17 September 2021, 11:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
THE ULTIMATE BOAT for all seasons and many reasons – whether for offshore operations or private explorer Carson-Ctruk RIBs is the professional choice with models up to 15 metres and now also NEW leisure models. All boats are built to the very highest industry standards that few can offer and comply to ISO 9001: 2015 Certification, IACS (Lloyds/BVA, etc.), MOD, CE Certification or MCA Coding using the latest green infusion laminates or aluminium backed with a highly professional team with a proven history supplying numerous commercial and military boats worldwide to the most discerning clients. From design through to build and hand-over, training and customer support we make your new boat experience the ultimate package. Recently expanded facilities including 5 axial robots and world leading infusion moulding procedures mean we now have additional build slots for delivery in early 2022. We also offer attractive finance packages to help get you afloat.
All CARSON RIBs come as standard with features tested and proven over four decades:
· - Proven innovative and unique design features tested in numerous professional operations
· - Proven safety, seaworthiness and superior all round handling
· - Proven stable and level planing attitude for improved control and forward vision
· - Proven excellent directional stability and superior grip in turns
· -Proven exceptionally dry riding hull designs keep the crew dry and comfortable
· -Proven build quality for maximum strength, reliability and longevity (many over 30yrs old)
· - Proven in the world’s most demanding environments from the Poles to the Tropics
· -Proven in numerous commercial and military operations worldwide
· -Proven high load carriers with larger deck areas make operations easier and safer
· -Proven outstanding performance: higher speeds with less horsepower (some over 70kts)
· -Proven good fuel economy for longer range, lower costs and care of our environment
· -Proven foam or inflatable tubes technology using RF welded heavy-duty PU fabrics
· -Proven mechanical coller attachment for max. strength, longevity and easy maintenance
· -Proven professional background in dealing at the highest levels
Phone: +44 (0) 1206 302 088

23 June 2022, 15:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
Despite Carson’s outright win in the High Court (Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court) against Probond Marine regarding Carson RIB designs, Probond’s associated company, ULTIMATE BOATS, unfortunately continue to post fake news and fraudulently claim and or imply the design known as the Carson Interceptor was a design project lead by Colin MacAndrew (previously Probond’s MD). It is absolutely not. The somewhat bizarre caption on Ultimate Boats’ YouTube (linked to their website) falsely claims: “training on "Divine Wind" its "Tom Crean Ultra-Endurance Class" advanced prototype and design project lead by Colin MacAndrew. This short video was filmed in the Irish Sea off the coast of the Isle of Man as "Divine Wind" and her Racing team were finalising preparations to begin their attempt on seven Union Internationale Motornautique (UIM) endurance and ultra-endurance world records”. See the screenshots attached.
FACT 1: Colin MacAndrew has absolutely no boat design expertise whatsoever and did not play any part in creating these innovative RHIB designs. Even his basic boatbuilding skills are badly lacking, often at the material time (after Carson left the collaboration), failing to meet minimum standards and made incompetent unqualified modifications that sometimes resulted in dangerous defects requiring remedy by third parties (documented).
FACT 2: There is no such thing as the "Tom Crean Ultra-Endurance Class" advanced prototype and design”. This is one of many figments from Shane Mugan’s imagination. The boat referred to on this YouTube post is actually a Carson Interceptor 1050 design (that was proven in court).
FACT 3: The so called “Divine Wind” was actually built to the Carson Interceptor 1050 design for Shane Mugan’s own use (and delivered to the Isle of Man where he lives). The boat was quoted to him personally and described as a Carson Interceptor 1050M Heavy-duty RIB with specific mention that it would be built with “additional 1 metre hull length as per Barry Carson specification”. Further, it was built from the standard Carson Interceptor production moulds, thus in itself confirming the design’s originality.
FACT 4: The design, layout and specifications required were provided by Carson and trusted to MacAndrew for the purpose of preparing the quotation for Mugan. However, as they never paid Carson for this service or any royalties required by contract the design was effectively stolen by them (thus not supplied in the proper commercial sense). Attempting to avoid due payments they then fraudulently claimed it to be their own creation. Inter alia, the High Court considered this when it struck out their case entirely and awarded Carson substantial damages with costs (for breach of contract including non-payment of royalties and commissions and other matters regarding numerous other boats built to Carson’s designs).
FACT 5: Ultimate Boats’ so called “racing team” have never taken part in any racing against other powerboats - another figment of Mugan’s imagination. Like MacAndrew, Mugan has very limited to no experience and or professional expertise in these matters.
FACT 6: Mugan failed to achieve the “seven Union Internationale Motornautique (UIM) endurance and ultra-endurance world records”.
FACT 7: Mugan and MacAndrew were so pleased with the Carson Interceptor 1050 Divine Wind’s performance (70kts and 0-60 in 5.5secs) they attempted to steal the design (and other designs and also the Carson brand name) in order to greedily line their own pockets. Mugan posted online “it’s like a hot knife through butter when it comes to waves”. See the attached for MacAndrew’s glowing praises inter alia “she behaves beyond our expectations” and “all the professionals we’ve had on board say it’s the most amazing boat and comment not only on how smooth and dry riding she is but also how well behaved and precise she handles”.
FACT 8: Since losing the court case, in a vain attempt to distance their newly formed company ULTIMATE BOATS from the litigation and facts proving their shocking conduct, inter alia they now claim that Ultimate Boats never built or sold any Carson designs. The attached adverts and other material prove this claim to be another blatant lie. The royalties due to Carson were never paid and formed part of the very substantial damages (for breach of contract) awarded to Carson. Said damages are still unpaid after they destroyed several new boats worth hundreds of thousands of Pounds, and sent them and the production moulds to landfill and or otherwise inappropriately disposed of other valuable company assets. This was done to avoid paying their very substantial debts. Further, instead of doing the decent thing and paying their debts they embarked on an ignorant campaign of defamatory attacks against Carson’s personal good name and denigrate Carson RIBs’ well proven professional designs and products of over 40 years. The police are informed and the matter is ongoing with further updates soon.
For the avoidance of doubt it was concluded in the High Court that said Interceptor designs (as well as others in dispute) are in fact original Carson designs, not created by Colin MacAndrew and or Ultimate Boats, Probond Marine Ltd. (their previous company before Ultimate Boats that was hastily wound up leaving Carson’s damages and costs unpaid and numerous other creditors out of pocket by hundreds of thousands of Pounds). When presented in Court with clear indisputable evidence Colin MacAndrew was finally forced to concede that Mugan’s and his own claims were completely fabricated and false and that all the boats built at the material time were designed by Carson alone and built using the production moulds referred to as the Carson Interceptors and certain others. All Intellectual Property for all these designs is Carson’s.
Previous to MacAndrew’s final admissions in court Mugan stated that Carson “had no hand in this design”. Strangely, even since the judgment Mugan has again repeated this knowingly false claim writing to Carson “you had no involvement in this design project and the Carson Interceptor 1050 design does not exist”. The attached exhibits confirm a persistent pattern of their lying, cheating and thieving.
Further information regarding this and related matters including defamation by Mugan and MacAndrew against Carson’s good name (inc. recent new evidence found) will be published periodically through various media and other channels over the coming weeks and months confirming the facts and to set the record straight. Unlike Mugan’s and MacAndrew’s claims all Carson’s reporting on these matters is factual and fully supported with documented evidence. Our website and Facebook (Carson Marine) have more details.
     #ultimateboats #exotechnologies #policescotland #recyclable #seaworks #speedatseawork #legal #southamptonboatshow #suzuki #ribboat #seaworks22 #police #military #marine #lawenforcement #clydebankbuilt #boatsafety #madeinscotland #isleofman #suzukimarine #innovation #manufacturing #laminating #sustainability #circular #powerboats #policeboats #patrol #carsonribs #hulldesign #militaryribboats #glasgow #scotland #seatrials #raymarine
08 July 2022, 07:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
As mentioned in our previous post, following Carson’s outright win in the High Court (Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court) against Probond Marine regarding Carson RIB designs, ULTIMATE BOATS’ Shane Mugan and Colin MacAndrew (both new comers to this industry), embarked on an ongoing reprehensible and offensive campaign of defamatory attacks against Carson’s personal good name and to denigrate Carson RIBs’ well proven professional boat designs and products of over 40 years.
Before litigation commenced fully they both highly praised the Carson Interceptor RIB designs they were building (bizarrely they now claim Ultimate Boats never built any Carson designs!! They posted online “For the avoidance of any possible doubt, the Ultimate Boat Company never built or sold any Carson RIBs or any RIBs designed by Barry Carson”). But they did. And there is lots of documented evidence to show they did. They described them as “amazing”, “innovative”, “exceptional”, “advanced” and “beyond expectations” to mention just a few descriptions used in Ultimate Boats’ advertising and online posts (and or by Probond, their previous company before winding that up leaving huge debts).
Referring to the Carson Interceptor design Mugan posted “it’s like a hot knife through butter when it comes to waves” and on his Ultimate Boats’ website “. . . from the development of the most technologically advanced rigid inflatable boat in the world, the Interceptor. . . ”.
MacAndrew also posted numerous glowing praises inter alia, “she behaves beyond our expectations” and “all the professionals we’ve had on board say it’s the most amazing boat and comment not only on how smooth and dry riding she is but also how well behaved and precise she handles”. In another post he wrote “Great couple of days meeting with some clients and undertaking sea trials in various conditions. The Interceptor never ceases to impress in both seakeeping & performance”. He also wrote “The hull is quite unique and in sea trials in varied conditions have proven not only its great handling and speed abilities but also the inbuilt shock mitigation advantages of this hull concept”.
Mugan and MacAndrew acknowledged the positive comments for the Carson designs from many professionals including well known highly respected boat operators. Ruari McLachlan of McLachlan Marine Aberdeen (also an experienced lifeboat cox) posted “so impressed with its rough weather capability we ordered a custom version” and “I can honestly say it handles corners fantastically at 50 kts” and “We are based in Aberdeen and the sea keeping abilities and weather this new hull can handle allows safe operations in our challenging environment”. He placed an early order for his company’s North Sea operations. McLachlan Marine’s website stated: “This hard sided safety boat can handle difficult weather and large waves with the innovative wave piercing hull for fast response and load capacity operating up to 20NM offshore. Due to the hard side design the cabin and deck space is wider and more spacious than a conventional cabin RIB boat. Rapid response speed of 40kts powered by 2 x 200hp Outboards”.
Unfortunately however, Ultimate Boats later made unqualified and unbelievably incompetent modifications and or additions (without Carson’s knowledge or consultation) to McLachlan’s boat resulting in serious problems.
Another expert professional (also an experienced lifeboat cox) wrote “Today’s test drive 900hp on a 10m Carson Interceptor. Fantastic boat”. So, it is fair to say that all the professionals who experienced the innovative Interceptor RIBs as designed by Carson were suitably impressed.
After Carson won the High Court case and was awarded damages/costs, instead of paying Carson’s damages/costs MacAndrew, in collaboration with Mugan, embarked on a vindictive and knowingly fabricated attack on Carson’s designs and the designer personally. Referring to the Carson Interceptor Mugan posted “. . . it was determined that the concept simply didn’t work . . . . . In other words it was rubbish!”
MacAndrew copied this and also posted it online adding a tirade of knowingly fabricated claims and false allegations against Carson. Their actions are subject to police investigation and legal proceedings are being considered. In the meanwhile Carson will be posting more updates over the coming months.
The evidence clearly shows Mugan and MacAndrew to be in denial, seriously lacking in expertise, untrustworthy, incompetent, ignorant and complete liars in these matters.
#ultimateboats #exotechnologies #policescotland #recyclable #seaworks #speedatseawork #legal #southamptonboatshow #suzuki #ribboat #commercialrib #seaworks22 #police #military #marine #designedinSouthampton #lawenforcement #clydebankbuilt #boatsafety #madeinscotland #isleofman #suzukimarine #innovation #manufacturing #laminating #sustainability #circular #powerboats #policeboats #patrol #carsonribs #hulldesign #militaryribboats #glasgow #scotland #seatrials #raymarine #cornerslikeonrails
09 July 2022, 10:37
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
Is anyone else bored with this now?
I think everyone has got the point.
Yes it's bad what's happened, everyone on here will agree, but I'm sure this isn't the place to continue with your public slagging off of each other.
By continuing with your posts I'm now of the opinion that you are all as bad as one another, and would have expected more intelligence and decency from designers of such good craft.
09 July 2022, 11:06
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,205
Originally Posted by Nasher
Is anyone else bored with this now?
I think everyone has got the point.
Yes it's bad what's happened, everyone on here will agree, but I'm sure this isn't the place to continue with your public slagging off of each other.
By continuing with your posts I'm now of the opinion that you are all as bad as one another, and would have expected more intelligence and decency from designers of such good craft.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
09 July 2022, 13:03
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by Nasher
Is anyone else bored with this now?
I think everyone has got the point.
Yeah, someone needs to let their Bee go Free...
09 July 2022, 15:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Boat name: ORCA III
Make: XS500
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 60hp
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 156
Agree ,enough said
09 July 2022, 20:25
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Kingussie
Boat name: Puffin
Make: NorthCraft / XS
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mariner 60
MMSI: 232019541
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by mickter
Agree ,enough said
Agree +1
09 July 2022, 21:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Nasher
Is anyone else bored with this now?
I think everyone has got the point.
Yes it's bad what's happened, everyone on here will agree, but I'm sure this isn't the place to continue with your public slagging off of each other.
By continuing with your posts I'm now of the opinion that you are all as bad as one another, and would have expected more intelligence and decency from designers of such good craft.
Despite you being apparently bored with this matter you’ve none-the-less obviously continued to read my posts. Generally when I’m bored with a subject I don’t bother to continue reading about it. Your comment “I'm now of the opinion that you are all as bad as one another” is thankfully in stark contrast to the Court’s judgment when it struck out the other side’s case in its entirety and made an order for damages and costs against them. No wrongdoing whatsoever was found against me/Carson Ribs. Inter alia, the other side was held in breach of contract. They are also in contempt of court on several counts in addition to their continuing defamation and numerous knowingly false claims.
While I appreciate you’re quite entitled to your opinion it is in conflict with the many marine professionals and trade businesses I work with and numerous others from whom emails and messages of support have been received. Unfortunately too many others have cited their own bad and costly experiences with Ultimate Boats/Probond Marine and or the individuals named.
Many have asked for more information and as the title to my last post states, I’m simply responding to those issues. Considering Mugan’s and MacAndrew’s unjustified attacks and false claims continue I believe it is quite appropriate for me to respond. All I report on and post are real facts fully supported by documented evidence. Given the circumstances I believe most people would probably do the same.
Further, if my posts assist even just one person or company to avoid similar shocking experiences and ending up out of pocket then I believe it is appropriate and worthwhile. Hopefully Mugan and MacAndrew will soon bring their inappropriate conduct to an end. Not to mention paying their debts to those like me left substantially out of pocket. Had they done the professional and appropriate thing day one we wouldn’t be having this debate today!
As I said, the support I have received has been fantastic. Thankfully this business still has far more good eggs than bad, which is partly why for the most part I’ve enjoyed working in it for almost half a century and I continue in it. I consider it not just a job or career but also a great lifestyle.
Hopefully any future posts will be on lighter topics. In the meanwhile those still interested can find more information and future updates on various other sites including our Facebook page Carson Marine, LinkedIn and www.carson-marine.co.uk.
09 July 2022, 21:28
Country: Other
Town: Principalite d'Chaos
Boat name: The Nashers Revenge!
Make: Windsor Brothers
Length: 6m +
Engine: Optimax 225
MMSI: "Mmmmm SI" she said!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 4,944
09 July 2022, 21:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Nasher
And you're still reading this?
I almost nodded off myself long ago . . . . . .
09 July 2022, 23:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
Originally Posted by Barry Carson
And you're still reading this?
I almost nodded off myself long ago . . . . . .
I know I read it because I am hoping for a post that says you have moved on and can focus on designing and building ribs.
They look amazing and by the sounds of it perform to match, however I do now read the first few words and decide if more is worth reading.
It sounds like they shafted you, and I hope justice isn’t done appropriately. If I’m blunt I am no longer interested in you dispute with them, but I would bet you have some really interesting stuff to share and I look forward to reading positive pieces about what your new plans bring to the market.
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
10 July 2022, 08:27
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
Ok, some good news . . . .
You’re right Takson and unfortunately many others were also as you put it, shafted, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of Pounds. Their business practices have proven to be shockingly underhand and deceitful. While I was in the High Court dealing with my own case several others also started their own legal proceedings against them. Joke is they could have honestly bought the disputed designs from me for less than it cost them for their legal fees and at the same time saved getting exposed and so humiliated!
And again you’re absolutely right, since the dispute with Ultimate Boats/Probond Marine I’ve hardly ever been busier producing some really interesting stuff that was started immediately when that partnership was clearly at an end.
Among other projects a completely new range of boats was designed for internationally renowned boat builders CTruk Marine Services and Alnmaritec. Their primary business was in the offshore sector, MOD and other military boats. My designs for them included a 10m with various layouts and for a specific police project 11.5m & 14.5m patrol and command launches. Others were quickly added to that model range with a 12.5m and 14.5m. Construction can be either infusion moulded or aluminium. See the attached images and our website.
At the moment we’re working on new versions of our smaller models (4.5m, 5.5m & 6.5m initially for aluminium construction) and a range of fast landing craft for HDPE construction. There’s also an updated version of the Interceptors (that were the primary disputed designs in the High Court) that now extend from 6.5m to 20m to be built initially in aluminium for professional operations. These are all multi-stepped hulls, some capable of over 70kts. And finally some other interesting projects that we can’t reveal yet.
So there's never a dull moment here!
10 July 2022, 09:19
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,205
That’s more like it Barry. Put your energy into moving forward. I’ve been screwed over in the past & it’s hard to let go, especially for a grudge bearing Yorkshireman. But once you move on, it’s liberating & better for your state of mind.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
10 July 2022, 09:57
Country: UK - England
Town: Malmesbury
Boat name: Wheres Dorris
Length: 6m +
Engine: EVINRUDE ETEC 150 G1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 128
I do want to correct one mistake in my post. My late night typing and fat finger put, ‘I hope justice isn’t done.’
I meant to type I hope justice is done and ultimately the correct outcome happens for you.
Those pictures look incredible!
One day it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine
10 July 2022, 11:24
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: Carson
Length: 10m +
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 69
No problem Takson. And glad you like the new designs. I also made a small error when I said "Others were quickly added to that model range with a 12.5m and 14.5m." It should read 12.5m and 13.5m. But hey ho what's a metre between friend?
And I agree with Pikey Dave's comments above. While it was unfortunate to have to deal with Ultimate Boats' Mugan and MacAndrew in court it didn't stop the wheels turning and time was found to keep on dancing, or rather keep on drawing new designs, etc. for other partners.
Sadly they've been unable to move on themselves (or learn). After receiving reports and seen documented evidence of them continuing with the same arguments and false claims they lost in court and adding even more since - hence my updates. Talk about digging their hole deeper!
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