If you feel as though the event is still "unfinished" for you, have a chat with someone who understands. People without similar experiences will struggle to comprehend how you feel.
18 June 2022, 14:29
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That’s a horrendous thing to come across. Given the circumstances I think I have done the same and put out a MayDay or Pan Pan. You were first on scene and no doubt shock kicks in.
I’m sure the police are still doing their investigations. The positive, is you helped recover the body. He’s someone’s son, father, brother. Hope you get the information you’re looking for to get closure and get back out on the water soon.
Is that with or without VAT?
18 June 2022, 14:35
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I’ve been involved twice in resuscitations, both left me damaged, wanting to know more.
One a suicide off a bridge one a wee kid in a pool. Go visit your local police station, they’ll understand how you feel and may be able to give you some info/ advice.
Mayday 100% correct call. What else?
Take some pride and consolation that finding that body will help a family find the answers they need. Well played buddy.
18 June 2022, 17:56
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Back in my mining days I was in the colliery first aid team. We were given a shift a week to train, so I was under the illusion that I was competent & confident, which I was. Until; we were travelling home from a diving trip & were first on the scene at a car crash. 2 pissed up kids had T boned an old couple on the M6. We got them both out of the car & I did an assessment. The old guy was breathing, so I got him in the recovery position. The lady wasn’t breathing & was unresponsive. I started CPR & was still going when the services arrived. The police took our details & sent us on our way, that was it. A few weeks later I got a letter from the police saying that I may be called to court as a witness, as the old lady had died. Nothing ever came of it as the accused pleaded guilty. And that was it, no follow up. This was the mid-80’s, counselling hadn’t been invented. I don’t know what I was expecting to happen, I wasn’t looking for thanks or gratitude. I was left feeling useless & guilty that I’d let the old girl down. It took a long time to get over it.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
18 June 2022, 18:19
Country: UK - England
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Thank you for all your kind comments. Really didn't think it would have such an effect on my mind. Still, early days, so as some have said, the police have much to do before any information can be given out. No matter who or what the circumstances are, I'm just glad he was found, giving others closure.
18 June 2022, 18:24
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I’ve found 3 dead folk over the years 2 suicides and my father from a heart attack it never leaves you but you get used to it.
18 June 2022, 19:34
Country: UK - England
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It's bound to affect you emotionally, it's an extreme event you were not expecting. or trained for. Focus on the postive that found himand as a result his family won't be forever wondering what happened to him as he was recovered, and will be able to lay him to rest - not forever be left wondering about a missing prson with no closure.
I've been first on scene at more than one serious incident, needing to give first aid / control the situation It does hit you later and takes some time to get over the reaction especailly if you are not fully trained for it.
As Wilk says don't be afraid to seek help if you have difficulty coming to term with what you experienced.
Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
19 June 2022, 07:43
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We were out on Thursday, could easily of been us, I don't think I would have handled the situation as well as you.
Awful thing to come across but you couldn't just leave him there, sounds like you preformed your duty admirably.
Look forward to seeing you out on the Solent on a happier day soon.
All the best to you and yours, and my thoughts go out the the family of the chap you found.
19 June 2022, 18:07
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I've had to deal with more fatalities than I wish to remember and every one of them leaves a scar. However, you absolutely did the right thing. I would have done exactly as you did.
20 June 2022, 19:13
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Well done.
Mayday was absolutely the right thing to do.
No reason at all why you shouldn't ring the Police for an update & I expect you may well be contacted for a witness statement.
21 June 2022, 08:39
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Hi, traumatic incidents such as these can often lead to PTSD. Trauma related counselling for incidents just like this is available from your GP. It’s a very specific type of counselling targeted solely at trauma and is very very good. I would urge you to make early contact with your GP.
Should you manage to get the closure your after from RNLI / Police / local news then you can cancel any appointment you have made but if you do not get the closure your after then it could end up creeping up on you, often when least expected.
The family and friends of the deceased will be forever great full to you for giving them the closure they needed.
Keep your chin up.
23 June 2022, 19:57
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Some professions rightly in my humble opinion ask that those who serve deal with this sort of occurrence as part of their job. Those that do not have that expectation, but still deal with the same trauma get my gratitude. You did the right thing. Well done.
24 June 2022, 15:15
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I understand the Itchen bridge is a somewhat freqent location for suicide attempts - the guy I did my course with last year used to run the training centre next to it and he said he'd pulled numerous people out over the years - he said that fortunately in a number of cases, he'd managed to save their lives, but not always.
20 July 2022, 13:33
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20 July 2022, 13:40
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Originally Posted by ribber
Alone and with nobody around, grabbed radio and called MAYDAY, not what was needed, but in my state of shock, really didn't know what or who to call.
FWIW I think a Mayday was exactly right. What I mean is it's better to overreact in a situation and then de-escalate it than under-react and regret not taking more immediate/urgent action.
21 July 2022, 21:14
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Originally Posted by Matt
FWIW I think a Mayday was exactly right. What I mean is it's better to overreact in a situation and then de-escalate it than under-react and regret not taking more immediate/urgent action.
Mayday was definitely right. I imagine if you mentioned the words ‘deceased person in water’ it would immediately be escalated to a Mayday by the coastguard anyway.
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