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Old 26 June 2005, 10:09   #1
Country: UK - England
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CG66 Safety Scheme - Problems?

After registering my rib last November, I logged into the system to make some changes today, to my suprise the only information there was the name of my rib! Despite recieving an email last nov saying all details had been logged!

The system also said that my photo was still under review! (couldn't have been that bad!)

I had a copy of the on-line form I submitted and the CG asked me to fax it through so they could check into this and update the system. - I'll check in a few days.

Anyone else had this problem? Hopefully just a one off - maybe worth checking your CG66 entries!


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Old 27 June 2005, 19:35   #2
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Had problems with my electronic CG66. Ended up sending it in the post. Hope they have it - suppose I'd better chase it up.

Saw in the paper today that theres a programme on TV tonight about failings in the CG electronic systems!

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Old 28 June 2005, 07:25   #3
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CG66 Problems

What problems did you have? Did you think that it had accepted your application, but found out later it hadn't?

If you had problems completing it then at least you would have known it wasn't on the system. I had a confirmation email and assumed it was fine, good job I didn't need the CG to use the information!

I would recomend checking on-line (I think you can still do this even if you registered by post)

I wonder how many people on rib.net have completed the CG66?

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Old 28 June 2005, 18:10   #4
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I did mine last August - and I've recently changed it and it seems to have all gone in OK on both occasions.

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Old 01 July 2005, 14:07   #5
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I joined on line 2 days ago (thanks for the link Stuart) . Got written confermation this morning saying your datails have been included on our database.
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Old 01 July 2005, 20:01   #6
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So did I, but when I checked months later there was nothing there. It is worth logging on and checking your details are correct (and also which Coastguard area you are registered in)

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Old 04 July 2005, 08:20   #7
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CG66 online updates?

Some questions Re CG66 online.

I have registered online with current details. seems a good scheme, thank you Stuart for pointing out the need to check registration.

Some details will change from trip to trip ie no. of crew/passangers.
Are they expecting and prepared to 'refresh' the details if we make changes online on a monthly or even weekly basis?

THanks Paul
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Old 04 July 2005, 08:52   #8
Country: UK - England
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I think the number of crew is the usual number. I guess it just lets them know if they need to be looking for 2 or 20 people if the need arises. I guess you can update it each week if you wish, but I think its just a guide.
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Old 11 July 2005, 09:57   #9
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update on crew/pax on CG66 form


I emailed a question to the coastgaurd and the following information/s came back. I have had it confirmed that they are pleased for the reply/s to be posted - thus helping keeping everyone informed.

"Mr Beaurain,

With regard to your recent correspondance with Audrey Pederson concerning the
'number of passengers' field on the CG66 form.
The purpose of this field is for you to input the 'maximum' number of persons
'normally' carried on your vessel.

As one of the officers directly involved with the format of the database, It was
considered important to have this information for Search & Rescue purposes.

The reason for this is that if you were involved in an incident and unable to
communicate such information to us, we would use the CG66 specifically for the
basis of our search. We therefore ask for the maximum number of crew normally
carried to ensure that we search for the correct number of persons until
otherwise informed, rather than making assumtions and searching for two, and
then finding out that the vessel can carry six and thus missing the other four.

However, should the number of persons on board constantly change, you would
probably be better off leaving it blank, whilst ensuring that a complete passage
plan is logged before your departure with the nearest Coastguard Station, and
your shore contact.


Matthew West.
CG66 Co-Ordinating Officer

and again
"I would be gratefull if you could emphasise
the importance of the passage plan details being logged as this is the first
port of call for us when we are considering a search, likewise with the details
being left with a shore contact who can alert HM Coastguard should you not
report to them by a certain time.

The CG66 will then be used purely for search & rescue purposes to assist
Coastguards & on scene units with the search as it gives specific details of the
vessel concerned. It is therefore important that the details on your CG66 are
kept up to date and are as accurate as is possible.

I would also be extremely gratefull if you could spread the word that we are
very keen to get all those who have or wish to register a CG66 to do so online.
This enables the vessel owner to update details as and when they see fit and
details are then viewable by all Coastguard stations immediately.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Matthew West
Watch Officer
RCC Solent."

I hope that is now clearer for us all.
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