Brig RIBs
Closer the time to choose the new small RIB comes, more difficult it's make the decision what to buy.
You may have noticed that Valiant has been the choise number one. Now I've found out that Brig RIBs are VERY competitively priced, at least here.
For example Brig Falcon 3,6m less than 2000 euro, Falcon 4m less than 2200 e. If compared to Valiants, there is almost 1000e difference betveen Valiant D380 and Brig F360.
It would be more than helpful if someone could tell something about Brigs. Especially overall quality, performance, etc.. I know that Brigs are made in Ukrain and the tube is made from 1100 PVC material. (all models also available with hypalon tube, costs around 1000e more)