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Old 21 February 2014, 17:42   #21
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
Dave, that's a pretty feeble excuse. You speak to Cammy, you work with him. It's your responsibility to pay your Trade Membership, not anyone else's.

You renew your Trade Member in exactly the same was as you did originally. Just go to this page:

The information isn't hard to find. If you go to the About RIBnet | Site Help & Announcements section, you'll see a sticky thread at the top of the page called RIBnet supporters and Trade members

It's not difficult. Please do not post again until you have done it.

Dave, that's a pretty feeble excuse. You speak to Cammy, you work with him. It's your responsibility to pay your Trade Membership, not anyone else's.

You renew your Trade Member in exactly the same was as you did originally. Just go to this page:

The information isn't hard to find. If you go to the About RIBnet | Site Help & Announcements section, you'll see a sticky thread at the top of the page called RIBnet supporters and Trade members

It's not difficult. Please do not post again until you have done it.



You are wrong again as I never paid for the first one or any others and it is YOUR job to speak to the right person. This is a simple business thing that 99.999 % of people understand i.e. that only some people can pay invoices and other are not allowed. so why are you the only exception to this rule and feel it is ok to act in such an unprofessional manner. Please again speak to the organ grinder and not his monkey ( no other rib net people I dont need funny texts or emails please on this) and that way you will get paid.

Also if we are splitting hairs as I am not breaking your rules i.e. as per the sites description. I will take on board though that until you do speak to cameron that I will adhere to none trade member rules

lastly if there is confusion why do you not call Cameron. why be so unprofessional? Your posts have hardly been a great advert for joining up!

Dave ( the monkey not the organ grinder)
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Old 21 February 2014, 18:19   #22
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Originally Posted by clydeoutboards View Post
You are wrong again as I never paid for the first one or any others and it is YOUR job to speak to the right person. This is a simple business thing that 99.999 % of people understand i.e. that only some people can pay invoices and other are not allowed.
It's more like walking out of Sainsburys with a bag of shopping and saying "I'm not going to pay you, you'll have to speak to my Mum..."

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Old 21 February 2014, 18:23   #23
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am I the only one that doesn't really want to read about other peoples dirty washing, especially when it's these 2 people, time for you both to try pm'ing each other me thinks
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Old 21 February 2014, 18:34   #24
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I think it's worth doing in the open rather than behind the scenes. You won't be hearing anything more from Clyde Outboards for the foreseeable future though.

And to bring the thread back on track, there are no plans for any sort of dealer rating system on RIBnet, but whenever anyone needs something there's normally no problem getting a recommendation from another member.
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Old 21 February 2014, 18:50   #25
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Originally Posted by Chris Caton View Post
am I the only one that doesn't really want to read about other peoples dirty washing, especially when it's these 2 people, time for you both to try pm'ing each other me thinks
I agree with John. As people will find I've had an issue with Dave in the earlier days of joining and I tried to resolve this privately, by PM at first then calling him after it all got out of hand.

I had a suspicion it was going to get a bit heated (not on my part) so I recorded the call. What started as a genuine attempt to resolve things turned into 25 mins of horrible abuse, threats and all sorts of disgusting nonsense. It was quite frankly appalling. I ended the call and then spoke with the "organ grinder" suggesting he act upon it before it went legal. From then on I've not spoken a word to them, or towards them.

So keeping things open is best on all counts.

Before anybody asks, yes I do still have the recording, no I won't share it. I've kept it as security should anything come of the comments in the call. I'm not intending to bring it all back up, merely to support John's point it should be resolved in the open forum.
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Old 21 February 2014, 20:27   #26
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards View Post

So keeping things open is best on all counts.
That's good practice if traders could honestly say they have always announced their trade status from the outset.
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Old 21 February 2014, 20:58   #27
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I'm struggling to get my head round this.

As I understand it £100 buys a trader open access to a committed group of boat owners, many of whom are actively seeking to improve, upgrade and generally 'fettle' their Rib or purchase safety equipment, clothing, etc. Why quibble about this or try to be snide? It's a £100 - the price of a dozen packs of fags! Kin ell.

A few days ago, I bought a Gecko helmet for £100 and I understand that within 48 hours approximately 25 other people did too. Surely it's worth £100 of any traders' money to access such committed buyers, isn't it? Incidentally, I've no idea whether Gecko are Trade members or not?

Thousands of businesses would kill to have the opportunity to communicate with their customers and potential customers 24/7, 365 days per year for £100.

Get real FFS.
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Old 21 February 2014, 21:16   #28
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Originally Posted by Barrowboy View Post
Incidentally, I've no idea whether Gecko are Trade members or not?
Gecko have never (to my knowledge) traded on RIBnet, nor do they have a general membership. AFAIK, Mustrib simply drew our attention to an Ebay sale that was rapidly sold out. I'm all cool with Gecko. (Shona, white full face pls )

As regards trade types dodging membership - it is absolutely astonishing that some big names and many little ones expect to be able to use the forum to promote their wares for free. Stranger, when challenged, they often lie about their identity. Once we go to the bother of "detecting" their true ID, they often 'fess and then claim that a membership "wouldn't pay" them.

Go figure.
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Old 21 February 2014, 23:05   #29
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Seems a shame (from their POV). Only ever seen good reports of Clyde Outboards on here before, now all gone in a single thread. Illustrates the importance of managing your online profile.
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Old 22 February 2014, 03:40   #30
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I think it's worth doing in the open rather than behind the scenes. You won't be hearing anything more from Clyde Outboards for the foreseeable future though.
I should also point out that Clyde Outboards had been privately reminded twice about renewal and warned on several occasions as well and totally ignored all warnings.

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming everything is visible to any member. It isn't. If it gets as far as this has just done, all other possibilities have been exhausted and beaten to death with a long stick several times a long time before.

If normal members saw how much crap we take or excuses we hear they'd be quite taken aback at times.
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Old 22 February 2014, 05:40   #31
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I think it's worth doing in the open rather than behind the scenes. You won't be hearing anything more from Clyde Outboards for the foreseeable future though.
I get the message John, but for the ordinary members who don't see all the crap going on behind the scenes, how do we know which traders are playing by the rules and which ones are just playing you along, personally I've found Clyde Outboards to very helpful recently, certainly a lot better that CTC Marine who I bought my Honda 50 from!

Boats&Outboards gets from me, Peter has always given me good advice and been very helpful, one marine trader I will continue to support
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Old 22 February 2014, 08:51   #32
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In my search for a new engine the only dealers that showed genuine interest in the customers requirements were Boatsandoutboards4sale and Clyde Outboard Services. I would have been happy buying off either company. I picked one and the experience was good. All the other dealers I rang were either disinterested (maybe a brand new 50hp is not worth their bother selling) or used dubious sales tactics.
Chris Moody
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Old 22 February 2014, 10:44   #33
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I have to agree with Chris. In my dealings with Peter at Boats&Outboards & Clyde Outboards they've both proven to be excellent to deal with for me. So much so that I'd be happy to travel to either dealer although it's only 200 miles to Glasgow which is a bit closer....
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Old 22 February 2014, 11:05   #34
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Originally Posted by paddlers View Post
I have to agree with Chris. In my dealings with Peter at Boats&Outboards & Clyde Outboards they've both proven to be excellent to deal with for me. So much so that I'd be happy to travel to either dealer although it's only 200 miles to Glasgow which is a bit closer....
You like them both but they hate each other!

Can't all be right...
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Old 22 February 2014, 11:11   #35
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
You like them both but they hate each other!

Can't all be right...
I think you're always going to get a bit of that for whatever reason. It wouldn't stop me recommending both of them to others.
To be honest the boating community is similar to the shooting community in that there are some gems & some right terwats... bit like life!
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Old 22 February 2014, 12:24   #36
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Originally Posted by chris.moody View Post
In my search for a new engine the only dealers that showed genuine interest in the customers requirements were Boatsandoutboards4sale and Clyde Outboard Services. I would have been happy buying off either company. I picked one and the experience was good. All the other dealers I rang were either disinterested (maybe a brand new 50hp is not worth their bother selling) or used dubious sales tactics.
To be fair we were only acting as the agent on this one as we don't supply new directly yet, so were not adding anything on to the prices I quoted. I was working for free to get you the best deal. Coupled with the fact I was away at the time, so my usual promptness in responding to calls or following up wasn't what it could have been. That being said I'm glad you were able to get yourself sorted with a deal you were happy with.
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Old 22 February 2014, 12:25   #37
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
You like them both but they hate each other! Can't all be right...
Hate is a strong word, anyway its not about us. We separated long ago
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Old 22 February 2014, 17:25   #38
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Is it really helpful to know who the best engine dealer on the Clyde is if you are in the Solent.
I bought off a dealer on the Clyde and the engine was delivered to The Solent so yes it is really helpful. The shipping costs seem to be the same if it's going down the road or the length of the country.
Chris Moody
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Old 22 February 2014, 17:35   #39
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Originally Posted by Boats&Outboards View Post
To be fair we were only acting as the agent on this one as we don't supply new directly yet, so were not adding anything on to the prices I quoted. I was working for free to get you the best deal. Coupled with the fact I was away at the time, so my usual promptness in responding to calls or following up wasn't what it could have been. That being said I'm glad you were able to get yourself sorted with a deal you were happy with.

BoatsandOutboards4Sale | Hand-picked boats & motors, fully tested, delivered nationwide.
You told me you were away for a few days so I wasn't at all concerned about promptness of calls being returned. I was perfectly happy with the response I received from you Peter. It was really down to a flip of a coin as to which of the two dealers I used, both were streets ahead of everyone else on customer service.

I would recommend BOTH dealers concerned to anybody wanting a new or secondhand engine.
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
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Old 22 February 2014, 19:32   #40
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Originally Posted by chris.moody View Post

You told me you were away for a few days so I wasn't at all concerned about promptness of calls being returned. I was perfectly happy with the response I received from you Peter. It was really down to a flip of a coin as to which of the two dealers I used, both were streets ahead of everyone else on customer service.

I would recommend BOTH dealers concerned to anybody wanting a new or secondhand engine.
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