Originally Posted by hal8
Does anyone have any info for mooring and camping on black isle near luing in argyll? Thinkin gof going there in a couple of week so any tips would be much appreciated.
Hi Hal,
Definitely a settled weather anchorage if you're intending staying the night. Even though I have sailed these waters for more than thirty years, fifteen of those full time professionally, cruised my RIB for five or six, and passed the Black Isles umpteen times, my frst visit was May last year.
Wind was between west and south F4 and I found the anchorage in the eastern bay of Dubh Mor quite well sheltered (there was no appreciable westerly swell though). Holding ground good in sand (avoid the odd weedy patch). There's the odd rock in the bay restricting swinging room, but they're visible against the sand and there was ample space. I anchored close to the little peninsula that separates the two bays and got reasonable shelter from the wind and swells coming through the gaps between the two islands.
There are very strong tides all around the area (my log shows my 23 knot cruising speed reduced to 16 knots at one point). Use your eyes as well as the plotter because some rocks and islets are not where the GPS thinks they are. Beware of creel buoys being dragged just below the surface by the tide - there are lots sometimes.
Had the forecast been better I would have stayed the night aboard. There seemed to be plenty of good places to pitch tents ashore.
An extract from my log says, 'Found a good anchorage, sheltered and quiet. Blue sky, gentle breeze, magnificent isolation, a tonic.'

The scenery is stunning.
If the winds are northerly, there's good shelter in Camus a Mhor-Fhir on Lunga, as well as lots of other places round and about.
I would have been back and stayed this year, but the season's been the worst I can remember since 1985.