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Old 02 August 2011, 15:00   #1
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Buying a RIB - which one?

Hey guys!

I'm new here, and I need to ask some questions! I'm looking for a new RIB, within the following limits:

Max. 115 HP
Max. £30.000

It's mainly supposed to be driven in Norway, in a sea with no too much waves, but its important that it can handle a few big ones. Speed isn't bad either.
So, experts, what is the right boat for me?
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Old 02 August 2011, 17:35   #2
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Old 02 August 2011, 20:53   #3
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New or used...?

Look what you have in Norway Reise, Oppdrag, Torget, Eiendom, Bil, MC, Båt...
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Old 02 August 2011, 22:00   #4
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Originally Posted by RIBnorway View Post
Hey guys!

I'm new here, and I need to ask some questions! I'm looking for a new RIB, within the following limits:

Max. 115 HP
Max. £30.000

It's mainly supposed to be driven in Norway, in a sea with no too much waves, but its important that it can handle a few big ones. Speed isn't bad either.
So, experts, what is the right boat for me?
Normally the budget dictates the size of the RIB and the engine horsepower required to move it, but you've already indicated the maximum horsepower. Is there any particular reason for that?

£30k buys a lot of boat, however limiting yourself to 115hp ultimately limits the size of the RIB. I suspect you're going to be looking at something in the region of 5.0-6.0m in length. At this size there are lots of options available, with deep v hulls that can handle the sea conditions you mention. Is storage an issue or will it be in the water all the time?

How many people are you likely to have onboard - regards seating/console arrangement?
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Old 02 August 2011, 22:38   #5
Country: Norway
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Originally Posted by spartacus View Post
Normally the budget dictates the size of the RIB and the engine horsepower required to move it, but you've already indicated the maximum horsepower. Is there any particular reason for that?

£30k buys a lot of boat, however limiting yourself to 115hp ultimately limits the size of the RIB. I suspect you're going to be looking at something in the region of 5.0-6.0m in length. At this size there are lots of options available, with deep v hulls that can handle the sea conditions you mention. Is storage an issue or will it be in the water all the time?

How many people are you likely to have onboard - regards seating/console arrangement?
To answer your first question, I am currently driving a boat at the size of 3 meters and 60 cm with 10hp, and I thought that jumping from that to anymore than 115hp would be too much.

To the second question, yes, I have been looking at some boats in that category, like Zodiac Pro Open 550/650 and so on. It will only be in the water in the summertime, the rest of the year it will be secured placed at a local boatstorage.

To your last question, there is likely to be about 3 or 4 passengers usually, and 6 or 7 at the max.

Thank you!
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Old 03 August 2011, 08:31   #6
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Originally Posted by RIBnorway View Post
To answer your first question, I am currently driving a boat at the size of 3 meters and 60 cm with 10hp, and I thought that jumping from that to anymore than 115hp would be too much.

sure i will get flamed for saying this but whilst going from a 3 meter 10 HP rib to a 6.5 meter 115HP rib is a big step. it will handle in a totally different way and will take you time to get used to.

the fact is however if you go from 3 meter to 6 meter or 3 meter to 10 meter, you will still have to get used to a new boat with different handling.

my suggestion would be to look at what you want the boat to do rather than what you think you will be able to handle. if you go 6 meters and 6 months later when handling it is second nature you may wish you went bigger when you had the chance as the boat you have (6 meter one) is lacking in space / storage / power etc.

work out what you want it to do, get some own boat training with the new boat and within a few hours on the water, i bet you will be able to handle it just like your current boat!

hope this makes sense!!??
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Old 03 August 2011, 12:05   #7
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A 6m rib with a 115 on the back will be underpowered & disappointing (even if it's an e-tec) By restricting yourself to 115 you are limiting your options especially with a 30k budget.
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