18 January 2003, 21:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
What are your views on ribs? and on here honestly?
18 January 2003, 21:24
Country: UK - England
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My honest views on ribs is, that they are exellent tools for certain jobs, probably most jobs in fact, but not the only tools!
my problem, if I have one at all, isn't with ribs, it's with the blinkered and fanatical views of the people who have them (no offence intended, but you did ask) most hard boaters will tell you they think ribs are great for loads of things even if they don't want one themselves, rib owners on the other hand, don't have a good word to say about anything but ribs! if you read these posts you would think any rib, however big, small, good or absolute crap hull design is superhuman just because it has a collar! and any hard boat in the same category's are rubbish just because they don't! It's kind of like a really biggoted religon, "If your not in our club you will rot in hell!"
With regards to the forum, I think its very good most of the time but i'm convinced some people have vivid imaginations!
Please don't read this and come hunting for me like a pack of wolves!
18 January 2003, 21:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Your entitled to your view Jon,and i understand your feelings at this moment in time.
You have an interesting power boat capable of big speed in ok weather,its an interesting boat a lot different from your average
Sunseeker etc.
In my humble oppinion becouse ribs have such great power to weight and handling charecteristics your average ribster doesnt even look at other hard boats,becouse he knows that they cant compete,which in the main they cant,for the above reasons.
Know then your boat,with the power you have is as near as your going to get to a ribs power to weight .So your not as far away from a rib as you might think.The main limitation is boat handling in a chop.Thats what limits a hard boat in a swell.
Main difference is you havnt got a collar etc, that reflects the waves and gives you a far better ride.
Whether your boat actualy handles bad weather as good as a rib is for future discussions.
I personaly suspect not ,but that doesnt mean we are blinkered to a different concept.
Maybe are enthuism for our boats is blinkered but I think you will find that we all appreciate a good boat wether it be a rib or Hard boat.Maybe she will handle a chop well?
I couldnt afford your fuel bill and i would personaly want space sea keeping ,but would love a look at her when your out,as lets make no mistake here she is the closest you going to get to a big rib,eg power and weight as a hard boat can get there are indeed not many boats like yours,The reson ribs have grown out of all proportion are in my oppinion these benefits,The market for Hard boats has dwindled for the same resons.
Im interested in the sea keeping you get,although I feel she will not be as good as a rib with the same power,
Thats my true feelings on the matter but I may be wrong in a chop she may be great but then you have the limitation of fuel range ,but it will be interesting as it will be as close as a hard boat can get.Becouse you have some serious power there.With a Cabin.
18 January 2003, 22:31
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
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Posts: 1,437
I think to start with, the definition of chop needs to be clear,
my boat is a fairly narrow, very constant deadrise, slightly overwieght towards the rear racing hull, the nature of this particular beast is: you must be able to maintain a reasonable speed for the centre of lift to remain near to the centre of gravity otherwise it's pitch stability goes out the window,
a "reasonable speed" in my case with this particular boat is at least 40mph, above this speed I garentee you would be shocked what this type of boat will run accross ( in terms of sea state) and you would be more than welcome to a ride in it to see for yourself, if however the sea were too big for this, and I were forced down to more like displacement or semi displacement speeds it's far from ideal, but this is not because it's a hard boat, it's because it's a constant deadrise and has a C of G way to far back for slow stuff, it's all trade off's, move the weight forward, stick a load of warp in the hull and it would instantly be a brill boat for climbing up and surfing down huge seas with good pitch stability but, ultimatly a lot slower and prone, when pushed hard (which I enjoy enormously) to hooking or broaching, a passtime I like to avoid if possible when travelling fast! as i've said in a few posts a force 8 is not somewhere you'll find me by choice, not in this boat anyway, a 5 or 6 is plenty for me, if the forcast is more i'll stay where I am! if it's better I can be in across the channel (or back) in not much more than an hour
To sumarise, I agree my particular boat is not well suited to huge seas at low speed, but it was never supposed to be, it's a high performance sportsboat, anyway, the offer stands if you wan't a first hand opinion of it's ability
18 January 2003, 22:35
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
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power to weight= 210hp ish per ton, 250 mile range, but it's not an endurance boat, it's a fast sportsboat
18 January 2003, 22:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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It seems we may have some common ground in that its ideal in is as flat as possible conditions and speed is its criteria as thats what it is designed for.It will always be sloppy slow down as the CG with two big engines as way back as that on a 26ft waterline will always drag the back end down.
As you say its fine for what you want to do,Most conditions for yr round sailing precludes to me the advantages of your boat for cruising, but as you say it isnt designed for that,it opperates at its best over 40hp in a f5,I think 6 is pushing it up here in the irish sea it would be..
On your hp per tonn,how heavy is the hull excluding engines, and how much fuel do you carry.?
18 January 2003, 22:58
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Posts: 1,437
weight of engines, drives and associated rigging (external steering) etc is about 1.25-1.5 tons, overall weight about 3.2 ish
Fuel capacity just about 90 imp galls
18 January 2003, 23:01
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
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Posts: 1,437
PS. flat as poss is not what I said at all, at 70mph on flat water the boat is boring, it needs some chop to "loosen up" and become fun, remember, fun is what this boat is for, you will see if you have a go!
18 January 2003, 23:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
What engines/drives and what hull is it?
18 January 2003, 23:09
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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18 January 2003, 23:13
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Engine: GM Diesels
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Heavy B*****ds
18 January 2003, 23:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Shall we agree that its not got the stability of a rib but its a rocket in a force 5 Irish sea and f6 off lyme bay.
Are you happy with that.
I still want to know which diesels and drives you have?.
18 January 2003, 23:15
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Engine: GM Diesels
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just one
18 January 2003, 23:19
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Engine: GM Diesels
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Posts: 1,437
I've told you before, GM 6.5 V8's 325hp, Bravo 1's 1.36:1,
four blade mercruiser "bravo 1" props 30x15 1/4
I think your memory's going!
18 January 2003, 23:35
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Engine: GM Diesels
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 1,437
[QUOTE]Originally posted by crazyhorse
[B]Shall we agree that its not got the stability of a rib but its a rocket in a force 5 Irish sea and f6 off lyme bay.
are you happy with that
OK. if it makes you happy crazyhorse!
18 January 2003, 23:46
Country: Greece
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Boat name: GATO DI MARE
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Jon F
Recognise this boat by any chance??
18 January 2003, 23:49
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
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Engine: GM Diesels
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Posts: 1,437
Very good Manos, but it's the wrong colour! very funny all the same
PS. where did you get that image?
18 January 2003, 23:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
yep we all know who that is dont we im happy
18 January 2003, 23:52
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Jon F
Phantom Web site is the new T-shirt they have.
18 January 2003, 23:54
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
Length: 8m +
Engine: GM Diesels
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Posts: 1,437
Phantom boats USA?
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