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Old 10 September 2004, 22:08   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth, Devon
Boat name: What?!
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30hp
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 16
champin at the...

Hi all,

having recently:
- bought a new Zodiac futura 4.1 m ( a SIB i believe!)
- Tohatsu 25hp, 2-stroke,
- discovered this forum,
- got fed up packing-inflating-deflating-repacking boat and necessary kit in2 mpv
- bought tow hitch and trailer
- given up on the weather.....

i have decided to take the boat out on trailer for my very first trailer trip! This weekend! Sod the weather.

Enjoying the forum, dont understand half the tech-talk and associated vocab!
Nevertheless i shall persevere and may get the boat off the trailer for the first time tomorrow!

Will be looking for advice soon on attaching D rings to transom to start towing toys etc - for the first time. Are you picking up a theme here?

I would like to know if there is an optimum position for the D rings on the transom and whether the bridle will rub the cone ends when the toy or skier is out to the sides of the boat. My cones are very short on this 2004 boat.

wish me luck

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Old 10 September 2004, 22:11   #2
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Im sure you won't have a problem with the rope/bridle touching the tubes if it's all tied properly.

Great idea getting a trailer (I did with my first SIB) although some on here will not approve
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Old 10 September 2004, 22:15   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth, Devon
Boat name: What?!
Make: Zodiac
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Engine: Tohatsu 30hp
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 16
i think i get your drift Tim!
I could not organise myself with all the kit needed to pump the thing up by the slip - always left something behind.
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Old 11 September 2004, 02:56   #4
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I don't know about the 'd' rings but...

One of the main reasons I went for a trailer (deGraaf SIB trailer) was so that I could launch the SIB myself. It also meant that I could get out on the water much quicker.

Here it is in my front garden drying out after being washed down.

Keith Hart
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Old 11 September 2004, 07:31   #5
Country: UK - England
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Make: bombard sib
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Slightly off topic

Sorry if it is but has anyone come across some reasonably priced detachable wheels that clamp onto the back of a SIB,the Bombard ones seem awkward to use and are expensive IMHO,lugging the SIB,a 15hp outboard,fuel etc to the waters edge doesnt do much for my back!!
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Old 11 September 2004, 11:52   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth, Devon
Boat name: What?!
Make: Zodiac
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30hp
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 16
Cheers Keith for photo. Interesting set up of little garages and sheds!
I havent yet got out today cos attending my own School of Boat Skills its a slow learning process!
So today I'm learning about what length of winch strap to use for my 4m trailer. I guess 4m then when the traioler is in the water and the boat just nudging the end ready to be winched on. Oh bugger! My winch strap is 6m and the excess wont wind all the way on.

Does anyone know of a simple device rather than U bolts/ D rings that will attach to the transom and go around the back of the outboard in order to attach a towing bridle?

Timboli - the Zodiac wheels i tried for my boat fitted with a bit of fuss especially when removing them to the transom when the boat was still in the water ready to be pulled out. Expensive too - £150.
There is another way using a simple but strong kayak/canoe trolley which simply straps under the end of a kayak/canoe. This could easily and very simple be adapted with a strap to fit on the underside of your inflatable.

About £60 at a kayak dealer. The manufacturer's name is something like Eckard or similar. I will have a look and post back.

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Old 11 September 2004, 12:20   #7
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth, Devon
Boat name: What?!
Make: Zodiac
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Engine: Tohatsu 30hp
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 16
Timbola, try looking for Eckla canoe trolley here is a web page:


Not sure how to post a hyperlink

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Old 11 September 2004, 18:57   #8
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 402
Thanks for the link,looks interesting.
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Old 12 September 2004, 09:18   #9
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Not sure if that would work too well with a SIB......

With an engine on the back theres going to be a fair bit of weight, and I have a feeling the boat may well not stay on that device very long if your dragging it up a sandy beech.

I saw some cheap SIB launching wheels for about £65 recently. Can't remember where it was atm, but when it comes to me I shall post details!
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Old 12 September 2004, 13:32   #10
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Ardnamurchan
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MMSI: What?
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Well, since my dad has a sailing boat, with a very very nice trailer to stick it on (which is hardly used since the boat is on a mooring) I have kindoff stolen the trailer for my little boat

It's a dutch design i believe, and its called "Freewheel" (the trailer is from The Netherlands)

My dad is probably going to kill me for saying this, as he is scared of everything getting stolen once it is on internet "advertised" that we have it..

The trailer has a pin which holds the drawbar to the whole frame, once the pin is pulled the whole frame swings up, rotates at the axle and makes a ramp (IDEAL for launching over the edge of piers) also, the tyres NEVER have to get wet due to the design. and there is no need to haul the boat up the Bl**** trailer, as it has a winch which will pull the bow up onto the first two rollers, and the whole frame will balance the boat and slowly come back level onto the back of the drawbar, where the pin will click back in, and you are done.. At the moment the trailer is set up for our sailing boat, but it can be fully adjusted...

As for the outboard, if the distance is less than 5 miles i just leave the outboard up and on the back of the transom, but as soon as i go any further, i remove the outboard (due to the weight on the transom of the outboard bouncing up and down on these roads..)

as for the buggy idea... this boat should have a buggy with it, but my brother forgot to bring it along.... REALLY usefull.
However, the boat floats in about 10 inches of water, so it is not hard getting out and pulling it the last hundred metres up to the shore, and then pull it ashore..
Some Pics:
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