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Old 15 December 2010, 13:41   #1
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Brownspoint marine

We ordered some parts totalling around $200 for a client a few weeks ago from Brownspoint in the States. We paid $40 shipping and have not received the goods. After several emails got this reply:

"We cannot obtain any other info from the postal service except that a delivery attempt was made.

I would suggest in the future you use UPS which is more expensive but has better on time delivery and tracking.

Sorry we can't be of more help.”

There has been no attempt at delivery as far as we are concerned.

What would you do?

Have others have experienced the same helpful attitude form Brownspoint?
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Old 15 December 2010, 13:49   #2
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If I'd paid by CC, I'd start there - the payment would at least be withheld pending, that might get someone's attention.

Then I'd tackle the Shipping Company to make sure they had in fact been given the kit and get some details. They have some obligations to at least hold the kit somewhere.

Then I'd probably slag Brownspoint off on RIBnet a bit. It wouldn't help, but I'd feel better for it
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Old 15 December 2010, 14:12   #3
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The credit card will be our next port of call, one of the problems is they can't even tell us the carrier it would have been on once it hit the UK.
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Old 15 December 2010, 14:13   #4
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ahhh the US Postal service..

Firstly - they wont accept an international package at a US post office unless
it has the senders address written on the FRONT of the package somewhere.
Secondly - the US postal service, issues a tracking number on the postal receipt for international packages.
Thirdly - the US postal service passes the package to the Royal Mail for delivery, and the Royal Mail would have left a note or card when attempting delivery....surely that must seldom happen at your premises as I expect you are open when they deliver?
So they either didnt send it all, or its working its way back to them for whatever reason, or they are too lazy to track the thing for you.
If they posted - ask them to scan the postal receipt and email it to you.
Wilik is correct - get straight onto the Credit Card Company.
Good luck
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Old 15 December 2010, 18:22   #5
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Originally Posted by Ribshop View Post
"We cannot obtain any other info from the postal service except that a delivery attempt was made.”
OK so there is obviously some way of tracking it. Once you have those details call royal mail customer services and see what they can tell you - if you insist enough I find they eventually share the information on the screen. The other thing which can prove quite useful is to pop into your local sorting office and ask politely if they can help, I've found that they can sometimes be really helpful (and sometimes be ridiculously rude!). I'd guess its actually sitting somewhere waiting for customs charges to be paid.
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Old 15 December 2010, 20:29   #6
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As Polwart says, they are either lying, or they do have some method of tracking if they know an attempt to deliver has been made. I've not ordered much from Brownspoint (or other US co's) but when I have it has always taken a good 14 days to get here. Some polite enquiries to Brownspoint and then maybe your local PO are probably the only option to find out what really happened.
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Old 15 December 2010, 21:02   #7
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Sorry can't help with the postage issue. But just out of interest, where is the best supplier of suzuki parts in the UK? as I have had trouble sourcing parts in the past.
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Old 16 December 2010, 20:20   #8
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I'm sorry you've had the issue with Brownspoint as I've purchased quite a bit of stuff from them, and it always turns up promptly and at @50% of the cost of purchasing the same parts from a UK Suzuki dealer.

I do however always pay that little bit extra for the courier service rather than the US postal service, as I always want stuff NOW

However at work we are experiancing all sorts of issues with courier deliveriers from the US at the moment, items taking up to a week on express 48hr service etc, and far more delays caused by a sudden additional interest by UK Customs.
The shipments also take lots of tracking, and we've seen a couple of items scanned into a shipping box on the plane, but then not scanned off the plane this end. It's only when you chase it a couple of days later that it suddenly turns up.

Once it's in the courier system that package that's the most important thing in the world to you, and the loss could mean disaster for you or your business, is just one of thousands that the customer service guys at the courier call centre are chased for every day, and it means bugger all to them.

Oh, but I would be chasing Brownspoint constantly as they've more chance of tracking it than you have.

Good luck

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Old 17 December 2010, 07:58   #9
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After more emails to Brownspoint and receiving no help Stephanie spent yesterday afternoon on the phone to the US postal service then Royal Mail and then passed on to Parcel Force. The parcel had been sat at there Solent Depot for the last week due to the customs payment request being sent to the wrong address.

So to sum it up Brownspoint did send as promised but could have been a lot more helpful in trying to sort the situation. I would order from them again but as Nasher said I would go for the courier service option.

Samt if you wand Suzuki parts in the UK we use SAL Marine in Lymington, There parts guy is in the office 95% of the time and knows what he is talking about.
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Old 17 December 2010, 08:35   #10
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I've had similar problems using USPS. The service is great until the package gets to the UK when it stops being easily trackable. It then goes to the local Parcelforce depot who write a letter to say that there is money to pay before it can be delivered.

I've never actually lost a parcel, but it can be frustrating not knowing whether or not anything will eventually arrive.

On the other hand the likes of Fedex and DHL will normally get stuff to you reliably and quickly, but at a cost. You pays yer money and takes yer choice!
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Old 17 December 2010, 11:32   #11
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exactly what John has said, the failed delivery attempt usually means it's in the local parcel force depot waiting for duty to be paid.

call parcel force and quote the USA tracking number they will give you the UK number.

you should get letter in post asking for money.

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Old 17 December 2010, 16:03   #12
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....and don't you just love the parcelforce admin fee!

Also if you punch the USPS tracking number into the parcelforce website but substitute the US suffix for GB then that should give you up to date tracking info.
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