I used a bungee anchor rode quite a bit on a Correct Craft on inland lakes, which can have rather large swells from wakeboarding boats. Most important thing is to have a reasonable amount of chain, and a top digging anchor for the bottom substrate. You can tie the recovery line into the bow eye, and it will crab in a little sideways, but there is a higher risk of the recovery line hanging up on something. Bungee from bow, recovery line tied off the stern, outboard up is the easiest, after dropping someone onshore bow first, recovery line in hand before deploying anchor, or set on a buoy.
While on the bungee, the boat CAN hit shore...obviously if you can pull it to shore by hand. I have been concerned enough to run down the shore and make sure the boat stayed in deeper water. The boat was driven to shore from repetitive wakes and wind. Personally I would not feel comfortable leaving a boat on a bungee overnight. Instead I would anchor with a normal anchor and chain, then either swim the distance (Drysuit? with fins if a longer swim), or set up a pulley system from an anchored buoy.