Originally Posted by roycruse
Stephen - Did you fit wear patches to fix this problem in the end...
Post some pics of your handywork - I assume youve got the boat back in the water now...
Haven't got them yet, I did a temporary repair with small patches just to cover the holes (I already had a small roll of hypalon that came with the boat).
Humber are sending me some repair materials FOC but I don't have them yet, and even when I do it'll be a couple of months before any glue arrives (that is of course if Polymarine answer the email I sent...).
Not really a problem as it is heading into winter here so I won't be using it much, as for the repair I don't have anywhere big enough to fit the boat inside and so I will probably leave the big job until the weather warms up again, I don't think trying to do it outside in 4/5 deg C would be a good idea, better to wait until ambient temps reach double figures again I think.
I have had the boat back in the water a couple of times and no problems with the temporary repair, only problem I had was that a several-year-old patch applied by a previous owner started to peel off when I was out last weekend (appeared to not have sanded the patch, only the tube!) but I fixed that on Monday and hope to be afloat again for a while on the weekend if the weather is reasonable

wait and see what goes wrong next