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Old 23 November 2003, 13:50   #1
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Bump & Grind

Well!!! What can I say...

Went to test the BWM Rib I was interested in down Lee-on-Solent this morning.

The owner was backing the RIB and trailer down the slipway to launch when the winch gave way and the RIB slid off and landed the stern hard onto the concrete from about 300mm drop. We then winched the RIB back onto the trailer, backing the car at the same time as to minimise the damage.

Looking at the damage it looks superficial, chips in gel-coat through to glass fibre in places and limited along the edge.

Two questions. Does anybody think the shock will cause structural damage unseen with the naked eye? Judging from the photo enclosed do you think it is just Gel-coat damage?

The test went really well except the launch and got an hour blasting up and down the Solent.

Andrew G
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Old 23 November 2003, 14:03   #2
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A similar thing happened to me last summer when I launched our club Delta. The winch rachet broke and the boat came off the trailer and made its way down the slipway to the water on its own. Only damage was superficial like yours and we haven't had any other structural related problems since, and the boat is used at least once a week.
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Old 23 November 2003, 14:09   #3
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The damage is most likely contained in that area - I would get the repairs done before using the boat again to prevent any water getting under the gelcoat which is not the best thing!
Originally Posted by Zippy
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Old 23 November 2003, 14:39   #4
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Looks like a good cause for a reduction in the asking price .

Seriously though, how many of us use a secondary means of securing the rib to the trailer when launching? I do now after having seen two almost brand new boats try and launch themselves before the owner was ready

It's also amazing at the number of people who actually tow their boats on the road with just the winch strap attached
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Old 23 November 2003, 15:02   #5
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It may add some extra work during the launch, but I always leave a seperate rope from the boat to the trailer.

I detatch it only when the boat is in the water. I also use it after recovery just in case the winch strap breaks when pulling up the slipway.

If the mooring eye on the Rib gave out then I would stuffed too!!

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Old 23 November 2003, 16:03   #6
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The guy selling the RIB said that he'd get a new winch and have the repairs done, I suggested that I could re-negotiate the price and have the work done myself.

My concern is really that I've limited experience with RIB's and am worried that there might be a bigger picture lurking under the chips.

I guess that the corner between where the bottom of the hull meets the transom is the strongest part of a boat, isn't it??
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Old 23 November 2003, 16:40   #7
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Only you know how hard the boat fell onto the slip. Think of the weight involved and then think again about the possible consequences. There may be another BMW around the corner or then again if you buy from a dealer there is some come-back if the thing splits or leaks in the short term. But if this one does become yours, what will you do when it leaks or the crack in the gel coat gets bigger? Find a friendly expert from a dealership, pay him for his advice and take him with you. The guy selling this one only wants to get it sold so think very carefully. At the end of the day the decision is yours...and you will have to live with it!
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Old 23 November 2003, 23:36   #8
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I agree with Red Fox concerning "only you know how hard it hit the deck" but strictly IMHO it'll not be too serious. Get a discount and have it fixed or do it yourself with some gelcoat filler if confindent.
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Old 24 November 2003, 07:19   #9
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It looks ok to me and don't forget they get some Hard bangs out in the water. It definitely means a price reduction, I'd be looking at 30 Kwid for the winch and 200 for the gelcoat.

If you need tjhe number of a good surveyor who is in to ribs then send me a PM
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Old 24 November 2003, 07:24   #10
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One good thing though hightower you now know how important it is to secure your boat to the trailer and not untie it until its ready to be launched, agree it takes a few moments longer on the slip way but think about the cost in agravation :-) personally i tie mine to the trailer and i've seen other people with a chain clipped onto the bow mooring eye which works just as good.
As for the damaged BWM, have to agree with everyone else that its really up to you as you know how hard it hit the ramp and what the extent of the damage really was, dont be afraid of repairing the gel coat as its easy and if he's willing to come down on the price some what you may have a better bargain than you thought.

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Old 26 November 2003, 19:13   #11
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Thank you everyone for your input over the last few weeks and especially the advice over this damage.

I'm pleased to say I have successfully negotiated what I think is a fair deal (for me anyway), taking Sundays damage into consideration.

I look forward to posing further questions to the forum and maybe even answering some as well!!


Andy G
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Old 15 December 2003, 16:17   #12
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What happened with the repair - did you do it yourself or what.

Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
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Old 15 December 2003, 20:15   #13
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Hi ya Paul,

Thanks for asking.

RIB's been sitting quietly sitting up the drive since I bought her. I've been doing some well needed work on the trailer so won't move "Kohaku" until I'm confident about that!

I'll get the Outboard serviced and over wintered at MB marine then slowly get her shipshape for the spring.

I'll repair the damage myself when either I get a place undercover or the weather warms up.

I have noticed a number of longish gel-coat cracks on the port bow going from the nose for about 1m/1.5m, roughly where the deck meets the hull (the cracks are outside), this is giving me a little cause for concern, but when Kohaku is trailerble I'll take her to someone to ask advice. Perhaps she's hit something in the past!

I've got my VHF booked at the GAFIRS, Stokes Bay on the 29th Dec, so I'm looking forward to that.

Just debating if I should go and pick up some bargains at London in Jan. It won't be much fun by myself though! Perhaps I could meet up with some like minded people.

Are you still venturing out into the Solent then? I guess the cold weather is yet to come.

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