24 December 2002, 13:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Cheltenham
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 89
Time (not) well spent !
Well these lines have been somewhat long-winded, our new associates (friends another time, one day, maybe?) Splodge and Mr Digler certainly have come in with a different agenda to that of the many others who have joined this forum.
After spending an hour or more (it feels like 4hrs) last night reading 12+ pages that had suddenly appeared, I have to wonder why, (if you are into full on speed boats and appear to be using technical jargon about x height as if it were Buzzi in person) the question was so vague.
I have done a few technical things, but not many and as far as that question went, X marks a spot, somewhere in the universe if you add Y & Z !!!
If I had a problem with engine height and thought that it could be solved by the experianced regulars here, then I would have given far more details, prob half of it not being relavant.
Alternatively I would ask the manufacturer of the boat or the engines or someone else that most probrably ask 20 qestions to attain more facts.
Why the resistance to allow us to assist. It looked bogus to me!
OK perhaps some of this this view is a little harsh, but then why have we started to compare a 40ft buzzi with a 7 meter RIB.
Chalk and Chease. Apples and Pears.
I can't say I have been to the Channel Islands at 40+ knots (it was a very smooth 8knts down hill on a 40' yacht).
If you want to get there fast, great, choose a pencil hull, add big engines and hey presto a speedboat for smooth to moderate conditions at high speed.
If you want to get there and back (and still be able to use your back) then a steady 20 -30 knots with a Tea break is rather nice and it can deal with some weather.
Most ribs are not designed to do 40+ knts to get to another country, unless you are a criminal or chasing one.
Though the excelent housekeeping cleaned up the site and a culpriate removed (for exactly what, I don't need to know), I was left dissapointed at times through the mind games going on.
I hope it serves a purpose to encorage us to maintain what I think is a very good forum, with standards.
I hope that all us grown up's can now carry on as before in polite, but not dull, conversation.
Merry Xmas
Peace and goodwill
etc etc
24 December 2002, 13:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Yep I agree in total,
I believe John K was away and these guys must of thought lets wind everybody up,Thats old news now.
You are right this forum has been most helpful to me and Im sure others,in ways that ,even viewers of threads can learn a lot about a specific item withought haveing to ask a question or get involved.
But I could get very boreing on this subject,so If possible if anybody can post any imformation on Cabin Ribs on this thread I am personally very interested.
It proberbly is the only thing our pals inadvertantley did right.
24 December 2002, 14:36
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Well Said TIGER
Concure 100 +1%
24 December 2002, 15:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Here is another interesting link for cabin boats.
Still dont now how to copy pictires. www.sportis.pl
24 December 2002, 17:03
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,317
Not very practical.
24 December 2002, 17:18
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
a landing craft??
24 December 2002, 20:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Hi Dirk,
Are you know going to be nice,and no more the Mr Know it all,if your generaly intersted in Ribs there are loads on here that will help you, and explain all they know.
You obviousley have some experiance but dont underestimate some of these peoples experiance on here and some of it may be of use to you.
There are some people that have done thousands of miles out at sea and others that dont even own a boat yet,but all will help.
I feel if your interested, I for one will assist and Im sure others will.
You dont want to be a lonely old powerboater, but you got to give us all the benefit of doubt.
Im glad your back and tell me any decent offers on that boat of yours,  .
That was a joke.All the best for new yr and if you have any decent imfo on Cabin ribs Im interested,in your ideas,I may not exept them as facts untill I look into them.
24 December 2002, 20:41
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,872
I see the interest has gone over towards cabin ribs . How about this one being a Parker 750 fitted with a Mercruiser D4.2L diesel and Bravo 3 drive . On inland waters it can reach up to a speed of 40 knots
24 December 2002, 20:43
Country: UK - England
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And here is a view from the stern
24 December 2002, 20:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Yes I believe there is one of these in the Isle of Sky,it was at Ribex 2002,on the hard.
Seems it was waiting for its MCA coding tests,and I believe it now takes sightseeres round Sky.
Not sure what Work boat MCA codeing it got maybe Yellow code 20 miles?
24 December 2002, 20:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Is this like your boat Andre,
What engine do you have and did you import her.
24 December 2002, 21:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Oh bye the way Looks like Dirks bought another boat again?
24 December 2002, 21:26
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 3,872
Hi Crazyhorse
Yes you are nearly correct . At RIBEX 2002 on the hard was the
9 mtr version (the same shape hull) and was sold in the UK as the Rapier 900 This rib has got the MCA and I understand it is taking people around the Isle of Skye
As for my rib which you can see in the RIB GALLERY it is the Parker 630 fitted with the Mercruiser 1.7 TDI engine . I imported this rib into the UK in August having towed it from Poland after my holidays .
This engine is just great and has had a very good write up in the technical press As it happens this engine was also made in Poland .
24 December 2002, 21:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
I looked at the Parker and it indeed has a good right up for its Sea keeping abilities.
What drive/leg have you got and are Mercruisers any cheaper over there in poland after vat and import duty are added?
24 December 2002, 22:08
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
My Parker 630 callsign Seahawk has a Alpha 1 leg with the Mercruiser 1.7 Diesel . This is a standard package.
Parker Poland is not only the manufacturer of the ribs but also the importer / distributor of Mercury/Mercruiser i n Poland so as you can appreciate they only promote and supply that particular range of motors.
I will send you a PM
25 December 2002, 10:21
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Some more Cabin RIBs
This is a links for Greek made cabin RIBs 10 mtrs+.
The MOSTRO range looks  but haveing been on one (10 mtrs cabin) the finish product is of not that good quality.
The cabin inside needs a lot of doing to it after you buy the boat and the construction looks a bit rush rush job.
25 December 2002, 10:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Andre and Manos thanks for the contribution.
What a great site that Mustro has but  about the boat.
It will be an interesting time this yr for Cabin Ribs as there are at least 3 others that are coming to the U.K.
What about the Scorpian? any imformation?
Im off to Mothers so will be back after 8pm will have another looki
25 December 2002, 11:16
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Italian Builder
SOLEMAR ITALIA the boat look good. Have been on one in a show room (10 mtr cabin RIB) looks FANTASTIC!!!.
Lots of room and many facilities. This one ven had a dishwasher and a washing machine, not to mention the air con, water maker and the freezer and ice maker (crazy horse you will need a small water maker) etc etc but is Italian made. Never had a test published in any of the mags I read. So its sea keeping capabilites unknown.
Have a look at the solemar site
25 December 2002, 11:28
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Nice looking boat had also a look @ your site. However, do they make me them in white colour or just red? and do they have another cabin configuation??
I just think (with all due respect to the builders) that the cabin maybe is OK for rescue, coastguard and military ops but not that good for cruising and lesure (I think  ). Too square for my liking.
If you look @ the MOSTRO, SOLEMAR @ the SCORPION site this is what I think a cabin on cabin RIB designed for the Med should look like. Short of aero/hydrodynamic with small reinforced port holes (not large windows!!) you do not have a problem with big strong waves floding or braking the glass or in that matter the structure of the cabin etc.
Any way I think I might have to wait another year or so just to see the development of this type of boats and make my mind later about getting one.
25 December 2002, 11:35
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
SACS made in Italy
This another compnay (in Italy again!!) trying to break into the cabin RIB market.
All their designs look very good but sea keeping capabilites?? again unknown.
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