26 December 2002, 07:44
Country: UK - England
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Have just been trawling the forum, and found a couple of references that you have made about me selling my boat/buying another.
Sorry, I think I have missed something, I haven't sold my boat, infact I've only just bought it, and I haven't even got it on the water yet. However, when I have, you will be most welcome to have a ride in it.
There also seems to be some confusion as to me also being "splodge", sorry, can't admit to that one, who is he? Why do you think I am him/her/it?
Confused of Hamble
26 December 2002, 11:12
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I trust everybody has had a Happy Xmax and are back to see what they have missed on the Forums
Henry Ford once said " You can have any colour car as long as it is black"
with ribs I would say you can have any colour as long as the colour has a RAL code. you agree
26 December 2002, 11:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Is the picture you posted of the rib being used as a gang plank your new boat.?
How is it going with your new purchase,what does it need to sort it out?
26 December 2002, 12:45
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
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Merry Christmas
Have no onjections mate    but my favorite still is blue on white
Greek flag and all that  
27 December 2002, 11:23
Country: UK - England
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Heres another one Aquapro Cabin rib
I expect it to be at Ribex at 2003.Its a South African boat.Single Diesl or twin outboards.2 berth maybe.
See www.aquapro.co.nz
27 December 2002, 14:08
Country: UK - England
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Make: new sib 4 man
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see www.naiad.co.nz
Seem good New Zealand Aluminium boats.
Rick Tomlinson the Photographer had one 10 mtr I think based in the Isle of Man.
It was 2 berth.Not sure what the engine he had.
I think thats your lot as far as Cabin ribs go.
Well what do you think then and which would you prefer and why?
This is open to anybody that has an interest in Cabin Ribs

27 December 2002, 14:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
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Nasty remarks about sib owners
Hey crazyhorse, past experiences have shown me that you can't say things like that about Sib owners. It might be wise to make a public apology before you experience the wrath of Narked and his chums.
27 December 2002, 14:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Hi everybody just checking the old system?
27 December 2002, 15:04
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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I have a cabin rib, but to tell you the truth, I have completely forgotten or missed the point, of why we are discussing the subject ????
I have had mine for about 18 months and am happy to answer any questions about it you may have.
27 December 2002, 15:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Brian Thanks for your post.
Im interested in the development of Cabin ribs,as I feel they are the most cost effective boat transport you can get,The benefits are to numerous to mention and your Scorpian is regarded by many as one of the best.
How do you find it as a cruiser and what engines do you have.
Does it have a GZ curve and what would you change if anything.
27 December 2002, 16:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
J K can we change the name of this thread to Cabin rib and engine developments.
Only a suggestion.
< OK! JK >
27 December 2002, 18:29
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Suzuki DF150
MMSI: 235094135
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Posts: 483
Crazyhorse, as a newcomer to this particular marine scene I am happy to stick my neck out and declare I wouldn't touch anything but a cabin RIB.
The one I've got now is only my testbed. You've probably seen it before somewhere or other other on the Forums. I'll stick a mini pic at the end of this post.
My Current bit of lateral thinking is that I want a catamaran RIB with a hard nose section at the ramp. It'll be big enough to take my Landrover as deck cargo. That, or big pillow tanks for the longest leg of my dream passage.
The cabin will be well aft and I want a fly bridge so that, on the rare days that it's warm enough for me old bones, I can play out of doors.
The trick I've now got to work on now is getting the thing short enough and narrow enough to keep it easy to handle for two ageing relics!
Mike G
27 December 2002, 18:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Posts: 1,012
Mike brilliant,
The rib you have is indeed a great Test Bed.
If I am correct your boat fetured in Motor boating Monthley quite a number of yrs ago and was built by ribtec who also built Alans Hull,not sure weather it is the same hull shape.
I remember it was the ultimate cruising machine built for a naval architect or something.It was re engined maybe in the last few months I believe for now other reason than to give it some more power as the existing owner only had about 185hp in here.
I may be wrong but thats roughly what I remember.
I have always felt that the boat you have has the best lines of any Cabin rib on the market,and if it hadnt sold when offered through Mike Conway Sales then I would of gone for it.
Brill boat.
27 December 2002, 18:50
Country: UK - England
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Mike a Mate of mine bought an old torpedo boat,He converted the back with a small crane on it.He parked his Microlight on the back and lifted his Minimoke onto the back.
He then got a raft built to take the Minimoke to the shore on an inflatable catamaran so he could drive it in the med.
The people who did the development of the raft also built one for Volvo and in my opinion make the best rib tubes in the country.
They are Eurocraft based in Leyland/Preston.
Im using them for our tubes and sending them out to Canada when the hull has been compleated.
Good luck and let me know how you proceed.If you want any info on RCD then let me know.
27 December 2002, 19:23
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Suzuki DF150
MMSI: 235094135
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 483
Yup. you're on track with my RIB, C-h. (Hope you don't mind the diminutive of your handle). I did the engine change, apart from a bunch of other stuff, as part of my learning curve. I'm slowly gettin' there.
You are right, too, on the boat. It originally belonged to an ex-editor of Yachting World, sadly now dead, for whom it was built by Ribtec. The hull has exactly the same lines as Alan's "Spirit of Cardiff". His is a metre longer. Mine needs the extra length. It's crowded in the cockpit.
And, yes, I was happy to buy with Alan's advice. She's a boat with attitude. To me that's the same as beauty. And if, in my opinion a boat's not beautiful, she aint right.
Thanks for the stuff on Eurocraft. I'll look 'em up. Amazin' stuff on this forum. So many different ideas about what's best! But, remind me, what's RCD?
Oh, and one other little thing. My ultimate cabin RIB is gonna have windows that slope forward. I've scratched my head on forward or backward slope for a while and I reckon forward has the edge. What's yours gonna have?
Mike G
27 December 2002, 19:43
Country: UK - England
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Make: new sib 4 man
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Mike you rib and allans have cost me a fortune.
Im interested in that boat as you can tell I have followed it for a long time.It has indeed got the right lines and was built as a rib for a job,not one to be sold for a proffit.
In fact I can say here and know that that boat is in my opinion the best looking Cabin rib in the world at present.
It was responsible for me wanting a Cabin rib all those yrs ago,I contacted Ribtec and Im sure became a pain in the bottom.
I was not in a position to buy then but I promised myself that one day I would as to me it represented the ultimate cruising machine.
The opertunuty came along and I did it.I actually dreamt of owning that boat of yours.
As I realised the implications and usability of it.
On the window debate,well I am sticking my neck out,Aint ever seen a forward facing windscreen that looks right.
If the boat doesnt look right then it aint as far as Im concerned,Widows leaning forward or back will pop just the same in a big sea.I have gone for 11mm saftey glass and they lean back as on Alans boat.
RCD will only be of interest if your developing a new boat and need to make sure it conforms to the new regulations for stability
28 December 2002, 06:35
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Suzuki DF150
MMSI: 235094135
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 483
Not sure I agree on windows forward or back popping just the same in a big sea.
Strength of course plays a big part but size also does. I reckon a forward sloping glass can be smaller for the same amount of visibility. It also has the added advantage of creating more shadow inside and it allows you get closer to the glass without glare. Useful features both day and night.
My last sail boat had a cabin roof that looked like the cockpit of Concorde. It had 6 window panes that sloped back very steeply. Green water running up the deck slipped neatly over the top. Aerodynamically and aesthetically they were perfect.
Trouble was that whenever the sun came out you cooked inside. I had to have curtains velcrowed onto the inside of each pane to keep the light and heat out.
Incidently, the curtains were made of white acrylic canvas and I then slid in between the plexiglass window and the curtain a window shaped piece of a kind of bubble-wrap material that had a mirror finish on it. I cut them from some cheap reflective car windscreen shields that I came across. Extremely effective.
When and how am I going to get a look at the drawings of your new craft?
Mike G
28 December 2002, 10:14
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Mike G
Nice looking boat.
I just had a look @ a site where they advertise boats for sale from the Greek Coatstguard. They are cheap cheap like £ 500-£1,000 for a 12 mtr boat with out engines (I think) about 5-6 years old or so.
The question is could these boats be converted to a RIB i.e. lower the freboard and fit them with pontoons??
If yes this may be my next project.
Will post some photos of the boats in question shortly
28 December 2002, 10:44
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Let me try to answer some of your questions.
As a cruiser, I find the Scorpion superb and am, in general, very happy with both the boat, and the service level I have received from Scorpion themselves. It has a range of about 300-350nm at an average of 30 knots. Having arrived at my destination I can sleep, cook, eat, drink and toilet without stepping ashore.
I can but I don’t. The loo has NEVER been used, the cooker only rarely and I have slept aboard only once as a test.
Having said that, it is not a cabin rib in the sense that you mean it, in that you do not drive the boat from inside, and only go out on deck to tie/untie when in port.
Mine is an “open” boat that happens to have a reasonable sized cabin at it’s front. There are clearly plusses and minuses to this. As I PREFER fair weather and daytime cruising I consequently prefer to be “outside”.
The engine is a single Yanmar 300 with (now!!!) a Bravo 1 leg. I got through two Bravo 3’s in one year-hence the change to something hopefully more reliable.
I am sure the boat has a GZ thingy-but I don’t know what it is, although if you ask Scorpion, I am sure they will tell you.
What would I change?
Well I don’t need the loo. The fridge is an absolute godsend. The diesel cooker is brilliant and is also a central-heating system for the cabin as well. It’s expensive but good.
I would like the boat to go faster. I would like a SMALLER cabin but swap that space for more fuel.
Apart from that I am a Very happy bunny.
Hope this helps.
28 December 2002, 10:47
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
Herewith mini-pic of "Cyanide".
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