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Old 08 October 2024, 12:50   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Nottinghamshire
Boat name: Wakey
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mariner 75 2 stroke
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 595
Cheap Chinese rib on Alibaba...4 years on!

I went down to that there London town last Saturday (Harry Dwyer's home coming) great day as a side note, and one of the many nice folk I met was the chap that posted a video on YouTube https://youtu.be/X8kyWExRKkU?si=rH0HSqEMrOxv0f09

Where he purchased a 5 meter Rib from alibaba...cheap...real cheap.
Now I know there have been several threads about these boat's , but having seen that YouTube video and now I have seen the boat in person....4 years later..I think it's worth a revisit.

First off I didn't recognise the chap who owned it ( sorry I have forgotten your name if you read this) and I said to his crew mate......" what make is that rib" as it was unfamiliar and he said " it's just a cheap rib from China...we did a video on it"

It was at this point the penny dropped, that this was the very same boat that turned up in a bloody great box that the fella then had to assemble.

I have to tell you I was pretty impressed on what a had seen....after all this was 4 year on and it was pretty much still brand new....and not because it wasn't used either as it's out pretty regularly. Obviously I don't know how good it handles the lumpy stuff, but I would say for what he paid, he has a really good boat and he said it handles pretty well too.

So if your looking for a way to get ribbing and are finding it hard to stomach the price of well known brands, than I would say at the very least, don't be so quick to rule them out.
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Old 08 October 2024, 14:01   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Colchester
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 3,124
The transportation costs are very high though. In effect the 3D Tender EXPRO 535 I bought from Ocean first marine is a Chinese Rib but all the importing stuff has been done for you.

I paid about £10,500 for the Rib, Trailer, Console, Seat and Rear Seat and delivery etc. I suspect this is not much more than if you go down the self import route
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