Just wanna tell that for a week ago i bought my first RIB.
A Ribcraft 5.85 with a 115 yamaha. Both boat and engine are from 2006.
It's a great boat and i'm in love
It handles the sea really good. I've been out in pretty bad weather here, and the boat feels very safe and you are always dry when you come home.
It's often choppy sea here in "Kalmarsund", and the waves are also sometimes short and high. But the boat handles this too. You just got to hang on tight and keep up the speed
Remember someone said "I think the human will give up before the boat", and hmmm yeah..... i can agree about that. After a wile jumping in the waves you are getting tired

but it is so fun....
I also have plans to install som more equipment like VHF, stereo and sonar.
I think there will be some more question later on.
Best Regards.
Mårten "Happy owner" Svensson