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Old 03 January 2011, 14:02   #1
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Channel Island rescue services renamed coastguard


Sounds like a case of keeping up with the Jones' to me

"After the change Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey, which is also rebranding, will together be known as the Channel Islands Coastguard"

I don't know anything about Jersey rebranding again and what's "Channel Islands Coastguard"?? What frequency will that be on?! None of the islands CG stations are going to relinquish their sea area to one central station like in the UK, I wonder if it's just the journo's getting carried away again

I guess we'll find out soon on our upcoming visit to Jersey CG
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Old 03 January 2011, 14:13   #2
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The article contradicts itself a bit. At the start it correctly refers to Alderney and Guernsey renaming themselves as Alderney Coastguard, Guernsey CG etc, but then at the end it refers to them all being known as the Channel Island CG. I suspect the article has been poorly written on that bit. However, it will put most people's almanacs and cruising guides out of date instantly, and I'm sure all the new signs, letterheads and logo'd notepaper won't come cheap either for each island. I've never really understood why government bodies feel the need for rebranding. They're not there to be emulating commercial companies and making themselves look wonderful. They're there to do a job as economically viable as possible, surely.

And if they're going to answer to calls regardless of what you call them on the VHF, does it really matter at all. I can't imagine in the peak of summer they've been ignoring all the calls for Alderney Coastguard that visitng boats must have been putting out (to justify this need for change).

There is no way a united CG would work logistically, although I realise Jersey have a tendancy to want to know everything that's going on and where everyone is, so I suppose it's another step in the 'big brother is watching you' scenario.

Hmmm, that's better, ranting over. Don't normally get this carried away :-)
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Old 03 January 2011, 14:59   #3
martini's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Erin View Post
I've never really understood why government bodies feel the need for rebranding. They're not there to be emulating commercial companies and making themselves look wonderful. They're there to do a job as economically viable as possible, surely.
I think it's all about self importance. UK stations all changed from Lands End Radio, Niton Radio etc. to "Coastguard" so Jersey had to follow suit and bringing up the rear as usual is the Guerns

Alderney Coastguard certainly sounds pointless to me, if not dangerous by making them sound like they're capable of something they're not. Geographically it may seem important given the proximity to the TSS but that's controlled by Cross Jobourg. Alderney being part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey should have it's sea area covered by Guernsey CG, maybe with a relay antenna in Alderney. Alderney can carry on doing what they do best ie sunbathing and directing the odd boat to a mooring
Originally Posted by Erin View Post
And if they're going to answer to calls regardless of what you call them on the VHF, does it really matter at all. I can't imagine in the peak of summer they've been ignoring all the calls for Alderney Coastguard that visitng boats must have been putting out (to justify this need for change).
Been listening to "Guernsey CG" on the scanner today, they're certainly struggling with their new name, so they're not picking on anyone else for it! There must be a time limit on the amnesty though, I've had the odd memory lapse and called "Jersey Radio", met with the slightly curt reply "Martini II, this is Jersey C-O-A-S-T-G-U-A-R-D"
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Old 11 January 2011, 10:07   #4
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Taken from mintutes of Alderney States Meeting end of last year. Clarifies the situation a little bit. Certainly seems to imply that there will be a Jersey overall control in the future.

The Harbourmaster advised that he received a series of correspondence from the Guernsey Harbourmaster
regarding the UK MCA pressing for Alderney and Guernsey to change their station call sign names from
Alderney Radio/St Peter Port Radio to Alderney Coastguard/Guernsey Coastguard to bring them in line
with worldwide standards. The concept is to put forward a Channel Island Coastguard which will link with
Jersey. A memorandum of understanding will have to be put in place between Alderney and Guernsey
agreeing that Alderney Coastguard will be a sub centre (MRSC) to Guernsey Coastguard (MRCC).
Guernsey will continue to watch keep out of hours and to notify the Alderney Duty Officer of incidents
within the Alderney SAR area. The Committee agreed in principle for the Harbourmaster to progress with
change of name and to provide a full report at the next meeting of the Committee.
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