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Old 08 January 2003, 19:48   #101
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And I thought it was called "big rib for crazyhorse"
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Old 08 January 2003, 19:49   #102
Country: Greece
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Is the heat, is the heat, is the heat mate

But seriously the above Cabin RIBs are the new generation of RIBs apparently
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Old 08 January 2003, 20:09   #103
Country: Greece
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By the way NEVER said that Greek RIBs are cheap I always said and I will say it that all RIBs and other sea equipement that are sold in Europe are VERY expenssive.
This is why some RIB manufacturers are now building RIBs in SAmerica (look @ RI last issue) and many of the SAfrican RIB builders are getting more popular in Europe.
Furthermore, what is expenssive does not necessarily meant that is good (although the same can be said for the opposite).
Nevertheless, all RIBs (cabin or not) that are built in Europe inc Greece, Italy and the UK are HIGHLY OVER PRICED including their engines and equipment.
We should actually make a lot of noise about this and try to make RIB and oputboard and inboard motor prices come down. Is rediculous to pay through the nose for a RIB and an engine that somewhere else in the World you get for less than half the price is sold in Europe (same quality, CE marks etc).
THEY should be ashamed!!!
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Old 08 January 2003, 21:53   #104
Country: Greece
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Picked this from the RIB EX in Athens a few months ago

This is a brosure I picked from the SACS stand in the Athens RIB EX.
Does any one know what did this super duper cabin RIB did?? I mean was it involved in a Transatlantic crossing or anything else.
By the way SACS are made in Italy and they have good reputation.
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Old 08 January 2003, 22:05   #105
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Thats a big boat ,bet its 39ft + with a dear price tag.
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Old 08 January 2003, 22:15   #106
Country: Greece
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Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Bet it is. But what the h...l did this boat do or didn't do. It looks like it was built for some serious cruising (look at all the sponsors stikers onboard too!!) but when and where?? Will be very interesting to find out.
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Old 09 January 2003, 13:14   #107
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Manos that aint a boat built for serious sea work.

Beam to small for a beam sea will broach easy.

Engine air intakes just above the tube,look like scoops to me?.
Its as stable upside down as it is the right way up?


Good fun in the marina and ace for pulling the birds.

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Old 09 January 2003, 13:18   #108
Country: Greece
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I'm about to leave for Cyprus. But what do expect this boat was built by Italians. And I still think it cruuised 'seriously' somewhere.
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Old 10 January 2003, 05:13   #109
Country: Greece
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Fabbio Buzzi Tecno 42 Military spec

his another cabin RIB is 42 ft, beam 3.70/2.65m, hight 2.35m, draft 0.80m, weight 6200 kgs, can carry 3000 kgs.
It comes with a gear box ZF 2 speeds (IRM312) and a Trimax G Drive (up to 2 x420) or Trimax 2200 for power.
Engines 2 Yanmar x 420 or 2 Cummins x 635 or 2 Ceatekx750 HP
The hull of this boat is the same with that of the Fabbio's racing offshore boats.
The seating arrangement in the bow is for soldiers to sit on and the these seats are completely sprang for comfort.
With the 750 bhp engines and fully laden the boat has a top speed of 70 knots!!!
With a smaller engine i.e. a Yanmar x 420 bhp same conditions as above can reach speeds of up to 50 knots.
The price tag DON't ASK you can't afford it!! LOLOL
However, in my opinion this is not a rib!! Look at the weight for goodness sake 6.2 tonnes. This is a SHIP!!!
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Old 10 January 2003, 07:37   #110
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Foreign Ribs

If these foreign RIBS are cheaper than UK, and so wonderful... why do we not see more (if any) on the water???????????

To be honest, have never heard of most of the makes that you are on about

Pete F
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Old 10 January 2003, 08:27   #111
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Hi Pete

I think the reason we dont see many of these Ribs over here is because of the price. The FB design Ribs are well into the £150 - 200 k mark. Mainly designed for racing or military use. Nice boats though.

Julian Lyas
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Old 10 January 2003, 11:31   #112
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And not much good in big seas Alan P
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Old 10 January 2003, 11:31   #113
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Yep price is a deciding factor,and what you get for the price,The Fabio ribs are nearer 500K+

They cant compete over here in the u.k.

Weather we like it or not With atlantic colledge and Mr t elliot and Mr P we have the tecknology and experiance here in the U.K,and these other boats when looked at in depth are in my opinion somewhat lacking,factor in cost and its a none starter.

There will always be a market for anything, its down to the purchaser weather he has done his homework for the task involved and what his budget is.Unfortunatley if its your money your spending you look long and hard,if its somebody elses you take minimum risk and some go with the flow.

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Old 10 January 2003, 12:46   #114
Country: Greece
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With all due respect but you have note had a look at the previous messages. This Thread is not about price is about Cabin RIB development. And this is how cabin RIBs are developed (I think).
UK made RIBs although SOME have good qualities most of the (if not all) are HIGHLY overpriced. If you think that a kilo of fiber glass costs about Euro 3.3 possibly this is due to high labour costs?? Or MOST LIKELY gready builders???
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Old 10 January 2003, 13:28   #115
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All due respect taken, and noted.

The development of cabin RIBS has indeed taken off, as this thread shows - but completely for the leisure market (excluding a few BRITISH makes)
I would agree with Alan, not very good in a big sea, bigger is not always best surely? some of these big cabin RIBS, probably never go out in rough stuff and are in sunnier climates - the price thing is due to where they are made, and a big thing is quality, you get what you pay for, and with regard to your GRP price, depends on how much the maker puts on - less = cheaper - as is shown with other types of boat that are around. (made abroad)

Anyway - unless you are doing a major expedition, why would you want a cabin on a RIB ? - Buy a Bayliner instead - Top Quality

Pete F
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Old 10 January 2003, 14:57   #116
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Originally posted by seafariskye
Anyway - unless you are doing a major expedition, why would you want a cabin on a RIB ? - Buy a Bayliner instead - Top Quality
Cor, Pete. We've bin here many times already. Cabin RIBs are not ONLY for major expeditions.

Even though I am quite happy now to stick to European waters, I simply don't want to get cold and wet any more.

Nevertheless, I do not want to be constrained to gin-palace sea states.

My sleep-aboard cabin RIB is safe in conditions in which Bayliner drivers would not consider putting to sea. That's why I have one.

Is there something daft in that?
Mike G
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Old 10 January 2003, 14:59   #117
Country: Greece
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Couldn't agree more .
I have been saying all allong in the Forum that the philosophy of a RIB is mainly versatility, easy maintenace, towable boat, easy launch and recovery, safety, (sometimes) all weather boat, high power to weight ratio etc etc too many to mention.
These HUGE (i.e FB's boat 6.2 tonnes ) boats are not RIBs they are just cruisers with floating pontoons stuck on them. However, one cannot deny I think that in the years to come we will see more of those Cabin RIB type boats coming allong since the incorporate some of the advantages of a PROPER RIB. Certainly I know that many buildersa of traditional RIBs are thinking to produce 7, 8, and 9 mtr Cabin RIBs for the Northern climates. These pobably will be easy to launch and recover. light and topwable, narrow beam etc.
The price issue I may have a small disagreement. Although I have the same philosophy i.e. you get what you pay for, I believe that some (I stress the word SOME!) builders (I know plenty in Greece, some of them are UK based with building outlets in Greece) are more accountants than builders. The boat you get and you pay through the nose for it, (to put it mildly) quality wise does not represent the money that has depart your pocket!!! NOT GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY. Construction, finish etc RUBISH!!!
However, there other builders i.e. in SAmerica, SAfrica and in some other remote places of the World boat prices are relatively low and the construction and quality is 1st calss.
However, all in all I do not think that we DO NOT have any disagreement on this issue.
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Old 10 January 2003, 16:00   #118
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Cabin ribs are the future for cruising offshore.

End of story.
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Old 10 January 2003, 16:06   #119
Country: Greece
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Originally posted by crazyhorse
Cabin ribs are the future for cruising offshore.

End of story.
No one says anything different to that. However these boats are type of a RIB not an actual RIB i.e. light construction, trailerlable versatile etc.
These RIBs are for a different market than that of RIBsters. I think any way.
May be I' wrong!!
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Old 10 January 2003, 16:35   #120
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Manos I hate to let you into a little secret but I will,

Unless you have a Cabin rib,weather it be a Scorpian or Redbay or others to follow,You aint going to get insurance to go offshore any distance in a open Rib unless it is Ce marked to cat B or is workboat certified.

Thats the future. so worrying about a open rib not being a cabin rib is like saying Im worried about my Car and a Winnibago isnt a motorised vehicle.?

Dont get me wrong Open ribs are great as they have all the advantages of Cabin ribs exept for being able to stay on,or keep the weather off and there cruising range,thats all.
You will find it difficult to tow stuff over 8.5 mtrs rib and as it happens my 33ft boat weighs 3.5ton unladen with out fuel so it can be towed if required.But it will be a ball ache as you have to then buy a 4x4 etc.

Ultra big Cabin ribs 36ft+ have no advantages at all in my book,There is a happy medium in cost,size and capabilities and fuel economy.

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