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Old 18 August 2020, 16:20   #1
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Chinese company

Hi all new here not new to ribs been using them offshore
In diving/petrol chem for year
But I have just introduced my family to ribs on a fair weather basics

So am looking at Chinese ribs

Any one got any feed back from this

Qingdao Hangkai Yacht Co., Ltd
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Old 18 August 2020, 16:45   #2
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There are already a number of threads here about the merits or otherwise of importing a boat from china. As far as I recall we have yet to have an actual satisfied customer - but perhaps you will be the first?
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Old 18 August 2020, 16:49   #3
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If you read a thread I started a short while ago you will see several comments and indeed some comments from individuals who have bought a Chinese rib and been happy with their purchase

Thread here
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Old 18 August 2020, 20:20   #4
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Hi thanks for your reply
Yep I’ve done research on China
Manufacturing and that’s why I am asking
Specifically about this company it appears to be one of the better ones but wanted to know if anyone on here has actual
Used this company ?
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Old 18 August 2020, 20:26   #5
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What’s ironic is that I’ve been using ribs for 17 years
In all parts of the world
And I would say that in the last 10 years pretty much ever boat I have been on has had a Chinese input of some kind
Let’s not forget nearly all material mills are in China India and South America
So almost every rib you get in world wide has Chinese input
I know 3 hi level Uk manufactures that get key components from China for there craft
Not going to mention names as I am sure they will firing of letters
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Old 19 August 2020, 08:45   #6
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Originally Posted by saparkintent View Post
What’s ironic is that I’ve been using ribs for 17 years
In all parts of the world
And I would say that in the last 10 years pretty much ever boat I have been on has had a Chinese input of some kind
Let’s not forget nearly all material mills are in China India and South America
So almost every rib you get in world wide has Chinese input
I know 3 hi level Uk manufactures that get key components from China for there craft
Not going to mention names as I am sure they will firing of letters
That's like saying all cars made from the same steel must be the same. Materials only make up a fraction of the finished product, design, production techniques, craftsmanship, quantity of said materials all contribute to the final article. Out of those I would say design & craftsmanship are the most important factors, things that seem to be lacking in many of the Chinese imports I've looked at.
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Old 21 August 2020, 08:34   #7
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Perfect timing!

I took delivery of my Chinese Rib and it's at the marine joint having its engine fitted at the moment. I posted on it some months ago when I ordered it and I got the same responses as above about how unhappy many people are with them.

Stand by for photos and details!
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Old 21 August 2020, 10:01   #8
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I ordered my 5.1 metre RIB from the HaiHao boat factory in Qingdao China after viewing their website and making some inquiries via the Alibaba chat app with the company. Maggie my sales representative was extremely helpful and made a series of videos for me of the factory floor and the production process. She had clearly done this before as she was saying my name in clear English and explaining what she was filming. Of course there are stories of videos being made in factories supposedly making your product, however in this case I had no concerns. Maggie did tell me that they have shipped many boats to my country and looking at their facebook page, they are sending out at least a large boat or two per week.

The base cost of the 5.1 metre RIB was USD$3,020 for a 1.2mm PVC fabric. Hypalon was a significant amount more. I am fully aware of the Hypalon versus PVC arguments and for me, it was not worth the extra as based on my last PVC boat looking in immaculate condition after 6 years, I figure this one will last a lot longer and it's also 1.2mm versus .9mm of the old one.

I paid extra for packaging, around $220 for iron and wooden box (which I didn't need in the end). The boat comes standard with a pair of oars, foot pump, repair kit, anchor tray, centre console, bilge pump, mechanical steering, 60 litre built in fuel tank, fibreglass arch roll bar with 3 lights, pencil ends, front and back storage with cushions.

I purchased some extras including full boat cover, rear ladder, side tube ladder (very impressed with this), aluminium tubed folding sunshade, 4kg anchor, 4 life-jackets, extra wiring switches, 1 extra cushion for the front with steel supporting base and an extra set of mounting points for the tube ladder so I can use it on the other side.

All up around US$4,100.

I also purchased 2 x 2.3 metre inflatables to help subsidise the freight costs and sell privately. I paid US$280 for them including oars, pump, repair kit, seat bag, full cover, extra mounting points for davits, aluminium floor, round rear ends, and 1.2mm fabric which is not common for inflatables of this size. I sold these almost immediately on arrival for US$600 on Gumtree.

Sea Freight is where I got caught out a little, however I had factored in fat for this as it did seem to be a little too cheap based on the quote.

I was expecting to be up for US$2,600 including 10% GST (no import duties into Australia from China, due to free-trade agreement). Due to an issue with the container types coming out of Qingdao being mostly frozen (reefer) containers, the freight agent was not comfortable putting the box into a container safely without damaging the floor. I believe this motivation was actually because of the unusual shape of the box and the difficulty in loading additional freight (and making money from it) in with it as they are a freight consolidator.

New price for freight, GST and ALL import costs, including freight to the Port of Melbourne and delivery and pickup of the container with freight to my house 30kms from the port was US$3,800.

All up costs US$7,900 from start to finish. Build time was 20 days, shipping time was 18 days port to port from Qingdao China, to Melbourne Australia plus a few days due to Border Patrol having to scan the 20ft container.

The trailer I already had was US$1,200 with an all up weight of 1650 lb's with RIB on-board.

I had to wire up the boat and fit GPS with maps and a Standard Horizon VHF radio which cost me around US$400.

It is currently being fitted with a Mercury 80hp 4 stroke. This is 360 lb's, plus battery. This is the larger 2.1 litre 4 cylinder in-line engine which revs much less than the 60hp and is in theory much quieter and potentially more fuel efficient.

The cost here for this engine fitted is US$7,500.

Total cost without trailer US$15,400.

Why did I buy this size? It's the biggest boat that I could fit into my garage. The frustrating part is that for literally US$600-$800 more I could have bought a 5.5 metre or larger which would have been a much larger boat, however it wouldn't fit my garage, plus I would have had to purchase a new trailer with brakes and a larger motor with hydraulic steering and the costs start to stack up.

Apologies as the pics don't have the fabric seats clipped in, however you get the idea.

How is the quality? The fabric is really good and it's noticeably thicker than my old .9mm boat. There are a couple of areas where some fabric strips haven't been aligned perfectly straight (around the front below the anchor tree), but it's minor cosmetic and not structural. The fibreglass work is very good and there are only a few minor areas of gelcoat that aren't super-shiny, but that being said, a dealer would normally polish these up during the pre-delivery process. The moulded grip on the floor is very good and there are few if any imperfections in the mould. The seat is a good width with the cushion at 900mm, however the backrest mounts are wide so the grab handles are a lot wider than that. The seat on front of the console is a good size for my 6 and 7 year old to sit and hold the handles, or they can sit up front or on the extra cushion on the front (not shown in the pics).

I chose primary colour, decorations, grab-handle placement and colour, tube ladder positions, rear ladder and position of the console.

I think that's it. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line.

The 2.3 metre boats were surprisingly good quality and very durable. They sold like hotcakes which has got me wondering if I should be buying some more of them.

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Old 21 August 2020, 10:02   #9
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Old 21 August 2020, 12:26   #10
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Thanks for your reply
Looks very nice craft and positive experience 😁
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Old 21 August 2020, 21:01   #11
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That looks a lovely boat and thanks for taking the time on the write up it must have taken you quite a while. Your experience with this seems very positive
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Old 20 September 2020, 06:42   #12
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Of course only now after I can't edit, I realised I spelt the name of the company wrong. As you can see from the pics it should actually be HAOHAI Boats... I had it backwards sorry.
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Old 20 September 2020, 09:44   #13
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Strictly IMO, the biggest problems with these types of ribs is the layout - the seats are too far back which puts the balance out.
To helm, you’re either leaning forwards to reach the wheel and throttle or if you prefer to stand, the wheel is by your knees!
I expect the fuel tank and battery are at the back as well.
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Old 20 September 2020, 09:51   #14
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I see the plate States 8 people
...I know Chinese are generally smaller and there ARE a lot of (sadly) overloaded Ribs about at the moment!..
Believe me that rating is somewhat over optimistic! (especially in ANY type of Sea)...take things steady don't overload!.... and build you're practical experience slowly.
I hope you enjoy you're new aquisition
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Old 20 September 2020, 10:30   #15
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Regarding the console placement. I had things modified underneath during the build to allow me to move the console forward if required. The only downside being that the steering cable is slightly longer. I'll see how it goes comfort-wise and I may move it forward and mount an additional seat or a standing-sitting rail thing I've seen. We favoured the additional room up front for the kids, however I've kept my options open. The battery is down the back, however the fuel tank is roughly in the middle of the boat.

As for the 8 pax, it's always good to have the ability to take more if required in the right conditions. In Australia you can take children under 12 and double them up, so in theory how does 15 total sound??? !!!! 1 adult and 14 children! Not gonna happen, but yes, you would be boating to the conditions rather than the suggested load rating.

If you watch the videos of Sailing Zatara for example, they run a Highfield 4.8 with a 60 in perfect weather across the world to go diving and to shore over short distances and they regularly load up with at least 8 and it does it quite safely.

We are fair weather inland water boaters. We have no need to go off-shore island hopping between nations. Rough weather is not conducive to the kids enjoying themselves at the beach or being towed behind, so we would rather choose to stay at home.
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Old 01 February 2022, 10:56   #16
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Sooo... the cost of freight into Australia is about double now.

A 20ft container from China was $5.5k and it's now $10,300 AUD.

Puts a dampener on my importing additional products.
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Old 01 February 2022, 11:04   #17
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1.5 years of Chinese RIB ownership = happy customer.

So far, so good!

50 hours on the 80hp Mercury engine. I LOVE the Mercury 4-stroke engine, excellent power delivery, very economical and impressively quiet. For the trips that we do, it averages at only 8 litres per hour, which was about what my old 2-stroke 30hp would use, but with so much more power, speed and less noise.

As far as the boat has gone, my only issue has been that the back locker smells a bit. I thought it was a cheap fuel hose leaking, however I pulled out the tank and there was not a single sign of any fuel leaking. I suspect it's just a general odor coming from the fuel filter hardware and I'm probably being overly cautious... certainly not the fault of the boat.

Nothing has fallen off, prematurely worn or anything really.

I changed pitch early on from 19 to 17 to bring up the RPM from 4,500 to 5,000 however the max RPM should be closer to 5,800rpm. I won't bother changing it to a 15 pitch as I've got plenty of power, I'm not over-working the engine and the lower RPM is preferred for noise and fuel use. The boat hits hull speed at 5,000 at 32.5 knots (60kmh) anyway as it starts to get a bit wobbly.

All in all, a good experience. I'll try and post some more photos soon.
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