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Old 23 September 2002, 06:19   #1
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Chichester entrance Sunday

Anyone here out in the entrance area to Chichester on Sunday in either a in Hysucat or a yellow Pacific/Atlantic can you let me know .

JK what about a ' Was it you ?' forum?

ps How do you stop a 45' Sunseeker doing 45 knots right through the centre of 59 Laser 4000 dinghies racing in open water ? We were acting a safety cover in the bay when this guy just ploughed right through the racing area ! We were alongside him trying to talk on 16 no response just a wave from the bottle blonde on top !
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Old 23 September 2002, 08:26   #2
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Did you get his boats name?

If so then complaint to Chichester Harbourmaster or perhaps a posting on the motorboat forum at might be one course of action?
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Old 23 September 2002, 10:15   #3
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Greetings Lurcher,
Sorry can't help with the identification.

Having spend the bulk of my time in boats on rescue duty mainly coastal, we have adopted the method of splitting the fleet if a shipping movement happens (normally the Navy or big merchantman when operating in Plymouth) and enforcing it. Thus the skipper knows he isn't going to run anyone down and as long as its told to the competitors its for their safety, they have to lump it.
Though you need a few boats to do it and you always get complaints if you have to force people out of the way for their own safety. (Having been an arms length off a coaster dragging some stupid dinghy sailor out of the way because they claimed right of way (immaterial if not here any more!)) splitting the fleet sooner and sending them round the back is a lot better for the blood pressure!

A few ribs V 45' Sunseeker - I don't like the odds!
Have seen the Mod Plod do it in Plymouth with a 'T' Boning and push the Muppet out of way - only works I think if you are military, in a miltary port with local bylaws saying you can!
By the way the Navy get VVVVV Papa Oscared when some one sails a wind surfer between the body and tail of a submarine - not me! just heard the response!

Have Fun - seems to have been a busy weekend!
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Old 23 September 2002, 12:55   #4
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Power vs. small sail

Good luck with the search for the offending craft, but I suspect that your point of view may go over the head of someone who blasts through a sailing fleet at speed.

Like Jelly, I to have experiance in Plymouth parting the fleet around large military and civilian vessels during racing.

The first problem is that many dinghy sailers have no concept of self preservation and want to sail under the bow of a ferry, especially students and the 29er, 49er fleets. There are ways as Jelly hinted, usually involving a group of skilled RiB drivers forming a wall and blocking the way! This is where the experiance and skill comes in to driving a 1 ton rib alongside a racing dingy at 1 m

Back at the point, you vs Sunseeker is unfortunately simple. Let them go, try to get the name for the authorities, pick up the pieces of your fleet.

Oh and if you run an event in a port like Plymouth, get to know the local MOD Police, Customs, Fisheries and Coastguard as the Blue light will get their attention when you go after them. They are very friendly chaps and have local knowledge that is vital to visiting safety craft running an event!

I had a simular occasion this summer with the RYA SW Region Youth Regatta we were running. My 5m Tornado was too slow, the 6.1m Environment Agency Rib was smart enough not to play chicken and the MOD Police could only keep up. It took the Fisheries pursuit boat to get there attention and hove too for a short talk.

Keep looking at the horizon for the next vessel and if you have the resources, get yourself a skilled task group to deal with such problems and that don't take prisoners.

Yours etc
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Old 23 September 2002, 13:16   #5
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That may well have been me!

Not in the sunseeker you understand - at the student nationals.

During my student days (only a year or two ago) some kind of large boat with guns and people in uniform decided to plougn through the race course @ plymouth, i was in a laser II, with the kite up and in 1st or 2nd bl**dy place. Yes i do have an awarness of life preservation, but i was concentrating too hard on the race and dident even notice it!

The rescue guys shouted a bit, i shouted back, spotted the big boat - tipped the 'two in and caused a whole load of excitment.

Thanks if it was you that towed my inverted LII out of the way with kite acting as drogue whilst very close to a very big bow!

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Old 23 September 2002, 20:11   #6
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So can you get a rib between the fin and body of a T Boat ? sounds brilliant fun,

Almost as good as dropping a diver infront of one, green peace style.
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